Author Topic: Form/personality descriptions after vocality?  (Read 24037 times)

Form/personality descriptions after vocality?
« on: September 30, 2013, 09:23:32 AM »
I remember when I was a beginning tulpaforcer, I had made a word document similar to a character spreadsheet you'll make when writing a story, with details of the appearance and what I expected my tulpa's personality would be. This really helped me at first, but after they became vocal I didn't really see any use for this. However, due to my visualization issues, I'm thinking of doing something similar again, so each time I try to visualize one of my tulpas I can simply read about the details of their form before forcing (and their personality/history as well so I can associate that image to them, so that whenever they speak to me, hopefully, I'll automatically visualize them).

I was wondering if anybody else had done this and how well it worked for them, and also if any of you might have something to add to this idea. Not sure if this would be better suiting for General Discussion, but I'll let the admins decide on that.

Re: Form/personality descriptions after vocality?
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2013, 11:45:30 AM »
Yes, I think this is General Discussion material.

I haven't done anything like what you're describing. For form, at least, it sounds like a good idea, but describing personality sounds a bit odd. I can't see how it would help much with visualisation - despite what you said about it - and if you imagine someone talking to you about your personality, I think it would be unnerving at best.

Re: Form/personality descriptions after vocality?
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2013, 04:13:42 PM »
I was more referring to certain traits/characteristics they'd have that i'd write down after writing down the form, just for some extra association of their behavior with their form. Well, I guess that might be overdoing it. The point is mainly for visualization anyway.

Re: Form/personality descriptions after vocality?
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2013, 10:17:05 AM »
I see the form pretty separate from the personality, really. I live with someone who looks really old, but he is still pretty young at heart. Very immature and oblivious, far from how one would think he should act. And I sure as hell didn't force those traits in, believe me.

For visualization, I did doodle and study his form on paper first. Not only did it help me to understand how he was made much better, it was easy to just think back to the images I drew earlier if I found his form to go blurry or I was losing track and couldn't get it back. He's a bit different now, but early on they were a great help seeing that I was still learning.

I think that something drawn would be better than something written so you can look back to something you actually see, but some people are better writers. Maybe you can see your words easier, so it would still work out very well. But for me, drawing definitely takes the cake.

Also remember to bring sound into this, didn't you say you had good sound imagination somewhere or am I thinking of some other dude? Use your stronger senses to help with the weaker ones.

Re: Form/personality descriptions after vocality?
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2013, 10:36:13 AM »
Yes, I am currently following that piece of advice you gave me. I'm using the "lucid mode" method (relaxing a lot and letting my aural imagination wander until i can hear mindvoice in a hypnagogic type of hallucination, then talking to my tuppers) which is helping a LOT with visualization, so I should thank you for that. I am a better writer than I am at drawing, however I could always write down details of their features and then use those to make an attempt at drawing them. I was planning on getting a tablet so I could make accurate drawings of my tuppers, so I might as well start on paper now.

Also an interesting thing you say about forms being separate from the personality. One of my tulpas changes forms quite often, and has even taken some object forms as opposed to living things, and she told me that forms are just there for show. Perhaps I shouldn't try to connect the two so much.

Re: Form/personality descriptions after vocality?
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2013, 01:17:32 PM »
Also an interesting thing you say about forms being separate from the personality. One of my tulpas changes forms quite often, and has even taken some object forms as opposed to living things, and she told me that forms are just there for show. Perhaps I shouldn't try to connect the two so much.

That's a healthy attitude to have, really. It's an imaginary form you can change just like that. Nothing special, hope other people would realize that too.

For the other stuff, yeah. The more you draw something, the easier it becomes. No need to wait when you can doodle already. If you can, drawing them from multiple angles is some great stuff. It might be hard to imagine the tupper spinning if you visualization skills are bad, but if you have the "key frames" so to speak, you can later easily learn how to fill in the blanks. I'm not that much of a writer myself, so I can't really give tips about helping you visualization that way. I draw first, write later.

Really, just a skill you gotta learn and practice. Keep at it, it's good to hear you're making some kind of progress.