I must work on making my home and garden less attractive - to lolis, grannies and cats. Things are getting out of hand.
I don't mind half of the neighborhood cats going in and out here as long as they get along, and the neighborhood loli treating this as her second home and me as her second dad is bearable for a few hours per week.
But home invasions keep intensifying. Yesterday loli came with her mom - and brought 2 more kids with their mom. Unannounced of course. Apparently she keeps telling around how nice it is at Bernd's place. Oh God, what have I done?

So I suddenly have 3 kids and 2 mothers in my living room with loli rummaging to my drawers and glass display cabinets to show off my highly breakable valuables. Kids these days! Cats fled in terror. I'm glad at east the mothers were there to keep them at bay and I had no firearm parts or ammo lying around. Luckily they're in a loli-proof safe. Buts she already correctly identified a 9mm shell she found last time. Why do 8yo girls know about this?
So anyway they all made themselves at home like they'd always been there until loli's mom had mercy and invited everyone over to her place to save me an we went there to have dinner. I think I aged a few years in the half hour they were there. How do normies deal with this every day? I'd die in a week.
But that's not all, today I was working in the garden when an elderly lady, probably 70s, stopped by to greet me and comment on my nice garden and how much she loved flowers. She was nice but I was already wary, knowing such people tend to tell you their entire life story. But it was worse. After a few minutes topic shifted from flowers to politics and I got the full conspiracy-broadside. She was a classic Pro-Russian antivaxx conspiracy-tard. The only thing missing was flat earth and aliens.
Now in contrast to my tupper I'm a nice man and didn't tell her to fuck off to Russia if she loved it so much. So I lost at least half an hour of my lifetime listening to that drivel before I managed to get away. I already fear she'll become another invader to visit regularly.
I hate extraverts so much it's unreal. Can't people keep their shit to themselves? What's that urge to involve others in your mental issues? I need landmines and high concrete walls. Or better yet move to some remote region. People are so tiresome.