Tulpas > Tulpa Diaries

Lea and her no-longer-that-noobish host

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Hello there, noobdreamer here.
I've already been working for almost 7 months, I started on 27th february 2013.
So here's a small tl;dr of what happened until now:
I've been forcing and she hasn't spoken yet, but recently I've been working more and harder because before I wasn't really doing much.
Teenage boy with a female tulpa, your average tulpamancer.

Force harder, report results.

For someone that hasn't gotten anything back over 7 months and still trying, I give full kudos to you. Most people just give up after a week.
I'm sure you'll get a response if you keep trying.
Just keep working harder on her.

I'm watching this. Keep us posted, please. Best of luck!

Uh, eyes looking on us.

I'll try to chase them away using Comic Sans.
Wait this isn't Comic Sans. Damn dark theme.
This is what I needed to prove that waffles is wrong. Dark theme best theme.

Ok, onto the actual tulpa diary side now.

I'm mostly working on visualization right now, since I really neglected that aspect (like pretty much everything else) during the first months and I've started to think it might be something that can help me.
I'm still a bit dependent on reference pictures, if I don't take a look every now and then the face tends to be blurred.


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