<b>, <u>, <i>, <s>, <em>, <ins>, <del><a href=""><img src="" alt="" /><br />, <hr /><pre>, <blockquote>
You can add style and class attributes in [hr], [img], [list], [li], [table], [td] and [tr] tags, e.g., [tag class="class_of_style" style="rules"]text[/tag].You can add some more attributes to [img] tags:rotateangle, with angle given in degreesrotatebgcolor, with colours being 3/6 digit hex codes, r,g,b colours or a nameflip, wth direction being horizontal or verticalNo quotes are given for these, e.g., [img rotateangle=degree rotatebgcolor=color flip=direction]image[/img].You can add border attributes to [table] tags, specifying the width of the border around the table in pixels, e.g., [table border=number]table content[/table].You also have [div] and [span] tags to add classes and styles for text.