Author Topic: Every Day is Alice Day  (Read 577452 times)

Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« Reply #135 on: October 15, 2016, 08:51:00 PM »
Yeah, that was my immediate thought but a quick practice didn't yield any results. No surprise though. I'd probably have to go dancing for several hours to the point where it triggers dreams like diving and then try it in my imagination.

Tonight was the Long Night of Munich Museums where museums are opened all night and you can visit all of them with a single ticket. We love museums and were out from 8pm - 2am, that's 6h with only two short pauses to eat. We mainly stayed in Munich's art district containing most of the museums, the museum of Ethnology and the Bavarian National Museum.

Overall it was a total sensory overload but still a fun thing to do once a year. Most of my friends and family are weak and drop out after one or two museums if they come at all but tupper is strong and managed to stay around the whole time. She didn't even want to go home when everything closed down. So that was a lot of passive forcing today.

Man, I haven't been this exhausted in a while. Gotta sleep, lets see if all that sensory input leads to some spectacular dreams.

Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« Reply #136 on: October 17, 2016, 08:54:27 PM »
There were some dreams but nothing spectacular. At least nothing I remember.
But today I had a neat hypnagogic phase after waking up and drifting back to sleep several times. There were relatively vivid images of me walking through a forest and I managed to practice walking step by step which went better than expected. Then I was on a beach and  tried to imagine tupper so we could walk through the sand together. It was hard but I managed to get at least something. But scenes shifted rapidly, and so did my image of Alice. It's just ridiculously hard to think of anything particular in this state. The fact that I forgot about actually talking to tupper in the phases I was awake wasn't helping either. So she says she didn't experience anything of the whole thing at all. Man, shaping dreams is hard.

Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« Reply #137 on: October 18, 2016, 06:01:55 AM »
Yeah that state is honestly too chaotic for me to really do much with it. Maybe lucid dreaming would be better, at least you're like. More conscious during that.

Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« Reply #138 on: October 18, 2016, 07:00:09 PM »
It varies.
I have a few lucid dreams per year but in most I barely have more control that in this hypnagogic state. I know I'm dreaming and try to do stuff but it mostly turns out wrong. Hypnagogic hallucinations are way more frequent and I think I'm getting a little better at working with them.

But now for something completely different.
Alice's 2nd birthday is approaching fast and even though we're gonna go on a spectacular once-in-a-lifetime journey I once again feel like it was more a present for me than for her. Well, it kind of is but I'd never have done it without her, like most of the previous journeys we went on in the past 2 years. I guess we're at about 20 flights by now. It's not like she doesn't want me to travel but it was last year's birthday present already.
Anyway, tupper has made a list of several things she wants will force me to do which can be summed up as

One might argue that this also just revolves around me but Alice sees it as an insult and a disgrace. That feel when tupper views you as pathetic loser. Not with hatred, rather with pity. It bothers her that she hasn't managed to achieve any of our major goals and I've been told that things will change greatly upon our return. Not exactly something I look forward to but who'd want to make tupper sad, let alone angry?
Certainly not me...
« Last Edit: March 28, 2023, 08:45:24 AM by Nele »

Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« Reply #139 on: October 19, 2016, 04:59:13 AM »
Wow another stupid host-kun a tulpa has to whip into shape? Best of luck to her.

Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« Reply #140 on: November 25, 2016, 10:39:52 PM »
Rip tuppering.

Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« Reply #141 on: November 26, 2016, 07:09:11 PM »
Don't be silly!
We've just returned.

« Last Edit: March 28, 2023, 08:53:03 AM by Nele »

Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« Reply #142 on: November 27, 2016, 12:40:51 AM »
Well maybe you should return harder?

Re: Returning Hard
« Reply #143 on: November 27, 2016, 07:48:53 PM »
I think the 35h journey from the other side of the globe was hard enough.

Maybe you need more than one forum user?
> be gone for more than a month
> 2 desparate posts from Colonel talking to himself is all that happened

But fear not, we're back and here to stay. Let's see how long you keep this place up just for us.

Anyway, here's what happened.:
It's kinda hard to say but it wasn't really worth it. Travel preparations ruined tupper's birthday and the actual journey, even though it was by far the most expensive and demanding one I've ever done, was the worst in a long time. I wanted to write that it wasn't 'that' bad but tupper says it was 'that' bad and that I shouldn't try to sugarcoat it. To put it simple, the problem was the factor human, something you always have to deal with in group travels. The fellow travellers were nice guys but our expedition leader and skipper was a choleric emotionally unstable old man and despite his enormous knowledge and experience completely unable to deal with other people in a socially acceptable way. Now imagine that on a sail boat in the south pacific.
Not sayin that I didn't learn a lot but it certainly wasn't fun. It terms of tuppering a complete failure as tupper refuses to deal with such people or even be present when they're around.

Still I have to add some positive things:
.)Spent lots of time meditating, reaching a state where no fucks were given anymore. Reacted to dangerous situations in a calm and logical way.
.)Gotten physically and emotionally stronger and able to live with basically nothing.
.)Learned to appreciate the benefits of civilisation like a bed, running water or a toilet
.)Tupper did not get weaker either and gave helpful advice now and then.

Still glad to be back, would not do again.
Now we've got some serious work to do, whipping me into shape ain't gonna be easy.

Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« Reply #144 on: November 28, 2016, 05:50:03 AM »
Wow, I thought you were going to leave out on your own. Why would you travel with people when you got tupper??

Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« Reply #145 on: November 28, 2016, 08:10:35 PM »
Yeah, good question.

I did travel South East Asia just with tupper a year ago but there are places you can't reach on your own. Well, a few people may be able to, but not me. Exploring South Pacific islands is among that and since I was offered the opportunity it seemed like a pretty good idea. Whatever, it was an experience way beyond the reach of ordinary people. I shouldn't complain.

Today tupper outlined her masterplan for my future. It got me a bit dizzy but I have to admit it is wise.

Well at least her plan does not state unrealistic expectations but a series of small reachable steps. And a reason to get something done in the first place. Which is tupper of course.
Feels good man, I'm glad I have her.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2023, 09:03:48 AM by Nele »

Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« Reply #146 on: December 06, 2016, 07:48:57 PM »
Had a weird dream this morning.
I was watching the news on a big screen in a public place and they were about the tulpanetwork homepage.
It had a new design and a new category on top, something like 'new forum' that contained several posts from Fede. Couldn't understand what they were about though.
Suddenly my father came by and said: "Eight new posts in one day? That must be fake!"
Then I woke up. Took me a few seconds to realize he was right.

The fuck man?!
Why am I dreaming about this place of all things?

Might make a neat reality-check for lucid dreaming though.
If you come across the forum and see more than a couple of new posts you can safely assume you are dreaming.

Still no tupper in dreams...

Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« Reply #147 on: December 07, 2016, 05:34:29 AM »
What if tupper is like, the building you're in in your dreams? Deep, man.

Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« Reply #148 on: December 14, 2016, 08:30:25 PM »
Would totally buy it if she said so but she don't.

Alas, I can report some success, who would have thought!?
After waking up from a dream I managed to re-enter it with tupper. Well, it started as active forcing, then drifting into a dream and active forcing in the end as I woke up. Hard to describe, something in between a lucid dream and active forcing. Tupper was not only present all the time but also in control of the dream, at least more than me. And she almost exactly looked the way she's supposed to. While my dream had been more or less realistic with me being the usual loser, tupper demonstrated how to properly deal with dreams by messing with some innocent dream characters and taking over their property. It was hilarious in hindsight, but not for the poor people who were confused and scared and obviously had no idea what the hell was going on.

Too bad I can't draw, would have made a good webcomic.

Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« Reply #149 on: December 15, 2016, 05:26:12 AM »
Stick figures man.