Tulpas > Tulpa Diaries

Tamamo & Cat

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For the general feeling of always having her around, honestly I don't know. It worked well after about 3 months, then degraded again to the point of Alice stopping to exist. Just read the diary. Things took a few years to really remain stable. Tupper may be out for some hours but will fight her way back to my attention on her own.
Still if something demanding or interesting happens she is frequently pushed out. I blame it on her being really lazy lately. Blaming everything on tupper is quite convenient and one of the most compelling reasons to make one.

Of course this only works if tupper can actually do something to be blamed for so keep going! And don't forget to involve emotions - mindless forcing to kill time gets you nowhere.

I see.
Not much to blame Cat for now, still does nothing. Got better at visualizing her including tail but she still is like a doll. A doll I can't make to walk beside me, it's just silly. Wtf am I doing wrong? How the hell did you manage to dance?
The cat is annoying me more than normal during forcing too, guess he feels neglected. Honestly I'm petting Cat more than cat.


Walking stuff is hard, no doubt. Also you just started, what do you expect? Take small steps, begin with yourself. Visuzalize walking around, focus on your feet. It helped me to walk with closed eyes while trying to 'see' what my legs are doing. If that works add more. Now do that for a few months and report back...

It took me over a year to get the basics of dancing and it still sucks outside of a few figures I practiced thousands of times. Oh yeah, none of this means things can't be fun. Make a story for everything, utilize music, just do something together, no matter how little it may seem at the beginning. For starters have Cat rate your blind walking. And don't trip over cat, happened to me countless times.

Yeah will try thx.
Cat is not overly vocal or communicative. Puppeting her into saying something got me some resistance. Does not want, went to sleep. Maybe I need other references than cats?

Tried different things but went back to daily forcing routine. No progress though


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