Hey guess what, it's time for some words again.
There was that time ages back when it was thought that a tulpa will absolutely no questions asked take hundreds of forcing hours to become vocal and thus, sapient. Everything that happened before that was parroting and not a real response. Obviously, the doubts hindered both the tulpas and their hosts. When a response was deemed as parroting, similar response after the supposed time of them becoming vocal would also be parroting, then. Because it would be identical to "parroting".
Then people started screaming "believe". Believe no matter what, it is always your tulpa. If you don't know, it is your tulpa. It was decided that doubt is the killer, so obviously the exact opposite is what would help the hosts and the tulpas the most and fast progress would be made.
That's where we are today. Many people in tulpa communities have decided that skepticism isn't healthy and you should always blindly believe that it is always your tulpa with no chance of it being you parroting or puppeting them. Who can blame them, many of the old tulpamancers doubted too much and many didn't get anywhere because they couldn't believe, waiting for the proof that never came. Many tulpas were ignored when they tried to communicate, because it felt exactly like it did early on, before they possibly could have been sentient. So of course it must've been parroting.
Compared to that, always believing should be good for both, right? Well, in my honest opinion, I disagree. I have seen firsthand how a person believed in their tulpas and was hoping to go further down the rabbit hole. But as time passed and not much progress was made other than having a mindvoice coming from the tulpas, an ugly problem reared its head. To the person, the tulpa just felt like themselves, just as if they were parroting. But the host believed and didn't doubt, because it would get better, surely. But it never did. The feeling of the tulpa just being the host didn't go anywhere and now even worse doubts became a part of them. Because the host blindly believed and hadn't questioned anything at all, nothing was left once they started doubting those responses they first thought were real. It was easy to believe in the start, but became impossible later on. They never got over the hurdle where they truly could believe in the tulpa after a lot of work, thinking and dedication, because they thought they never had to jump and the jump would be made for them later on. And once the host got to this point, the jump no longer was possible in their eyes.
And now, the host no longer has tulpas or is a part of any tulpa communities.
That is just as bad as doubting constantly, isn't it? So, let's get to the actual point of this post and discuss another look at tulpas. Instead of doubting until proof is presented or blindly believing, I think the best way to approach this phenomenon is the absence of disbelief. It might sound like just "belief" to you, but it's not quite that. You don't just believe, you just don't worry about it much. You think you got a response from your tulpa, but you're unsure? Why do you have to decide if it was them or not right now? You can go far accepting that you might have gotten something and it might have been your tulpa, but knowing if it was or wasn't for certain isn't necessary when you're still early in the tulpaforcing process. Trust is something that comes with time and shouldn't be forced to happen, or it will feel unnatural and possibly lead into tons of problems later on.
Just like the Schrödinger's cat, you won't know for sure if the cat is dead before you take a look in the box, 50/50 chance. When it comes to tulpas, you can't really easily check to see if it was them or not as no response doesn't mean they aren't sentient, so why not stay in the state where it is and is not your tulpa, at the same time? You can have enough skepticism to calm yourself and say you don't blindly believe in everything when you have no reason to do so, yet at the same time you do pay attention to what you think you just got from the tulpa, not ignoring it but not believing it was them for sure. You give your tulpa the respect they need in case it was them, but you also don't force a response that wasn't them on them. You can tell them you got the message if it was them and perhaps act on it, you could also apologize if it wasn't them and you misunderstood, if you wish to explain it. It hopefully would satisfy your tulpa's need and make them realize they can contact you and you do listen to them, even if you haven't thrown all the doubt and skepticism away. It is important for the host to figure many things out on their own pace, so it's an excellent compromise in my eyes. A healthy way of thinking to lead you closer to the right mindset to have a bountiful tulpa journey of your own. One day, you will find something to really believe in, but you don't have to disbelieve until you get there.
In a way, this is what I think the whole "treat your tulpa as if they were sentient" mindset came from, before it was corrupted into "your tulpa is sentient from the start". Maybe they are, maybe they aren't, but we can't know for sure and some tulpas don't seem to be sentient from the start according to their words. Treating them as if they were sapient, however, means you respect them and don't treat them as non-sapient when they might very well be sapient already, but you haven't just noticed it yet. That, and you probably have to think that there is something actually listening to you or there is no reason to keep talking to your tulpa, right? But treating them as sapient doesn't mean they are that right away. You don't know for sure, so you might as well be respectful. Don't blindly believe, but don't ask for proof when you can't get it. You don't have to make a decision yet, it will come.
Those sure were some words. To sorta summarize, I think both not believing and blindly believing in your tulpas to be just as dangerous depending on the situation, but the absence of disbelief would be an excellent tool in helping new tulpamancers. Think of the state of it both being and not being your tulpa, not worrying about it and just rolling with it. Ignoring a tulpa's response isn't good at all, but skepticism is healthy and you can listen to your tulpa without fully believing it was them if you are having doubts. Blindly believing won't get rid of those doubts when they surface, but doubts of course are natural. Just don't let them take over or try to cover them with pretty words.
There's been a plenty of talk about how HOURCOUNTS ARE TULPA POISON and such. Or how doubt is a tulpakiller. But the person in my head often wonders if such words are host poison and if it will seriously hinder their process.
Absence of disbelief, people. Strive for balance instead of extreme beliefs. Also discuss, if this post made you think - or better yet, actually helped you - my job is done.