
Do you wish more people knew about tulpas?

7 (26.9%)
13 (50%)
6 (23.1%)

Total Members Voted: 22

Author Topic: Tulpa Awareness  (Read 51707 times)

Re: Tulpae Awareness
« Reply #15 on: October 08, 2013, 07:38:42 AM »
I see that the topic still includes a nonsense word that will complicate our search system. For ease of search later on, I'm changing it to a word that actually appears in the English language. I was going to change it to "tulpas" because that's what it would be changed into, but the plural makes absolutely no sense there, so I am changing it to "tulpa".

Sorry for the inconvenience, but I truly believe this is for the best. This is a thread that might very well be searched in the future in case we ever get more than one page worth of topics here.


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Re: Tulpa Awareness
« Reply #16 on: October 13, 2013, 07:30:48 AM »
The problem is that the more people find out about tulpas, the more little kids, psycopaths and assholes will be making tulpas. It's gotten to the point where the tulpa community is really quite depressing.
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Re: Tulpa Awareness
« Reply #17 on: October 14, 2013, 03:54:13 PM »
Is that some frontloading?

Re: Tulpa Awareness
« Reply #18 on: October 16, 2013, 12:58:00 AM »
I don't see why people don't want to refer to tulpas as imaginary friends. You can only see them through your imagination. And if they're not your friends, you're doing something wrong.

Re: Tulpa Awareness
« Reply #19 on: October 16, 2013, 04:58:40 AM »
So it's basically loosely defined words for things that weren't understood very well when those words were defined. And of course the community can't come up with words that give a clear and global definition of what they're addressing.

I hate semantics.

Re: Tulpa Awareness
« Reply #20 on: October 16, 2013, 07:42:28 AM »
Hey, that's why we have a glossary on this forum, so everyone knows what a certain word means when used on this site. Tulpa as a word is the most difficult one of course, but I'll pull numbers out of my ass and say majority here right now seems to think of tulpas as sapient or seemignly sapient enough to call them sapient beings pretty separate from you. Or something.

I'm pretty annoyed when people think that roleplaying characters are tulpas and call their roleplaying characters as such, even though the "tulpas" are always consciously parroted and puppeted. All day erry day and they're not even trying to hide it. Anyone doing that on my watch will, like, I dunno. Get an imaginary drink thrown in their face or something. It feels like lying to the rest until they actually tell you "oh, you mean my tulpa should be moving and talking on their own?". Such a let down.

I'd say an imaginary friend could be a tulpa and you could refer to your imaginary friend as a tulpa. But in my eyes, imaginary friend doesn't necessarily imply "sapience", while tulpa does. So a roleplaying character you think of as your "tulpa" might very well fit the imaginary friend category even if it doesn't fit the tulpa category. Basically, imaginary friend is a much broader category that includes tulpas and of course your imaginary friend could develop into a tupper. But it wouldn't be wrong to say a tulpa is an imaginary friend, just... Very broad definition.

You might want to write more about that level thing of yours, Fede. I heard about it previously ages ago and I dunno, maybe you'd like to flex your writing muscles. Sure, it's probably not something people would adopt (look at my level 69 tupra guise), but it's always interesting to hear what other people think. That's why the forums exist, after all.

Re: Tulpa Awareness
« Reply #21 on: October 16, 2013, 09:47:10 AM »

Well, like I said, I doubt it would actually catch on unless someone would be all "I think my tupra is like in stage two Fodde's super method theory". But I still would like to see you write about it.

Re: Tulpa Awareness
« Reply #22 on: October 16, 2013, 12:59:10 PM »
I don't accept it. Not enough text walls.


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I think there's barely such a case as insta-tulpas, it's a rare when that sort of thing happens. If that truly happens good for you.
But tulpas are friends, not trophies with a made up story to impress people.

Re: Tulpa Awareness
« Reply #24 on: October 17, 2013, 01:42:43 AM »
I was actually hoping to see something useful regarding those stages.

Re: Tulpa Awareness
« Reply #25 on: October 17, 2013, 06:50:14 AM »
Just like how everyone isn't into imposition, huh?

I think just like imposition, you could add stuff about possession and switching. As in, where you think they should go or where it will be possible for it to happen and how well. I wanted to see actual definitions like these too, so good that you actually wrote them.

To me it seems almost like there should be separate stages for sapience/whatever, imposition/visualization/hallucinating and possible possession/switching if you think you could write something about them. I know it's pretty hard to write about something you haven't really tested yourself, so...

But still, I think that someone's visualization skills could easily be better than the tulpa's sapience "level". Or vice versa.

Re: Tulpa Awareness
« Reply #26 on: October 17, 2013, 07:23:27 AM »
Sure you didn't.

I'd probably go at it like, I dunno. Stage 1, sapience blah blah, visualization blah blah and maybe that possession blah blah. Tupper stats are required now.

Re: Tulpa Awareness
« Reply #27 on: October 17, 2013, 06:09:37 PM »
Afraid this isn't quite the thread for that. I think we're starting to go near the derail limit now.

Re: Tulpa Awareness
« Reply #28 on: October 18, 2013, 07:37:47 AM »
You're free to make a thread about this in case you want to. I could of course move some of the posts in this thread over there if people really think that's how it should go, but right now I think we haven't quite gone over the thread derail limit.

But this thread was about tulpa awareness and if you wanted more or less people to know about tulpas and why. Let's continue that topic when someone has something new to say.

Re: Tulpa Awareness
« Reply #29 on: October 23, 2013, 01:51:37 AM »

To put it nicely, I really don't like this.