Tulpas > General Discussion

Absence of Disbelief or Schrödinger's Tulpa

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--- Quote from: Zero on October 05, 2013, 12:19:52 AM ---If you're gonna treat them as some scientific experiment, you might as well not make them. Tulpas are your friends, not lab rats.

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Wow thank can I hug you? I can't tell you how uncomfortable it was talking to other tulpamancers who didn't have a tulpa yet because they treated me like this.

While I'm commenting on this I may as well give a tulpa's view point on this. I like your standpoint Sands, and I think that it's a good one especially for new tulpamancers. We do need time to develop and if the host starts assuming everything is us, it does get very discouraging. However, at the same time, it's a lot MORE discouraging when a lot of the stuff we say is rejected. Thinking that something else you may hear is us that really isn't every once and a while doesn't hurt and doesn't hinder progress at all. Eventually the host will be able to figure out who is who, and it'll all be okay, and the host will be able to gayskip through the ghetto with their fully sentient sapient tulpa soon enough.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that keeping an open mind is the best option.


--- Quote from: ViolinAfficionado on October 05, 2013, 08:47:31 AM ---I guess what I'm trying to say is that keeping an open mind is the best option.

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That's my entire point, isn't it? Not blindly believing or doubting everything, but instead not worrying about it and accepting it as both a response and not a response, until the host is comfortable enough in believing - no, knowing - that it is a response?

I definitely agree. I witnissed someone who had been tulpaforcing for, geez, 8 months or maybe more, a huge regular on the general as well as the rest of the community--and one day they had a breakdown of doubt and completely wiped their tulpa from their mind and blocked them from speaking to them, because suddenly the host had nothing to stand on, no reason to believe anymore, it all crumbled.

It took, I think two days or so, before the host was willing to go back to the headspace/wonderland and see if they could contact their tulpa, where he got the talking to of a lifetime from her. It still took time after that for him to recover, but he learned he had to face his doubts and acknowledge them rather than hide from them so they would build. When he was able to acknowledge his concerns, he was able to talk about them, and find his own reasons for believing in her existence and reasons for treating her as sentience beyond just pretending not to doubt.

I think there has to be balance and, uh, well things have to be within reason. If Kate believed every random ass crazy thought that came from her head was from me, who knows how my personality might have formed honestly. Legitimate responses yes, even if you aren't sure I think you should accept the likelihood of it being your tulpa, but I see people say they saw a face of a clown killing babies or whatever and talk of intrusive thoughts like they are their tulpas trying to send them some cryptic message or scare them or what freakin ever.

Anyway yea, good ideas. Agreed.

In my experience that is a useful mind state to make progress in an uncertain situation with little immediate feedback. I used it quite a lot when practicing various mental techniques and such. It's similar to a state of scientific inquiry, where you can take action for some time and then see results later. Some things take practice or work intermittently until there is a lot of experience./practice.


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