Author Topic: Daecher (and friends)'s Growth Log  (Read 149171 times)


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Re: Daecher (and friends)'s Growth Log
« Reply #90 on: February 28, 2017, 12:40:30 AM »
I don't have any sealer for my charcoal drawings at the moment, so I don't have anything I can scan/upload yet. But I certainly will start a new thread when the time comes.
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Re: Daecher (and friends)'s Growth Log
« Reply #91 on: March 06, 2017, 11:46:29 PM »
Another update. While I've not made much progress in terms of touch (the tingling feeling is fleeting at times), visualization of tuppers is progressing much better than it used to. I can almost clearly visualize finer details (facial structure, creases/wrinkles in skin, hair texture) when I focus. Practicing with open eyes sometimes results in hazy outlines I can only see when I stop focusing my eyes. Pretty cool, but an eye strain at times.
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Re: Daecher (and friends)'s Growth Log
« Reply #92 on: March 22, 2017, 01:46:17 AM »
It's been a little while since I've updated, but I'm still taking some time every day to focus solely on tuppers. That time is often in the evenings because of classes and work (and varies in length), but practicing visualization and tactile imposition is always an interesting experience. That, and I've got a much clearer mental image of Luna and Haya to work with when I have the time to spend 6+ hours drawing.

That said, are the hand-tingles I mentioned from before actually a sign of progress? I can't help but think it's something else, but the minute sensation of texture, e.g. wrinkles on feet or hair on top of skin, has me believing otherwise. An exercise tuppers have found interesting is laying hands, arms, or other appendages on me; clearly there's no real pressure but envisioning the force usually results in a similar sensation as the hand-tingles. It's pretty relaxing sometimes, for both parties.

"Insane" is a just a word. There are no words for this.

Re: Daecher (and friends)'s Growth Log
« Reply #93 on: March 22, 2017, 06:31:38 AM »
I sure got tingles and other stuff myself, at least. Especially if the tuppers happen to be touching the part that feels weird, that seems like the first step in tactile imposition to me.

Could also be a symptom of self-hypnosis or something. And that ain't exactly a bad thing, either.


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Re: Daecher (and friends)'s Growth Log
« Reply #94 on: April 11, 2017, 11:41:21 PM »
I'd call this an update, but not much in terms of progress has passed in the last few weeks. I've taken to working out a couple times per week, and so I've got a little extra time in my day to spend on visualizing and chatting with tuppers. It doesn't take much focus for me to exercise, so it's pretty relaxing. Plus visualizing them with gym outfits is always fun. I've also got a friend who has expressed an interest in tuppers recently. Not enough to interact with the community, but she and I talk every now and again about them. Also fun.

I'm pretty satisfied with where things are for me at the moment, not stressing out about going beyond hand tingles (which was my preliminary goal) and other things has kept me from feeling overwhelmed, what with university and work already weighing me down.
"Insane" is a just a word. There are no words for this.

Re: Daecher (and friends)'s Growth Log
« Reply #95 on: April 12, 2017, 05:31:42 AM »
If you make tuppering fun and something that satisfies you, work and such won't stop you from doing it. You'd do it to get away from the stress and it'd make you feel better.


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Re: Daecher (and friends)'s Growth Log
« Reply #96 on: May 13, 2017, 04:15:15 AM »
That's a really good point. And now that I'm finished with the semester, it's a good time to start good habits again.
"Insane" is a just a word. There are no words for this.

Re: Daecher (and friends)'s Growth Log
« Reply #97 on: May 13, 2017, 06:03:13 AM »
And no being lazy or stopping this time.


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Re: Daecher (and friends)'s Growth Log
« Reply #98 on: May 17, 2017, 02:27:31 AM »
Right now, the plan is to work towards a sensation of pressure when touching, or as close as possible. I want to try and do it regularly throughout the day, like holding hands or booping noses, when I can get a moment with nobody around. It's not hard to do tactile imposition practice with a good hour or two of focus, but on top of making that a daily activity, I want there to be irregular practice to the point where I don't need to actively focus for it.

At least, that's my goal. There may or may not be bumps in the road, but we'll get there.
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Re: Daecher (and friends)'s Growth Log
« Reply #99 on: May 25, 2017, 12:17:14 AM »
So far, so good. It's not that difficult to get the tingling sensation I wanted before, but the light pressure sensation (think laying a small object on you, like a coin or something similar) hasn't yet been achieved. Before, I visualized contact between them and I like a glowing spot at the point of contact, somewhat like those electric-touch-globe-things that used to be really popular, but I'm not sure what might help with this step yet. Time to get creative.
"Insane" is a just a word. There are no words for this.