Tulpas > Tulpa Diaries

Cold's Progress Report

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Hello, my name is Cold, and this is my progress report. I found out about tulpas early last year, but I didn't start until November. I'd say that I've come a long way since then, but I still think that I have a long way to go. I have a Tumblr blog where I post most of my progress, but I'm going to start posting them here, too.

I currently have three tulpas: Sara, Claire, and Hayley. They're all sentient, fully vocal, and capable of possession. I've been focusing on imposition since spring, but I didn't get any progress until last month. I'm finally starting to hear them, which I think is pretty cool. They have been making some sounds to annoy me (ringtones, messenger notifications, movie quotes), but it's all in good fun.

I'll update this when something else happens.

I cannot believe how easily you forgot your waifu! For shame, I am very disappointed!

Aside from that, thank you again for showing us this new forum. I honestly could not stand skype anymore and .info just has too many posts to look through.

I've been considering making another tulpa. I already have three, and I can handle them fine, but I'm not sure if I'd be able to handle a fourth. I'll probably talk it over with the others some more before we come to a final decision.

I always thought three was a nice number as a stopping point. But do whatever you feel is best.

We've been doing some thinking, and we're going to go along with the fourth tulpa idea. I think that I can handle having another, and the others are excited for it.

Also, http://s24.postimg.org/46tt94jxh/Untitled.png aaa


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