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I don't know how to tulpaforce and it feels like a chore to me at this point

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No one really wants to see themselves as a chore. It is an unfortunate fact that not everything will always be fun and at times, you just don't want to spend time with others. It's not always possible to answer, either, even if we really wanted to. But even a few minutes a day, just acknowledging someone's existence is enough to brighten up their day when there is not much else.

Best of luck to you and your tulpa. What does not kill you only makes you stronger, they say.


--- Quote from: Fede on October 17, 2013, 04:42:28 PM ---In the case of guided possession, the possession itself is a collaborative effort between you and the tupper where you aim the limbs and the tupper sends impulses that gradually become stronger. Parallel processing, at least at some level, is pretty much a requisite.

What you do is you take a limb like, say, your hand, and tell your tupper to bend one of the fingers. Assuming your tupper is cooperative, you'll either feel a slightly tickling impulse or otherwise some sort of "urge" to bend the finger. What you do here is amplify the force of that impulse. Don't overdo it; just amplify it enough to bend the finger a bit. You're not supposed to take control of the finger or willingly bend it the way you normally would when not practicing possession. The impulse is supposed to be the driving force. As you do this more and more over time, you won't have to amplify the force of the impulses as much and the tupper will be able to handle the stuff by itself. Eventually, you can train things like the tupper sending impulses to aim the limbs so you won't have to do that, either.

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This is what I do, and it works. I mostly practice this while playing games or something, because that's where I can notice the differences between me and my tulpa. What made me sure of this working were the few times where I wasn't doing anything to move my limbs at all (either not focusing on them or even focusing on something other than the game) and they were still moving. It was kinda freaky, especially since the first time it actually cost me some effort to make my arms do what I was telling them to do, but also a great sign of progress. Fede may over-advertise his methods sometimes but I did similar things and they work for me.

I agree with what's been said about worrying or expecting some milestone thing to happen being pointless. I believe that, like people, tuppers grow over time, and especially if you're always keeping track of said growth you won't notice much difference from before unless you actually keep track of your progress from day 1 and read back after, say, 6 months or so.

--- Quote from: Makogeddon on October 18, 2013, 05:40:46 PM ---You're trying to make sure the same thing that happened to me last time doesn't happen again as a result of worrying over the authenticity of responses, right? That's probably a legitimate concern, but the responses are going to feel more and more authentic as time goes on, aren't they?

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Define "authentic". I noticed people often expect something extremely unnatural and foreign
from their tulpa, while they're still a part of your brain. By the time you'll be doing aural imposition, you'll probably be so used to their mindvoice that only the fact you're hallucinating a voice will feel strange, not the responses themselves. Expecting them to feel too foreign will only result in doubt and disappointment, for both you and your tulpa, at least the way I see it.

It's like Fede said man, just roll with it and see what happens. If you keep practicing, you'll eventually make progress - I believe that's something we all can agree on.

--- Quote ---You're telling me that I'm focusing too much over an arbitrary indicator of tulpa realness (the alien voice feeling) when I shouldn't worry about making progress at all and instead just have fun with it, with the progress coming naturally in the background.

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I wrote something about this in another thread.

--- Quote from: 'Zero' ---I feel as though proving the tulpa's sentience seems to be more of a point of focus of tulpaforcers than actually spending time with them and having fun, which is why we make them in the first place, right? If you're gonna treat them as some scientific experiment, you might as well not make them. Tulpas are your friends, not lab rats. I don't disagree with a little experimentation to sate the curiosity, but your friendship with them should always come first, and all the other sciency progress crap second.
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Alright, I'm pretty sure I'm good now. Thanks for your help, everyone.


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