Author Topic: This makes two  (Read 409686 times)


Re: This makes two
« Reply #90 on: December 18, 2013, 08:25:14 AM »
I think Sands wins.

Re: This makes two
« Reply #91 on: December 18, 2013, 12:37:16 PM »
Not sure if you really want to advertise your illegal activities online, you know. Not that it matters to me, but...


Re: This makes two
« Reply #92 on: December 18, 2013, 01:41:38 PM »
brb, fbi, cia, & dod

Re: This makes two
« Reply #93 on: December 27, 2013, 01:30:32 PM »
150 dollars is little now? I don't even get any presents.

DnD is great fun, surely something you both can enjoy doing together. Also you don't always need to have a dramatic backstory, try playing a character who has a family back home and has another reason to adventure. It's a nice change of pace and you can have so many different motivations.

Re: This makes two
« Reply #94 on: December 28, 2013, 07:52:03 AM »
Still more presents than I got, which is nothing.

Doesn't every single adventure have to start with a tavern scene and then some basement rat hunts? That's a classic, you know.

Re: Thus makes two
« Reply #95 on: December 29, 2013, 06:49:55 PM »
You kind of should use Eye-Bo instead of the tones, though. The tones only entrain you audibly, whereas Eye-Bo combines visual and auditory entrainment to create a stronger effect.

Re: This makes twat
« Reply #96 on: January 02, 2014, 04:17:51 AM »
Just a reminder that you can still do that mismatch hallucinating exercise I describe in my guide. You know, the one with the pink noise and the whispering. It's in the Parroting chapter if you still you don't catch my drift. At least that doesn't require a screen like Eye-Bo.

Re: This makes toward two
« Reply #97 on: January 02, 2014, 04:03:55 PM »
This is literally me on DnD night if I had a beard.
You're a wizard being amazed at the neon lights emitting from the tuppers you summoned?

You're fantastic Fede, I love you, and I love your taste in images, reaction and supplementary.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2014, 10:08:24 PM by Fede »

Re: That makes two of us
« Reply #98 on: January 04, 2014, 06:16:17 AM »
I have a variable taste in music. Here are some samples of what I've been listening to recently, and therefore doesn't cover all of my tastes:

My only advice at this point would be to suggest things you may or may not have tried yet. For example, if you can bring yourself to it, you can try transcendental meditation involving a mantra: you sit down on your bum somewhere as comfortably as you can, relax all of your muscles as much as you can, and begin repeating the mantra calmly until you enter a trance. The mantra can be a simple sound or word of some kind, a sentence, or even multiple sounds/words/sentences that you switch between. It's usually easiest to repeat the mantra when you exhale. You know you've entered the trance when you feel overly drowsy and possibly feel like going to sleep. The trance can easily be broken by sudden movements, so make sure to do your best in staying as calm as possible. Experienced meditators can easily retain this state of trance regardless of most distractions. In this case, it'd probably be suitable of you to use the trance to, say, visualise better.

Combine with Eye-Bo for added effect. Even just being entrained by the audio helps. Maybe not as much as the visual and auditory stimulation combined, but it's still worth it for the effect.

Re: This makes two
« Reply #99 on: January 04, 2014, 07:08:07 AM »
Doubts are normal. Forcing yourself to not doubt would make you go against something that's normal and probably make yourself doubt even more.

But until you are certain, there is no reason to make a decision. Perhaps you are depressed and that causes the feeling, instead of it being the other way around. That was everything could seem off, so even trying to make decisions like was it all a lie just sounds something that not's very well thought out. Suicidal people rarely think their suicide through, either. And then after their try, many do want to live after all.

I guess the question is, what did you believe in her now that you are doubting? Kinda implies there had to be something you believed in for you to doubt now. Her speech? Perhaps something else? I would suggest you try telling her to do things you can do and then you trying to copy them. Look very carefully at everything, feel every little difference. Even if something feels like it's 99% same, that 1% came from somewhere. If it happens all the time and you have to like say, use more conscious thoughts to parrot things, then maybe there's something very special in that 1%. Something would be different, the question is why. Maybe a tulpa? But if it's same, it's hard to say if it is the same or if you just haven't seen the difference. Not a very definite way to do anything like nothing about tuppers is, but perhaps you will learn something.

Young tuppers tend to be very connected to their hosts in like, so many ways. You could easily guess her answers because you just know her that well. You could also get her answer sorta bleed over to you before she actually says it, that does seem to happen. And man, I remember like starting to ask a question and then getting an answer back before I had even finished. It takes less time to think up questions and answers, so once those bleed over... They wouldn't even have to answer with words. Often both of you do, but I had to actually inform the tupper to not talk over me and let me actually finish the question because that was nicer. Weird little things.

The tupper journey is so personal. You two might still be way too early in the process to be hoping for things like speech out of absolutely nowhere which probably would make you feel better, but some people could get that very fast.

Oh and I forgot, when it comes to visualizing, sight was your worst sense? What about other imaginary senses, I think you were probably one of those who had good audio but there's still things like touch and smell. See if you can use them to bring out the visual part of imagination.

Re: This makes two
« Reply #100 on: January 04, 2014, 04:18:03 PM »
For smell, there's the old trick of getting something that smells like what you want the tupper to smell like and keep it close to you when you smell the tupper, so you can smell the smell. We do have a pretty good smell memory actually, so after a while you will start to not only think of the tupper when you smell the smell but you will be able to smell it when with the tupper. Even if there is no source for the smell, except the tulpa.

As for the rest, I think you just need some time. Think about your doubts and why, you could talk to the tulpa about them as well and see what she thinks about them. Worrying won't really do much, but you can talk about your problems. But in the end, it's something you gotta figure out for yourself. Until then though, the doubt isn't going to be some TULPA POISON that will KILL YOUR TUPPER FOREVER if you just let it exist and go on despite it. There's no need to make rash decisions.

Re: This makes two
« Reply #101 on: January 04, 2014, 05:38:05 PM »
Ah, Mountain Dew. The nectar of the neckbeards.

Re: Thee makes two
« Reply #102 on: January 04, 2014, 06:45:40 PM »
What a healthy setup.

There's little more to say about the meditation. The repeating of the mantra is largely what helps induce the trance. But you don't seem to focus very well, so I'm not gonna go on about meditation. I did fear it wouldn't go well with you, and my fear was right.

Re: He makes two
« Reply #103 on: January 04, 2014, 09:05:08 PM »
No. Who might he be?

Re: This makes oat
« Reply #104 on: January 04, 2014, 11:11:33 PM »
That was easy.