Author Topic: [Bear] This is America!  (Read 1370 times)

Re: [Bear] This is America!
« Reply #30 on: February 24, 2025, 05:41:24 PM »
You really shouldn't tell Kashtan Russia is not his biggest concern you know

Also NATO without the US does not exist. There is no significant military force in Europe that could be deployed in a real-world conflict. Because such was considered unthinkable in recent decades.

Re: [Bear] This is America!
« Reply #31 on: February 24, 2025, 06:06:09 PM »
What are they spending all that money on?

In dollar terms, the US represents about two-thirds of NATO countries' annual defence spending, budgeting an estimated $967bn.

Okay, so you lose 2/3, 1/3 is still 3x Russian spending.

US spends 5.7% GDP on defense in Military, Energy and other. If all Europe upped theirs from 1.5% to just 4.5% then they'd be on par with US. China is only about what NATO spends now. What are they doing?

Re: [Bear] This is America!
« Reply #32 on: February 25, 2025, 07:34:45 AM »

Re: [Bear] This is America!
« Reply #33 on: February 27, 2025, 07:20:59 PM »
lol it's only funny until you realize such people really exist. lots of them.

wtf happened to hackman?did he pull an adolf and poison dog and wife before offing himself? i mean he was 95 and his wife was asian but why the poor doggo? and they say they were already mummified. did really nobody miss him? thats kinda sad.

Re: [Bear] This is America!
« Reply #34 on: February 27, 2025, 08:22:33 PM »
Carbon monoxide I bet. It's a real problem with the old and unwilling to get their gas heater checked. We use air exchange gas heaters that are inside the flipping house and that's why we require CO detectors for all new homes and upgrades. The old homes don't.

LA is no different, 50's -60's homes old and old people who own them.

I get my heater serviced every year it's not expensive.

Re: [Bear] This is America!
« Reply #35 on: February 27, 2025, 09:57:36 PM »
It looks like CO poisoning as they apparently dropped unconscious on the spot.
If that's true it's absurd. These people are rich. They should be able to afford servicing their devices and a CO detector costs a few dollars! But so far no possible source was found.
CO poisoning is rare here because, well, we don't need heating in this tropical climate. But I remember there was an incident in the kitchen of restaurant that sent dozens to hospital.

The Hackman case still make no sense. They say they my have been dead for weeks yet two of their dogs roamed the property and were in good health while one was dead inside. How did they survive? Somebody must have fed them, they didn't eat the corpses. It appears Hackman was a total recluse but still Kashtan's right, it's sad that nobody noticed sooner that they were dead. I'm sure we will know more soon.

Re: [Bear] This is America!
« Reply #36 on: February 28, 2025, 02:11:13 PM »

Oh yeah, the negotiations are going real well.

You want me to align with that tough guy? I'm with JDV and DJT on this one, Zelensky, your country is a shambles, you're a gnat on the world stage, you're talking to the one person that can save your country from destruction like you're the big shot and threatening us "you will feel it", the fuck kind of drugs are you on boy? Get in line, when you're backed by 1.5T in military, then you can take Russia if that's the will of the orange man in front of you. Know your place bruh.

"that's not a nice thing."

Fucking this president is based af, what a time to be alive, what a difference from just a few short months ago. Holy shit. I told you not to worry about Russia, they don't "have the cards" either.

Re: [Bear] This is America!
« Reply #37 on: February 28, 2025, 05:04:48 PM »
I'd say controlling the US President counts as 'having the cards'

Re: [Bear] This is America!
« Reply #38 on: February 28, 2025, 09:30:11 PM »
this is truly unprecedented in modern history
every time i think it cant get more fucked up i get proven wrong
what was i watching?
this was worse that Putin forcing his ministers to voice support the 'special military operation' live on tv or Xi having Hu Jintao escorted from the CCP party congress.
but this were their own people not a foreign leader. as the other incidents above this was 100% scripted to finish Zelensky. even Putin couldnt have done it better

>Churchill visits Teddy Roosevelt in the US
>has to hand over all Brit colonies to America in exchange for aid
>Roosevelt calls Churchill a dictator and ungrateful bastard
>tells him he's responsible for WWII and that he must compromise with Hitler
>Roosevelt makes a deal with Hitler giving Scotland to Nazi Germany
>US joins Axis powers and invades China together with Japan
>America fuck yeah
lets see how long this remains a joke

Re: [Bear] This is America!
« Reply #39 on: February 28, 2025, 10:32:33 PM »
I feel for ya man, rock and a hard place kinda shit. I don't believe Russia will do shit as long as Trump America, but after, all bets are off, this is true to history. But here's what Ukraine has, cease fire and lose some land for a 4 year pause or WW3. They're paying with blood rn, pay with some land or pay with more blood. Zel wants Russia gone, there's no 2 state solution on either side and this ain't some backwater country like Palestine, this is a nuclear capable nation and that's why they have cards, that's all. if no, Russia'd be on the table to be a US territory too. I'm absolutely certain Trump is serious about Canada and RedWhiteandBlue Land (formally known as Greenland).

I've known a lot of Russians as people, they have a lot of Russians in this city, and Germans, and even Ukrainians, and of the three, Russians are more laid back as a people but they don't take shit, I don't give shit to people, I'm not an instigator, I'm not an escalator, regardless of me here online in "safe spaces" where I can talk tough. I'm an American, peace through strength, people don't fuck with me because I'm big and strong and confident, no other reason. It's a bunch of hens here pecking away, but they don't peck me. Don't peck US.

Zel's got nothing, sorry but he's really not getting anything rightfully. There's no morality in war and business, tough but true. The US is this way because we know this, Russia is like they way they are because they know this. There's no room for vocal minority in war or business. Ukraine is a big juicy Turkey and it's Thanksgiving night, everyone's eventually getting a piece. Ukraine is either giving land to Russia or control to the US, that's like I said before you got two choices and if one is US, well, you know where I stand on that.

Like I said, take the nukes from Russia and the bear has no teeth, no claws. Zel has pointy sticks against nuclear annihilation.

>Dec 1941
>WWII on, we're here, minding our own business...
>..False Flag Pearl Harbor...
>Do or die, say goodbye, you're our bitch now Japan.

It's a joke or not, laugh, cry, whatever you need to do, I'm convinced we're doing what we need to do, perhaps a bit early, but underlying it all WW3 is coming and only one will survive on top this time. It's not going to be Russia. Why we so buddy buddy Australia? When the nukes take out the Northern Hemisphere, it'll be US vs Africa and South America.

War... war never changes. it's 2025, at this rate there will be no 2100 no matter what you do. There is no more time for peace, too many people, not enough to go around and now we're fighting for how many years before the end. There's no win condition here. This is what it looks like to me.

Machiavelli wrote The Prince, and the jist of it is, the only way to rule is with a strong leader, and when he's taken out, all hell breaks loose, that was America the last 4 years and if the gates of hell open here, we're going to spread it like a plague, and oh yeah, that was US too.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2025, 10:34:54 PM by Aleshe »

Re: [Bear] This is America!
« Reply #40 on: March 01, 2025, 06:54:22 PM »
>Churchill visits Teddy Roosevelt in the US
Ha I see what you did there!
WWII Teddy will haunt Mr. Bear for the rest of his life
I still don't see how Trump's foreign policy of throwing allies under the bus and siding with enemies will benefit the US. If he thinks he can play 4D chess with Putin he will meet his master.

>Geene Hackman dood, what nou?
Looks like CO has been ruled out as cause of death. Very strange, that would have been the most straightforward explanation. Hackman apparently died on Feb17 so the corpses were in the house around 9 days before they were found

Re: [Bear] This is America!
« Reply #41 on: March 01, 2025, 07:44:09 PM »
I think Trump's foriegn policy killed Geene Hackman and WWII  Teddy needs to be resurrected. Where's Jesus when you need him?

I'm sticking to math and memes.

Me any time and anywhere my phone rings and I have to take it.

My whole point, and I don't really care because I do live in the richest, most inclusive and tolerant country in the world and I like hybrid raced people, they're hotter, but again, my whole point is what kind of clown world do you want? This?

or Donald Trump's America.

Of the two, I could really give a shit, but I'm too old to play dress up and to ask for pronouns and that kind of shit, so they can go ahead and join the half of all people who hate me. Frankly, I don't know how any of you are still in my column, I'm insufferable honestly, but to some, I'm absolutely catnip just the way I am. So I'd rather be the way I am and be catnip to some, and hated by many than be vanilla and boring af. Being catnip is a good thing bro. If I offend you, go fuck yourself. Unless you're Alice, I've been trying to offend her for years.

« Last Edit: March 02, 2025, 12:05:29 PM by Aleshe »

Re: [Bear] This is America!
« Reply #42 on: March 02, 2025, 05:57:17 PM »
r8 German Carnival floats

Re: [Bear] This is America!
« Reply #43 on: March 02, 2025, 06:15:51 PM »
You can do that, but you better not offend a 19-yr old North African rapist.

Germany is pretty out there alright.

Plus this thread is supposed to be "This is America" not "Das ist Deutschland" so if you can kick me off your diary, then go make your Germany appreciation thread please.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2025, 06:17:59 PM by Aleshe »

Re: [Bear] This is America!
« Reply #44 on: March 02, 2025, 06:51:54 PM »
Well, it's about America!
And yeah of course it's a hypocrisy. Anyone making a float with a parody of brown people or jews would be jailed.