Tulpas > Tulpa Diaries

The mon and the first phase

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Remember to do something special on the 69th day.

I think you mean the 34th, but that has already gone  :grin:


71st day - 5th October
Been a fairly busy two weeks since last update, we've been continuing on learning new things in the wonderland, which has grown to have two new areas, in addition to the central flower field we started at. The last couple of nights we have been spending time at the second area we created, a beach zone. I have noticed that visualisation is requiring me to think less consciously about what I am visualising, even things that I haven't had practice visualising before. Out of curiousity, is this generally what happens as people get more accustomed to visualisation?

But what about the 69th day?!

And yeah, usually you get better as you visualize more and it's easier. Wow.


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