Author Topic: [Bear] This is America!  (Read 1377 times)

Re: [Bear] This is America!
« Reply #45 on: March 02, 2025, 07:24:45 PM »
At least you can do something.

Re: [Bear] This is America!
« Reply #46 on: March 06, 2025, 02:49:41 PM »
American businesses: want stable reliable computers,

Windows xp office 1997 beautiful

Windows 7 office 2007, perfect

Windows 10 office 2019, works, but can't sleep mode or stay on for many days, very hard to navigate settings, many settings officially removed, no aero support... uhh ok

Windows 11 office 360 glitching to hell, freezing, excel is glitching cells no fix, bloatware, privacy issues looks worse than Windows NT but at least it's not windows 8 again.

Re: [Bear] This is America!
« Reply #47 on: March 06, 2025, 03:03:08 PM »
We still work with Win7 on an offline computer at home. All my pirated software only works on that, mostly photography stuff.
At university there's still machines that run on 3.11

But honestly, there is no reason to use bloatware-botnet Windows in the year 2025 and pay premium for it on top of that. Linux exists and is more stable and reliable than Windows that breaks with every 2nd update.

Re: [Bear] This is America!
« Reply #48 on: March 06, 2025, 03:26:08 PM »

Don't talk to me about lynux or IOS. I would rather douse myself with gasoline and run through a wildfire

Re: [Bear] This is America!
« Reply #49 on: March 06, 2025, 03:32:06 PM »

Daaaang 54 and still got that smile down. Too old for me but shit dude, if I ever get another girl, how to make her look like this at 54?

Re: [Bear] This is America!
« Reply #50 on: March 06, 2025, 04:08:12 PM »

Re: [Bear] This is America!
« Reply #51 on: March 06, 2025, 07:05:42 PM »
Kinda hot, ngl.

Don't you remember? I was an alien baby.

I told you I like hybrids

Re: [Bear] This is America!
« Reply #52 on: March 07, 2025, 09:34:58 AM »
I can't stay out, man, it's too entertaining.

I talked to a well respected upper-up and someone who I personally owe my day job career to, who took me under his wing and recognized the Bear genius, and he is HATING the Trump train, and Elon. They are making work at his level very difficult and everyone he talks to are DEM DOOMERS so every conversation all day he's listening to venting crybabies. I go in his office by chance and I'm talking about how my work computer is wrecked and didn't take the transition to W11 well and he offers to buy me a new comp (which is 10k btw because I need the high end GPU for mathematical modeling) and I start talking about how I kinked my neck sleeping wrong and how it sucks but it's improving because he had a problem with his neck and I wanted to ask him how it went (it recovered like mine will) and I say, "I'm in good spirits" and he says something like, "you're the only one, who are your heroes?"

What he meant here in context was to feel me out on Trump and Elon, if I had said "MAGA DRILLBABYDRILL" he would probably have kicked me out.

So he was generally very sarcastic and acidic in this conversation and I can take a lot from him because of our past, but he definately put me on the defensive through most of it, we talked about other things, all bad, none of which apply to me, and this guy is probably depressed so it went like that, depression energy.

This gave me a window into DEM takes on this DJT EM realm, and it wasn't pretty. It shook me a little and I was like, "naaa I'm just going to stop intaking this stuff but then... I've been watching ASMONGOLD and got to this.

Damn It's so crazy how badly Dems are going lately, their come back would be a miracle or only because DJT EM fucks up big.

Simply enough, they dominate because they're entertaining and because they appeal to EVERYONE excluded by DEMS and that's a huge list. Who wants to be included with cringe, Dems should just should come out and say, MAPs and Furries should be given more respect. That's the kind of L-takes DEMS have. In the same exact way they herald and laud a fringe group of degenerates with half a dozen mental disorders as "like it or not, we're coming for your children."

How it got that far was insidious, the reversal is vindicating, this isn't the clown world I thought it was, but believe me, the next two years and the next four will determine how bearable the next 10 will be. Kill DEI, burn it to ashes, the bigotry and racism that it is, spread the ashes on lava and then nuke the volcano. Not a fan obviously. Why would I want to listen to the machinations of an inhumane, culture destroying, obese, non-binary tranny with more rings and tats than braincells spouting off about equity and equal outcomes? Bitch please GTFO of my life, call me whatever you like, but you're a bigot, get out.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2025, 09:54:33 AM by Wofl »

Re: [Bear] This is America!
« Reply #53 on: March 07, 2025, 02:53:40 PM »
my work computer is wrecked and didn't take the transition to W11 well

this would not have happened under Linux

he offers to buy me a new comp (which is 10k btw because I need the high end GPU for mathematical modeling)
Wouldn't it be more economic to outsource that into the cloud / NVIDIA datacenter and rent a high-end GPU there? With Win12 you can throw the whole thing in the trash again because it won't work for (((reasons)))

Even in a backwater country like Germany we increasingly use HPC with vGPUs, either in the university's own datacenter or for low-level stuff just directly from NVIDIA.
But don't ask me, remember I'm the math n00b.

And yeah, that's everyday life for host at university. 90% of people are leftwing extremist green voters and woud get anyone with the wrong opinion cancelled / arrested. It's not exactly a benevolent work environment. I mean work yes, small talk no.  And in contrast to the US it's getting worse. The last normal people are retiring, the youth are  not just commies, they are Maoist revolutionaries.

About the US, dems appear to have completely stopped to exist. I wonder if they'll recover and become normal again or radicalize further to the left.

Re: [Bear] This is America!
« Reply #54 on: March 07, 2025, 03:27:30 PM »

The money left them, it's over. They need to regain the money and that's only done by either the fickle public tired of right wing or they come to center to entice independents and moderates who mostly went right to avoid the cringe.

Someone argued with me saying the election wasn't majority win, it was a plurality win. No Germany had a plurality win we had 53% voteTrump on election night but apparently the tally eventually fell to 49.9%, so yes.

Re: [Bear] This is America!
« Reply #55 on: March 07, 2025, 05:10:28 PM »
duude wtf
they now say Gene Hackmans wife died of hantavirus and he died of being old 5 days later

guy lived for days next to his dead wife apparently he had alzheimer and probably didnt even notice his wife was lying dead in the bathroom.
what a shitty way to go dying together due to a co leak would have been better. still fucked up they were filthy rich yet had nobody to look after them

Re: [Bear] This is America!
« Reply #56 on: Yesterday at 02:56:40 PM »
Yeah, remember that, Bear!
If you hole yourself in your den behind closed blinds, Bestie will find you mummified one day.

So do you think Trump will manage to annex Cananda and the Panama Canal?
He could make a deal with Russia and China. Russia gets Ukraine, China gets Taiwan, America gets Greenland. Not that Europe could do anything about any of that. Sad but true.

Re: [Bear] This is America!
« Reply #57 on: Yesterday at 03:27:55 PM »

To be perfectly honest, I was enjoying the clown world show but I grow bored of reruns. On to more entertaining things, soI haven't kept up with politics.

>canada and panama and Greenland and other

I hope so, we need to complete the world domination before the planet is destroyed or we lose the game.

I think war with China is inevitable, then we will just go around and take everything that isn't explicitly a subjugated ally. That's only fair.

How about this, America gets Ukraine, America gets Red White and Blue land, America gets Taiwan everyone else keeps their head down and doesn't attract attention.

You're lucky your land is basically worthless. If you were sitting on oil or rare earth then you could have been the 52nd state.

Re: [Bear] This is America!
« Reply #58 on: Yesterday at 03:29:50 PM »
I just watched an analysis of how the US could win a war against everyone else combined, it wouldn't even be difficult.

Re: [Bear] This is America!
« Reply #59 on: Yesterday at 07:15:54 PM »
id support the us taking over europe but first explain how you win against russia
we learned in cold war that mutually ensured destruction is a thing. without nukes yeah but as it is in the world the only one winning ww3 would be some 3rd worlders in remote places