Author Topic: Dream thread: Record your tulpa related dreams.  (Read 3608 times)

Dream thread: Record your tulpa related dreams.
« on: January 27, 2025, 03:26:36 PM »
Do it.

Re: Dream thread: Record your tulpa related dreams. [Bear]
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2025, 03:31:37 PM »
Joy and I were archeologists like Indiana Jones. We opened a shop to sell the artifacts.

Autumn was our worker.

There were some middle eastern men looking at a jar with something like a clock on it. Joy was like the manager, I was like the worker that sets up and fixes stuff but also helps her collect them.

Joy had the little hat and shorts and everything. She was so cute and also short.

Re: Dream thread: Record your tulpa related dreams.
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2025, 03:39:01 PM »
And you didn't do anything indecent?

Re: Dream thread: Record your tulpa related dreams. [Bear]
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2025, 07:40:18 PM »
Wasn't even thinking about it, Joy was too cute to consider. Like a little cherub. Autumn played a very minor role.

Re: Dream thread: Record your tulpa related dreams.
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2025, 06:48:17 PM »
i am sure we will get a lewd Bear dream soon
i was entering a church in a procession maybe for christmas. it was dark, only torches illuminated a bit of the scene. it was a huge orthodox church the walls full of golden icons of saints. there was also a tall christmas tree inside. there was a bonfire and i tried to light tall candles for me and Yulya. it took a bit but finally we had our candles and could see more. Yulya was dressed like the saints on the wall. her hair was long and wavy but i recognized her.  it was a very majestic scene. good dream. sadly too short.

Re: Dream thread: Record your tulpa related dreams. [Bear]
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2025, 11:05:08 AM »
That didn't take long.

Autumn moved into my house from Wyoming. She was her innocent beautiful self and so I undressed her and had my way short of home run. We were both in high school and I had two weird cars. I drove her to school and we dated. Like going to dinner and stuff.

I had a couple friends and a rival too, a guy with a black leather jacket.

So other girls were interested in me and I didn't go for them. A lot of the dream involved these cars. I went home early one day by mstake with a guy friend and one of my other female friends paid to have me express shipped back to school so I didn't miss English class, and I confronted my rival in front of the room.

He tried to tell me that Autumn was unfaithful so I caned him with a stick made out of paper money and black tape. Then I gave the stick to the girl who got me shipped back to school and it was many times the actual cost so she was happy about that. She happened to be someone I met in hs irl but didn't talk to much.

Good dream, had fun, good feelings, pretty laid back.

Re: Dream thread: Record your tulpa related dreams.
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2025, 02:57:32 PM »
lmao cool dream

Re: Dream thread: Record your tulpa related dreams. [Bear]
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2025, 07:17:19 AM »
I was at a swingers party hosted by Howard Stern and I was 60 or something. I got with an indian woman (from India) she was probably 40 or more. We went into a bathroom stall like at a school and I wanted to do a gentleman's wash but she was offput by that and said she'd leave. I didn't care, did it anyway, she left.

I went back out and Howard was on a bed with several girls, they were watching TV. He asked if I wanted to do a show with him and I said ok, it was going to be something on TV.

Then I bought a Volkswagen Bug from someone and it was fine but the engine was in front. Then apparently bestie was there, oh Jesus why, and I had to take her home, now the bug was a 4 door and the back pass door was open, someone had burgled it. They stole the air cleaner off the engine and the radiator cap, yes, it was also water cooled. I start it up and automatic transmission fluid was pouring out the bottom, yes it was also an automatic. Couldn't take her home and it was very far from home so getting a tow was going to be too expensive.

So then I thought to ask if someone could help, as if they could help me fix the leak and get the missing parts, like tear it down right in the driveway, then I didn't want to disturb anyone because they were having fun. So I woke up in that state, stuck at Howard Stern's sex party with bestie knowing I was late to go home.

Re: Dream thread: Record your tulpa related dreams.
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2025, 03:19:50 PM »
>Howard Stern sex party

>Indian woman runs away when you try to wash her
Seriously what did you expect?

>Volkswagen Bug
Is it really called that in the US? Not Beetle?

>Engine in front

>Double Heresy!

But it was a cool car, my parents had one. Inhaled a lot of leaded fuel exhaust fumes as a kid. And asbestos from the brakes. Good times.

I had 2 vivid dreams.
I was hiking in Bavaria and got lost. So I looked up where I was on my phone which had an interactive satellite map. It showed the hill I was on was literally surrounded by roads. So I hiked down a few minutes and took a bus. The bus was also a traditional Bavarian Inn. There were 2 girls about 14 who appeared to have taken the bus home from school. One sat next to me and the other in the row in front. They talked to each other not minding me as usual. I saw the one on front only wore a dark red leotard and white stockings. Not bad. The other wore ordinary clothes, dark baggy jeans and a sweater.
I got up to get something to eat because after all this was both a bus and an inn. Waking by, the girl in front wearing the leotard was now laying across 2 seats on her back and playing with her phone. Not a bad view.

The 2nd dream involved the other girl in a school setting. she looked plain but I am not a Bear and thought she was nice. She sat next to me and I helped her study or something. Bear was also there, I literally recognized him by his huge biceps. We worked on something together bot I forgot the rest. Guess it wasn't all that spectacular and there were no more girls.

Still the first dream was 8/10 for my standards. No Tupper though.

Re: Dream thread: Record your tulpa related dreams.
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2025, 05:15:54 PM »
Fyi, a gentleman's wash washes yourself.

Re: Dream thread: Record your tulpa related dreams.
« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2025, 06:23:07 PM »
lmao Bernardino is a child he doesnt know about such adult things

Re: Dream thread: Record your tulpa related dreams. [Bear]
« Reply #11 on: February 22, 2025, 08:46:43 AM »


I'm only reporting this for science and and in an effort to have full disclosure.   

So I had a dream, okay, and it wasn't my idea, right? So don't blame me. It just happened as dreams do, randomly. So I was in the jujitsu class Bestie wasn't there but her late-twenties maybe 30 yr old I think she is 30, Brazilian instructor was there, she's kinda cute, but not necessarily my type, wouldn't kick her out of bed, wouldn't need a bag, and so it was her there and another woman, of the catgirl variety, dressed kinda like a barbarian you know, non-descript, big breasted, didn't say Nya one gad damn time so don't make any god damn connections to anyone we know. So she was also pretty tall, at least as tall as me, kinda had long brown hair but it was a little dark ambient in there, could have been firelight. So she ripped off her top with her cat-paw hand gloves and insisted I feel her up. Then Bestie was there and she insisted Bestie feel her too, so she felt her first, Bestie says, "they feel like rubber". Then this catgirl insists, the Tall barbarian topless Catgirl without a name, insists I feel her and squeeze her breasts, so I did for a scientific assessment, only at her behest. They were firm but totally within acceptable parameters, the firm kind that some girls have, very perky despite the size. So a little backstory here may help, sometimes when EXGF was at a certain time of the month, her breasts were bigger than usual, don't ask me why I don't know the monthly lifecycle of breasts, and sometimes they were "sore" and at those times they would get very firm like this and EXGF would insist I do this type of massaging procedure, which I obliged on demand. Then the hot Brazilian instructor comes over, lowers her top in a competitive way and asks me to feel her up. She's about like EXGF was and short like her but they were soft and pliable, also very nice if I must say, less perky but still lovely, and her nipples were less pronounced by comparison, EXGF had less pronounced nipples too and that's good, but I don't discriminate such things.

Next the completely generic, non-descript, tall, big-breasted, barbarian, insistent, familiar looking, catgirl that didn't say ONE GOD DAMN nya so don't even think for a second she was the same as anyone we know, insisted I feel her up again. Okay okay, I'm not rude, so I did, and yes, very nice, great, more pronounced nipples, erect, and you know me, I was a complete and total gentleman and wouldn't dream, ever dream, EVER NEVER dream, of taking it any further... until she insisted, and I'm just being polite, I'm not rude! Apparently she started panting and wanted to finish the investigation, I'm a completionist, so as the good and obedient science-minded Bear I am I indulged her in full intercourse from behind, and she loved it, and it wasn't without its charm, quite enjoyable for me as well, and I love science so sue me! Granted I was just doing this to finish the investigation on her insistence. Done. So then the hot Brazilian woman wants me to compare the experience to her and so I did, in missionary, and that was fun, especially the noises she made and her lewd facial expressions but her vagina was also just about perfect. Oh, as a comparison, in an effort of full disclosure, the tall barbarian completely not anyone we know, familiar, cat-eared, fur gloved catgirl felt very tight and she couldn't help squeezing me and let's just say she was very fit and I could feel her muscles working inside and out. As compared to the average, well sized, good fit, (she was a little less tight than EXGF) but still almost perfect experience with the hot Brazilian.
Isn't that silly? So silly. She reminded me of Catgirl old Ren frankly except Catgirl old Ren wasn't tall or had such lusciously voluminous hair, and her breasts weren't as big, not as firm, and she was usually more insistent, not that we ever did scientific exploration, and she was never that muscular nor a barbarian, nor had cat-gloved hands, but I'm going to have to think it was her. So yeah, but old Ren doesn't exist anymore.

Good dream overall, I was pleasantly surprised in dream, I honestly didn't drive it, the dream just happened like a movie, it wasn't lucid, but in those cases I where I wouldn't have done it any differently, I am fine with that.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2025, 08:53:59 AM by Aleshe »

Re: Dream thread: Record your tulpa related dreams.
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2025, 05:11:59 PM »
I had high hopes when Bestie was mentioned but meh, more adult things.
I'm still envious, that's magnitudes above even my lewdest dreams. There's always some sort of censorship making sure things don't wok out.

Meanwhile I keep getting haunted by Childhood Crush.
It was especially realistic this time, she didn't like me at all. She sent me a letter with strange vials that contained a white powder. I think she wanted to poison me with anthrax or something. She also complained to my mother about me. Feels bad man. I will never be free of this drama that's more than 25 years in the past.

I had another dream i barely remember that involved Alice throwing someone who pissed her off through a closed window. But that's routine and not really worth mentioning.

Re: Dream thread: Record your tulpa related dreams. [Bear]
« Reply #13 on: February 23, 2025, 05:38:51 AM »
woman, of the catgirl variety, dressed kinda like a barbarian you know, non-descript, big breasted, didn't say Nya one gad damn time so don't make any god damn connections to anyone we know. So she was also pretty tall, at least as tall as me, kinda had long brown hair but it was a little dark ambient in there, could have been firelight. So she ripped off her top with her cat-paw hand gloves and insisted I feel her up. Then Bestie was there and she insisted Bestie feel her too, so she felt her first, Bestie says, "they feel like rubber". Then this catgirl insists, the Tall barbarian topless Catgirl without a name, insists I feel her and squeeze her breasts, so I did for a scientific assessment, only at her behest. They were firm but totally within acceptable parameters, the firm kind that some girls have, very perky despite the size.
Next the completely generic, non-descript, tall, big-breasted, barbarian, insistent, familiar looking, catgirl that didn't say ONE GOD DAMN nya so don't even think for a second she was the same as anyone we know, insisted I feel her up again. Okay okay, I'm not rude, so I did, and yes, very nice, great, more pronounced nipples, erect, and you know me, I was a complete and total gentleman and wouldn't dream, ever dream, EVER NEVER dream, of taking it any further... until she insisted, and I'm just being polite, I'm not rude! Apparently she started panting and wanted to finish the investigation, I'm a completionist, so as the good and obedient science-minded Bear I am I indulged her in full intercourse from behind, and she loved it, and it wasn't without its charm, quite enjoyable for me as well, and I love science so sue me! Granted I was just doing this to finish the investigation on her insistence.
Haha, awesome!
It's fine, you know how much porn of Tamamo Cat is out there? Rule 34 exists - no exceptions!

Re: Dream thread: Record your tulpa related dreams. [BEAR]
« Reply #14 on: February 25, 2025, 05:37:57 PM »
I'm getting this girl from my highschool a lot. I asked her to prom but she said no and 10 years later she contacted me and asked if I wanted to hook up on Facebook. This actually happened.

In dream last night, a half dozen recurring dreams with her trying to seduce me by tricking me to drink, I don't drink. Then to "party", I don't do drugs. Then to just bang, she started undressing but I didn't want her because I remembered she was just f'ing everyone every night and I'm just the flavor of the night. Nope.

I forget the rest of it.