Author Topic: This makes two  (Read 408514 times)

Re: This makes two
« Reply #180 on: March 21, 2014, 10:20:22 AM »
Often, just like with speech, surprising things will start happening at some point. Could that still be you? Maybe. Maybe tuppers are always "just you". But hey, if they can surprise you and do things you thought they never would, that sounds pretty close to what we want out of a tupper. At least something that seems autonymous, even if it isn't. We don't really know what a tulpa is for sure. But us hosts do have to learn to let things just happen. Even heavy parroting users like Fede claim that things just happen these days and he's not consciously controlling anything. So whatever you do, you'll probably get to the end in one way or another as long as you continue.

Of course, some people swear on the prism trick and if you have a lot of trouble focusing on many objects, it might help you as well. Imagine a prism on top of the tulpa's head/snout/whatever, and imagine a feather on top of the prism. Keep the feather in balance and concentrate on the prism and the feather. If the tulpa moves after that, it's supposedly not puppeting. Not foolproof of course, but it might work, once you're comfortable enough with trying it.

Re: This makes two
« Reply #181 on: March 21, 2014, 11:18:56 AM »
Hey, that's why I wrote a long ass post about the absence of disbelief. That's the key, not blindly believing or ignoring everything, even possibly legit responses. We're doing SCIENCE, you need to screw up the brain first for the best SCIENCE.

Re: This makes two
« Reply #182 on: March 21, 2014, 02:43:27 PM »
I don't think there's really anything that's "nothing productive" when making tuppers. Like I said, even those who have done nothing but parroting and never really stopping on purpose have gotten tulpas. I don't think you can go much more "wrong" than that, controlling the tulpa yourself the entire time. Still they somehow find a way to become distinct and at least seemingly autonymous.

There's no one method or way that works for everyone. Embrace the SCIENCE.

Re: This makes two
« Reply #183 on: March 21, 2014, 04:43:16 PM »
There is no SCIENCE class. SCIENCE is fun and not taught in school. Because it would be too SCIENCE.

You should just chill. When there's no rules, there's no limits. There's no wrong or right. You just try all kinds of crazy stuff until something works the way you want it to. You shouldn't let something that has no way of confining you to, you know, make you feel trapped. This is about as free as you can get.

Re: This makes two
« Reply #184 on: April 01, 2014, 05:36:50 AM »
How do you get kicked out of home at your age? Is that even legal? Got some other place to go to, though?

Damn it took me long to figure it out.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2014, 07:28:42 AM by Sands »

Re: This makes two
« Reply #185 on: April 01, 2014, 02:16:10 PM »
Guess we'll see if this continues on the 2nd day of April.

Re: This makes two
« Reply #186 on: April 01, 2014, 06:35:34 PM »
Time zones, so they all were posted on April 1st for me.

Re: This makes two
« Reply #187 on: April 02, 2014, 05:04:32 AM »
Well second for me now so I'll bite, eh?

Sure this is starting to go quite off-topic and some other area might be better for discussing it, but it's a pretty big thing and I understand if you do want to talk about it. Or even need to talk about it. Hard to say if this is really a good thing, but this far your dad hasn't been very supporting from the sound of things. If you can manage to live with someone else who does enjoy your company, to me it seems like it could end up being better for your current situation. Make you feel a bit different maybe.

Re: This makes two
« Reply #188 on: April 05, 2014, 03:01:17 PM »
I suggest you go and get help. This sounds more and more like an abusive relationship when you speak of such fear and outside help would help a lot. Either someone to help you mediate between your dad and you or help you find a new home, if things go that bad.

Re: This makes two
« Reply #189 on: April 06, 2014, 04:44:28 AM »
I repeat my earlier statement.

Re: This makes two
« Reply #190 on: April 06, 2014, 06:33:35 PM »
Your mental well-being is also an issue. It's not really an issue of what he does, what is an issue is that you don't feel safe, you can't sleep and you're feeling miserable because of your situation. Turn it around. Don't concentrate on trying to make others see what he does wrong but show them the real symptoms you are suffering because of what you are going through. Be honest about them.

Re: This makes two
« Reply #191 on: April 07, 2014, 05:15:03 AM »
Well by the time you no longer can hold it in and break down crying, I'm sure you'll be taken seriously. You might also want to try changing the people you talk to, like maybe call one of those help lines or whatever you got around. They might be able to direct to you to people who care if you explain them no one listens.

Re: This makes two
« Reply #192 on: April 07, 2014, 03:24:38 PM »
Well, I could say a lot about parents like that as I've seen plenty of them and they tend to act crazy enough for me to think that there's something wrong with them. Either something physical like hyperthyroidism or maybe they got something wrong with their head, paranoia or schizophrenia or something. But I don't think you want to hear all that.

The truth is that you are having symptoms and there's a reason for that. Even if it would be you "just" overreacting, you're still feeling it and suffering. That's why it has to be dealt with. And protip, usually if you're wondering if you're overreacting, you're probably not. The people who truly overreact without a reason rarely doubt themselves there.

If you call some help line, they won't know who you are or where you live. There's no way they could tell your father. But they could tell you more about your rights in your country. As for school, I always suggest people to at least do the minimum they need to be able to get employed easily. Yeah, >implying you can get a job easily with this job market, but cut me some slack here. Don't want the only reason you can't get the perfect job for you to be some piece of paper you're missing.

Sure, I can give you a schedule. Every day you must start your day by saying good morning to tupper. You could also tell them what you're planning to do or what kind of a dream you saw. You must also spend a certain amount of time with your tupper every day, how it's spent doesn't matter. It could be visualizing their form or talking to them about something or touching them or whatever, anything you want to do at the moment. How much it is would have to fit you, but I'd say something like an hour each day has to be spent with your tulpa. You can split it into smaller sections and do something like 15 minutes every forcing session, but what's important is that every day, you do an hour. At least an hour, you can do more. And that's the only way you can skip a day, if you know you're gonna be busy an entire day at some point, you're going to have to force the missing hour on the previous days. If you don't do an hour and haven't done the hours in, you get a big frowny face sticker. And every night before you go to bed, you say good night to tupper. You could also tuck them in and tell them what you want to do tomorrow or about your day. Go do it fgt.

Re: This makes two
« Reply #193 on: April 09, 2014, 05:17:24 AM »
Get a stopwatch of sorts, but if you're in a situation where you can't count... Then you can't count the time you do towards your required time.

Don't feel weird because of a human body. Anything can be touched and stared at for SCIENCE. The tuppers do the same to you, too. Just don't think that it's anything naughty and it really isn't. There's a difference between staring at porn and staring at naked people to study anatomy. And that difference in inside your head.

A wonderland bed, mate. Go tuck tupper in a wonderland bed. She could of course be in the same bed as you and that might be interesting for the reasons you mentioned, but all that would be quite busy so late when you should be sleeping, so have it be some special thing. Not something you do every night. But use an imaginary bed for her. Remember the goodnight kisses.

Re: This makes two
« Reply #194 on: April 09, 2014, 11:18:16 AM »
Hey, if your tupper doesn't like it, they'll let you know. For SCIENCE. And I'll assume you have never had naked models to draw. Drawing from life is the greatest thing ever, if you have an ability to have nude people pose while you draw them, I suggest you go. It helps so much with drawing and learning anatomy.

Pull covers over person, that's tucking someone in for sure. And do whatever else you want I guess, up to you really. Fluff pillows if you really feel like it or braid the tupper's hair. It's all just spending time together.

Try your narration thing and report back, I guess.