Author Topic: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast  (Read 9033 times)

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast [Joy the DM]
« Reply #120 on: February 28, 2025, 07:05:44 PM »
Summer shrugs, "I'm just the messenger, I need to be on his good side, so you'll have to handle the disposition of the ship."
Alice rolls her eyes in disbelief raising her arms into the air
I'm trying to help you here! You're the one with a slight problem if your entire world is destroyed, not me! I'll just go to another planet then! But whatever. I don't care anymore. I'm done talking to walls.

>no mule
Haa, and I was already looking forward to touching their - ears. Do you know they have huge pelty ears?
Alice reaches for Cat's ears to satisfy her urges with a replacement

Freya crushes Ashley's face in her ample bosom and pulls Cat into the hug, "I was worried about you all, do tell do tell!" She says with a friendly wink to Alice.
Alice watches the unwanted attention Ashley receives with great joy
Wow, you sure are popular, eh!?

Elizabeth watched with a thin smile and a hint of jealousy then returned to her cleaning in a huff
Feeling deliberately left out from Freya's hug, Alice pats Elizabeth on the arm
This sucks eh? I know how it feels to be unpopular. Mr. Tree is the only one who really cares about me. He gave me soo many cool bugs today! Wait, maybe I find another one to cheer you up!
Alice searches through her hair but finds nothing.
Too bad! But I'll bring you one tomorrow! Promise!
Alice smiles happily at her newfound fellow sufferer. Outcasts must stick together!

Alice turns to Freya
Uh, I don't want to interfere with your lovey-dovey but we have a lot to tell you and we also need to level up!
I guess Yulya should give the report but she will be busy for hours.
Alice looks at Cat
Maybe you should summarize all that happened for Freya!

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast [Joy the DM]
« Reply #121 on: February 28, 2025, 11:43:40 PM »
"Cat! We can't ask Summer to haul around our junk! What's even in here?!" Ashley roots around in Cat's pack, "What the heck, what is the obsession with goblin vinegar? This stuff stinks, can we please just at least leave this stuff here?
Cat's ears droop
N-Nyaa but Alice said these are important Nya - I don't like the smell either Nya! And it spills over to our food too Nya!

Tent... rope... Ugh, I thought you were carrying scrap and stuff we definately need a cart even if it's a small one."[/color]
Nya there's still plenty pf space in my backpack Nya but...
Our daily stuff takes up most of my carrying capacity Nya and the rations are heavy too Nya. I can't carry much more Nya without slowing down Nya if only I were stronger Nya!

Alice reaches for Cat's ears to satisfy her urges with a replacement
Cat gently holds down Alice before she can reach her ears like an annoying child playing with her mother's hair
Leave my ears alone Nya what happened to the ones you collected Nya?

Freya crushes Ashley's face in her ample bosom and pulls Cat into the hug, "I was worried about you all, do tell do tell!" She says with a friendly wink to Alice.
Nyahaha good to see you again Freya Nya hope you are doing well Nya!

Alice looks at Cat
Maybe you should summarize all that happened for Freya!
I'm not the best talker Nya I think it would be easier for Freya Nya if you or Ashlye Nya told her Nya. But Nya  I'll fill in everything that I feel is missing Nya!

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #122 on: March 01, 2025, 11:01:46 AM »
[18:00 Sunday, Spring 16th, Sunny, 18C]

Over the course of the next two hours, as Freya occasionally flitted here and there like a butterfly, tending to her flower children, the guild was beginning to fill now that Freya was there, those who took advantage of the cheap rent who were returning to their rooms, found tables and demanded attention. They weren't accepting any orders however and the other adventurers were mostly eating their own stale bread and rations, and drinking wine from flasks.

Ashley asks Cat to go grab Yulya again and once she's present, she explained how the course of the last week or so felt more like nine months: Interject where ever you see fit if you like.

-on the way south you discovered a dead halfling and Ashley gave the approximate location
Freya notes it and promises to alert the roadmaster.
-she describes how the goblins ambushed you on the Triboar trail and the condition of Gundren and Sildar's horses
Freya applauds your victory and her face falls when she realizes Gundren and Sildar were missing.
-Ashley tells of the decision to continue to Phandalin to deliver the goods and lead the horses from danger.
Freya gives an understanding look and remarks she'd probably have done the same.
-Ashley talks about Phandalin and the state of the town, she talks about snow and frost and how the plants and trees are dying from the cold temperatures.
Freya knows about the issue but there were as many rumors as facts, she asks more about it and Ashley lays out what you all know, it's a snow dragon. "How odd, dragons don't typically have that ability, a white dragon can breath frost breath, not change whole regions into it's own personal playground," she's perplexed by the ramifications, "if a dragon can do that, it would have to be a high level mage as well, no dragons typically don't bother with that sort of thing, a metallic dragon could easily do it, but a chromatic one, especially a white dragon, from what I know, wouldn't normally dream of such things. It's possible of course but very unusual."
-Ashley tells how you made the delivery
Freya tentatively congratulates you all.
-Ashley describes the town and then the next day when you visited the shops, she then talks about Eldermath.

"Oh what an insufferable oaf! If I were there he would been the proud owner of a field charred sticks!" Fire blazes in her eyes momentarily, "Calm down Freya..." she says to herself. "Such is the life of an Adventurer, and I think you handled him well. Eldermath is well known in Neverwinter he used to supply us with cider until the Triboar trail became so treacherous. Though I've never met him, he is a well respected wizard of renown and therefore a very dangerous man. I'm not forgiving his behavior, but in case you didn'y know, when someone has that much mana and gets to such levels in the magic classes, ultimately and unavoidably they become eccentric, the mana has a transformative effect on psyche, and it can be mitigated but never fully; it's something all magic users must eventually come to terms with and a choice is made, either you don't attain your full potential or you go insane trying."
-Ashley then talks about how you then rushed off after the Rockseeker brothers.
-Ashley describes the robe, dagger and ID you found but says Summer of Leilon took custody of them.
Freya remarks, "It's Such a shame to hear of so much death, it wasn't like this until recently." Her ears perk about a strange 10-year-old attendant with a quest but Ashley moves on to the chronological order of the story.
"I'll get to Summer, we didn't meet her at this point."
-Ashley describes of a second ambush of the goblins.
Freya is impressed how you noticed them and turned it around on them.
-Ashley gets into the ordeal of Cragmaw cave, how you made it to the goblin den before the Rockseeker brothers, narrowly avoided traps and about the huge standoff at the mouth of the Cragmaw cave.
-Ashley speaks of wave after wave of goblins, hobgoblins, a hobgoblin shaman, elite hobgoblins, the goblin bosses and how you rescued Cragmaw the dragon.
Freya is astonished how you survived the encounter mostly unscathed, she gives her condolences to Alice for being down and then lectures her briefly about booping dragons on the nose. "Even wyrmlings shouldn't be taken lightly!"
-Ashley explains how the Gundren brothers came and negotiated with the goblin boss to free Sildar.
Freya puts her hand over her chest, closes her eyes, and sighs, "Oh what a relief he was safe and well cared for."
-Ashley then explains the second quest and how you were instructed to clear the cave, but found civilians and goblin girls including children and elderly, she didn't leave out the traps, giant snakes, hoards of wolves, Yulya's huge explosion, and nearly being squished by the roof collapse.
Freya's white as a sheet as she hears everything and riveted by the tale. "Remarkable," she gasps wide eyed "and sparing the lives of those goblin civilians and children warms my heart. I'm very proud of you all."
-Ashley asks about a giant spider
Freya doesn't have any ideas.
-Ashley then describes how there was a mostly intact shipment out of Leilon to Phandalin and how the trader hired an adventurer and he recruited a guard to investigate the goblins after you. She tells how they negotiated with the goblin women to allow them to stay in the cave with assurances that they'd stay away from banditry. Ashley admits that it'll likely end up like it was eventually.
Freya nods solemnly, "Sometimes a clear path to peace, if even temporary, is preferable to the evils of slaughtering an entire tribe with overwhelming force."
-Ashley describes how she negotiated for additional pay from Sildar and received it.
"I told him we didn't leave none alive, I told him what was in that cave." It was Ashley's turn to have a fiery stare.
Freya applauds her natural negotiation talents and agrees that what they did was worth more and way above their level and how Sildar was wrong in giving that quest to level 2 adventurers and that she'd have a word with him next time she sees him.
-Ashley explains how Sildar and the Rockseeker brothers are off to save Gundren.
Freya is relieved to hear Gundren will be rescued soon.
-Ashley then described your dealings with Hobby and Harbin, and the side tasks you accepted.
-Ashley describes how Elmina Barthen wasn't too happy.
"I'm sure she'll get over it when you arrive with supplies for them at the regular rate, even if it's at a loss to you and I encourage you to do that. There's no greater soother of prickled nerves for a trader than a profitable trade."

Reminder: You owe Harbin some items.
Harbin Wants from Neverwinter:
3x vials of arsenic
3x vials of sulfuric acid
3x vials of nitric acid
3x vials of quicksilver
3x vials of hydrogen peroxide
3x vials of Ammonia
3x vials of cyanide
3x vials of hydrochloric acid
3x vials of Ammonium Nitrate
3x vials of Sodium Carbonate
3lbs of Lime
3lbs of activated carbon

Total cost would be 20 gold, he will pay you 24gold for them. Total weight would be 20lbs.
If you choose to do this, what you will buy from the Alchemist shop to make inventory manageable is "Harbin's Supplies, J, 20gp, 20lbs"

What Harbin wants from the mine if you can find it:
3lbs of copper ore
3lbs of silver ore
3lbs of gold ore
3lbs of mithril ore
3lbs each of any interesting other ores or rough gems
He will pay you 2 gold for any of the above items each for his testing. This is well above market price for raw ore.

Reminder: You owe Hobbie some supplies.
Tier 1 100lbs - Wholesale profit at 20% over 10gold
Tier 2 250lbs - Wholesale profit at 20% over 25gold
Tier 3 500lbs - Wholesale profit at 20% over 50gold

Reiterating: A simple 4 wheeled cart capable of carrying 2x the puller's total carrying capacity including the weight of the cart could be found at Neverwinter or commissioned by a cartwright. There would be a small risk someone could come along and steal it if you don't secure or hide it and it would draw extra attention from bandits. A cart capable of carrying 1000lbs that Cat could conceivably pull would be a remarkably low cost, 15-25gp. Based on her carry capacity, a 150lb cart could manage that and could be used for most travel between locations along roads and over relatively easy terrain, not suitable for overland travel in forests, swamps, mountainous terrain etc. without severely slowing you down unless she carried it. There is no cartwright at Phandalin and the small farmers only have full carts or wheelbarrows and likely not willing to sell. None of you are capable of repairing parts but you could buy spare parts and replace parts, it would be subject to a small risk of breaking on the rough roads, especially the Triboar trail but all of you together could unstick it from any rut. It would be roughly 3x5ft so not suitable to drag through caves or in all but the main shaft of mines. A full wagon like Gundren's without any supplies or spare parts would be between 35-100gp or more depending on extras, they do offer models of carriages with suspension meant for passengers but they have lower carry capacity, his was a converted war cart so it would be considerably more than 100gp, a horse would be between 50-100gp each, other beasts of burden vary in Neverwinter.

-Ashley then went into detail about how the snow was piling up and you made it only a short distance before you found innocent travelers to harass- I mean bandits setting up an ambush.
"Oh drat, I was afraid of that, rumors of bandit activity in the area is increasing. Here we thought it was finally safe to travel the Triboar trail, it looks like that information was misguided. I'll let the trade guild know."
-Ashley describes the whistle and broaches on the bandits
"Hmm, they seem to be organized, and the broaches you described certain sound elvish, the whistle is curious as well."
"So now we come to Summer."
-Ashley describes the perky, plucky, and intelligent little girl that seems to know a lot and narrowly avoid tragedy at every turn and what she expects them to do.
"She was just here, hey what was that you were talking to Liz about upstairs?"

Freya rolls her eyes, "Oh that, well Liz had the crazy notion that this girl Summer was somehow masking her appearance and she saw something that made her think that Summer may actually be a polymorphed dragon in disguise, it's such a far fetched notion that I immediately dismissed it. For one, though I didn't meet her myself, apparently she's a known apprentice and attendant of Leilon royalty, and the first rule of royalty is you do not go accusing their attendants of being dragons in disguise." Freya giggled to herself. "Second, why would a dragon need level 2 adventurers to take down a strange white dragon, and regarding that, even level 3 adventurers would be unbelievably outmatched by an adult dragon, even a white one! I would never allow such a quest!" Freya eyes you all seriously. "I'm not discrediting her ability, she's probably carrying enough magic items to buy the guild outright, but magic items aren't everything! If you get the slightest hint that the battle isn't going your way, grab her and run. Be prepared with multiple escape paths, traps, strategies, contingencies, do not take this lightly or go rushing in." Freya paces back and fourth distraught. "Maybe I can convince Brutus to help, there has to be someone here willing to go with you..."

She sighs as if arguing with herself, "It's so hard to see young adventurers take their first steps, the dangers of the lifestyle is just so disconcerting but I suppose every fledgling must leave the nest eventually and fend for themselves. Do what you must but please be careful. Oh I'll be worried sick." She grabs Alice, squeezing her to her chest, "Oh you poor things, what shall we ever do if you don't come back safe?"
-Ashley describes how you were hunted by the bandits and how they recovered the whistle and brooches and only because Summer had a good idea about making an illusion that you were able to avoid a fierce battle.
Freya looks concerned yet again, she can barely stand hearing about these constant perils but she's ever eager to hear more.
-Ashley describes how Summer has a half-sister Aasimar guard and their conversation.
Freya seems lost in thought, "what crazy coincidences. Why haven't I met this girl?"
-Ashely asks Freya about the dragonslayer title

"Oh of course it's coveted among adventurers and Brutus is the only currently active adventurer who has managed to attain one and that was only a few years ago at the end of the flight of dragons, that helped him achieve the Orichalcum rank. It wouldn't be enough to slay a wyrmling, it has to at least be a young adult or adult. If you did manage it, bringing evidence such as a few scales, a horn, pretty much any dragon parts would suffice, that item would be on display." She motions to a display case where the full clawed hand of an adult red dragon gleams and glitters in the lamplight. Natural rays coming though upper windows dance off the delicate scales of each finger in a remarkably eerie but beautiful way, "We would then verify with the orb and special plates would be made for you. Why, you'd be famous and respected across the land by anyone who saw that plate. You likely wouldn't have to worry about bandits anymore, presuming they found out. So instead of your normal plate, so eloquently displayed from your ear there, it would have an embossed dragon on it, otherwise it would still be a steel or silver more likely as you'd undoubtedly qualify to level up from the encounter. Such a feat would likely warrant a request from one of the the princesses of Neverwinter for special compensation, it would certainly be a heroic act as well considering the circumstances and level of threat of the local region with all that snow."
Ashley's eyes glazed over when Freya mentioned compensation.
"Anyone here would be clamoring to join your group after that, not that you'd need them."
"Would it help me get a trade license?"
Freya's smile faded, "Oh, well, maybe. If you asked the princess at your ceremony for sponsorship, she would be obliged to set up one of her nobles to help you but that relationship, cold and under pressure from royal decree, would likely be one-sided and not in your favor. Are you interested in a trade license? Of course you are, everyone would naturally want that but we generally discourage it as adventures tend to be taken advantage of."

"Summer offered me an independent trade license if we succeed."
Freya raised an eyebrow, "Oh?" She laughed, "not that she could herself but perhaps her master may, and if he honored that, well it's worth a fortune of course, the trade guild would have to open its doors to a... *ahem* commoner, no offense, and that would indeed take quite a hefty sum to convince them. However, you would absolutely be accepted and whether they had to grin through gritted teeth, they'd have to treat you like a baron at the very least and from there you'd have every opportunity to rightfully make a claim at nobility. Traders often aspire to be barons and many do make it, of course that's tempered by their sponsor and they're usually strung along for decades, but as an independent trader..." her eyes flashed "well let's just say you'd be treated differently in any circle. I don't even know one adventurer who can claim that, and some adventurers are bonafide nobility, even capable of self-sponsoring, but they'd have to stomach making trades as well and that's part of the bargain. Why it's a perfect match for an adventuring lifestyle." Freya's attitude had changed, her stance had lowered and she was speaking with less overt flare and more respect toward you all at the very notion of it.

-Ashley then described how, perhaps there was a slight accident at the trade guild and one of her summons may have *gotten confused* and stung one of the staff at the guild.

Freya's sense of respect and honor around Ashley faded slightly, "Whatever shall I do with you four! If it comes up, let your best friend Freya smooth it over, otherwise, mention this to no one else."

Required interactions.

Yulya does not need to continue studying she now understands the basics of Toll of the Dead and will have it available upon leveling. Due to her strong peace alignment, she doesn't even have to cast it at this time, her first attempt will count toward her learning the spell.

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #123 on: March 01, 2025, 05:52:22 PM »
Leave my ears alone Nya what happened to the ones you collected Nya?
Alice sighs and searches her backpack. She takes out a wolf ear and rubs it on her cheek

Freya is astonished how you survived the encounter mostly unscathed, she gives her condolences to Alice for being down and then lectures her briefly about booping dragons on the nose. "Even wyrmlings shouldn't be taken lightly!"
Hey, I thought dragons were smart! We tried to make it clear we'd not attack that dragon and even help it to to revenge on its captors! Even heal it! I took great risks to free that wyrmling! I TRIED to be nice, and this is what I got! Attacking me was just unnecessary! I only booped its nose after it already had attacked me without need. Should I have stabbed that dragon instead? Probably, we would have gotten some nice dragon materials to sell. I won't make that mistake again. Only a dead dragon is a good dragon! But no worries, it will take a lot more to kill me and with Yulya's fancy magic and Cat's ration I was back on my feet in no time!

-Ashley asks about a giant spider
Freya doesn't have any ideas.
Alice is disappointed
I am sure it had great meaning to them but they refused to talk. Maybe it's a cult or something! You should be on the lookout for other adventurers reporting something similar, Freya!

Oh, and remember, we found that strange rock with a hole on the way back to Phandalin! That hole was created by some high energy beam! Did you find out anything about that, Yulya?

-Ashley describes the whistle and broaches on the bandits
"Hmm, they seem to be organized, and the broaches you described certain sound elvish, the whistle is curious as well."
Those guys were definitely organized. The ones we caught refused to talk even if we offered to release them. Said they would be dead if they talked and that nobody could protect them. The whistle was definitely a magic item. It glowed and the symbol of a ship appeared on it when the 2nd party approached us! Does that ring any bells?

Liz had the crazy notion that this girl Summer was somehow masking her appearance and she saw something that made her think that Summer may actually be a polymorphed dragon in disguise, it's such a far fetched notion that I immediately dismissed it.
Alice lets out a lough.
Yes, how utterly absurd!

"Maybe I can convince Brutus to help, there has to be someone here willing to go with you..."
What about Ashley's chuuni girlfriend? I'm sure Theilia would be delighted to keep Ashley company.

She grabs Alice, squeezing her to her chest,
Alice gives off a rubbery squeak as fluid is shifted from her torso to her head, grotesquely deforming her and popping off her mask before she's slowly regaining her shape after Freya releases her
Oof, I appreciate it but you're stronger than you look!

-Ashley describes how Summer has a half-sister Aasimar guard and their conversation.
Freya seems lost in thought, "what crazy coincidences. Why haven't I met this girl?"
Yeah I wonder!
Alice says aloud
Another strange (((coincidence))), a mysterious girl with silver hair! Much like Summer's golden hair! Didn't they talk something about a marriage? I wasn't paying attention.

-Ashley then described how, perhaps there was a slight accident at the trade guild and one of her summons may have *gotten confused* and stung one of the staff at the guild.
Alice keeps a pokerface but can't fully contain her laughter, letting out a snort

« Last Edit: March 01, 2025, 05:57:17 PM by Alice »

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #124 on: March 02, 2025, 11:54:59 AM »
Cat nods frequently but has little to add except for a few Nyas

I'm not happy we didn't manage to fulfill our first quest Nya sorry about that Freya Nya! I hoped we could continue Nya until we got Gundren back from that goblin king castle Nya!

And Nya wasn't it odd how we met Summer Nya?
She was in the carriage of that traders Nya that seemed happy to load her off to us Nya. She was injured Nya but didn't even realize it Nya. Totally not equipped for such journey Nya zero situation awareness Nya. Also memory loss or something Nya

But Nya we came to the place she said she left her carriage from Leilon Nya and there were her tracks Nya so her story seems true Nya. Oh Nya there were strange scoops on the ground Nya. Couldn't figure out what they were from Nya but something heavy Nya.
And now she said she found out the carriage she took from Leilon Nya was stolen Nya and the driver was missing Nya? I don't know how powerful that child is Nya but she seems absolutely careless Nya. I still say Nya that's no ordinary human Nya even if she smells like one Nya. Noble actually Nya.

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #125 on: March 02, 2025, 04:48:12 PM »
Eldermath is well known in Neverwinter he used to supply us with cider until the Triboar trail became so treacherous. Though I've never met him, he is a well respected wizard of renown and therefore a very dangerous man. I'm not forgiving his behavior, but in case you didn'y know, when someone has that much mana and gets to such levels in the magic classes, ultimately and unavoidably they become eccentric, the mana has a transformative effect on psyche, and it can be mitigated but never fully; it's something all magic users must eventually come to terms with and a choice is made, either you don't attain your full potential or you go insane trying."
Yulya smirks
I remember he was not worried in the least by the presence of that dragon even welcoming it as if it was a form of entertainment. I believe he suggested it would leave on its own. If only...

Oh, and remember, we found that strange rock with a hole on the way back to Phandalin! That hole was created by some high energy beam! Did you find out anything about that, Yulya?
No, nothing
Yulya responds with a sigh
The Rockseekers examined its composition and determined the same as you - the hole was caused by something extremely hot. But that is all we found out. It was too heavy to bring it back.
At that time I also left your Letter with Gundren's brothers before we parted. I hope this was alright?

-Ashley speaks of wave after wave of goblins, hobgoblins, a hobgoblin shaman, elite hobgoblins, the goblin bosses and how you rescued Cragmaw the dragon.
It was horrifying I could not move at all - again! Just like the first time we encountered a dragon at the rest stop. I feel ashamed. Is there anything I can do to avoid being paralyzed by fear like that? If it happens again our fight with the ice dragon will be over quickly!

Yulya's huge explosion
It was a huge gamble I hope I do not have to do that again. It just shows how ill prepared we were for such an encounter. I am just glad I did not hurt my friends...

why would a dragon need level 2 adventurers to take down a strange white dragon, and regarding that, even level 3 adventurers would be unbelievably outmatched by an adult dragon, even a white one!
Yulya sinks into her chair in despair
That is - good to know...
But yes Summer is an odd one. I healed her, I also tried to perceive any unusual signature she would emit but found none. So I really do not know. She acts like a child and then like a sage. She is definitely not ordinary.
Another concerning thing is Summer managed to charm the first bandits we encountered and defeated. She did not seem to be scared by them at all even mocking them for their attempt to rob the carriage she was in. And she managed to charm the men to the point they were only babbling fools.
I tried to make them speak with my Command spell and their leader confirmed they were there to rob that carriage. He said in order to 'Advance'. How do bandits advance or level up? Do they have something like an orb as well?

-Ashley describes how Summer has a half-sister Aasimar guard and their conversation.
Freya seems lost in thought, "what crazy coincidences. Why haven't I met this girl?"
Very peculiar indeed. We are very few. Summer called her Elandra.
There seemed to be some dispute between them, apparently the prince was interested in marrying her but Elandra refused? Summer suggested that Elandra and her could move into the castle together and be pampered there if Elandra accepted the proposal I think. I did not fully grasp that odd conversation.
But I recall Elandra shared your opinion that a white dragon alone likely is not responsible for this cold that spread over a white area. She seemed quite knowledgeable about dragons when Cat asked her and showed great respect for them - except the chromatic ones. Same with Summer - she mentioned being very interested in the dragonslayer tag. So that might be part of her motivation for this quest. I must say I feel troubled being led into such battle by a ittle girl who considers this a fun play.

Summer also mentioned she had a letter for the Queen of Neverwinter, and needed to talk to the guild master of the Starred Cloak. And that she wanted to borrow some ring of dragons and a draconic amulet...
Who in Eldaths name is that girl?

-Ashley then described how, perhaps there was a slight accident at the trade guild and one of her summons may have *gotten confused* and stung one of the staff at the guild.
Yulyas eyes widen
The second I leave yo out of my eyes there is trouble again! Freya I apologize about my reckless party members behavior. It is my responsibility!

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #126 on: March 02, 2025, 11:12:45 PM »
RE: Cragmaw

I TRIED to be nice, and this is what I got!

Ashley rolls her eyes and continues.


Ashley smiles at Cat and continues.

It was horrifying I could not move at all - again! Just like the first time we encountered a dragon at the rest stop. I feel ashamed. Is there anything I can do to avoid being paralyzed by fear like that? If it happens again our fight with the ice dragon will be over quickly!

Ashley stops, "You should have seen the abominations in the negative plane, you wouldn't be scared of dragons after that, at least dragons are kinda cute. Try to keep from getting tense in front of a beast with a smooth head, no eyes, flicking tongue with a little mouth on it too, all black, zipping around in the shadows as they decide the best way to torture you. At least dragons just want a meal or whatever they do to people, they're not going to string you up alive and implant eggs down your throat. Anyway, it is a problem that she gets scared. Hey, can't you cast heroism on yourself?"

[Optional Response from Yulya]

Ashley continues...

The curious Whistle

The whistle was definitely a magic item. It glowed and the symbol of a ship appeared on it when the 2nd party approached us! Does that ring any bells?

Freya thinks a moment then calls to everyone in the room and relay's Alice's description. [Relevant rolls] Not a one of the smattering of adventurers there could place it. "If you're still here tomorrow night, I'll announce it to everyone for you. I'm absolutely sure someone will know."

The explosion

It was a huge gamble I hope I do not have to do that again. It just shows how ill prepared we were for such an encounter. I am just glad I did not hurt my friends...

Freya winks at Yulya, "I've done my share of gambling with foci and so far so lucky. It's a small chance that something will go wrong, but better that then overwhelmed by wolves."


"We had a contingency plan, but yeah, I'm with Cat, that was tense." Ashley added and continued.

The ridiculous notion that Summer and her half sister are dragons.

Yes, how utterly absurd!

"I checked her out too and spent a lot of time with her, nothing."

But Nya we came to the place she said she left her carriage from Leilon Nya and there were her tracks Nya so her story seems true Nya. Oh Nya there were strange scoops on the ground Nya. Couldn't figure out what they were from Nya but something heavy Nya.
And now she said she found out the carriage she took from Leilon Nya was stolen Nya and the driver was missing Nya? I don't know how powerful that child is Nya but she seems absolutely careless Nya. I still say Nya that's no ordinary human Nya even if she smells like one Nya. Noble actually Nya.

But yes Summer is an odd one. I healed her, I also tried to perceive any unusual signature she would emit but found none. So I really do not know. She acts like a child and then like a sage. She is definitely not ordinary.
Another concerning thing is Summer managed to charm the first bandits we encountered and defeated. She did not seem to be scared by them at all even mocking them for their attempt to rob the carriage she was in. And she managed to charm the men to the point they were only babbling fools....

Summer also mentioned she had a letter for the Queen of Neverwinter, and needed to talk to the guild master of the Starred Cloak. And that she wanted to borrow some ring of dragons and a draconic amulet...
Who in Eldaths name is that girl?

"Well, she does sound out of the ordinary but I can't imagine she's here in front of everyone, the Starred Cloak? You mean The Many-Starred Cloak, and such a thing is unfathomable that she could move freely among them without raising suspicion, though, polymorph, if it is a true polymorph, is utterly perfect, you could only tell with true sight." Freya pondered.

"She's clear then, I stayed with her for an hour with true sight and all I saw was a 10-yr-old girl."

[Ashley and Freya are correct, to my understanding, 'Truesight' could even see through a dragon's polymorph, "...perceive the original form of a shapechanger or a creature that is transformed by magic..."]

"That settles it then." Freya says simply. "One thing that I learned in the nobility circles: never underestimate their quirkiness."


"Can I ask a favor of you all?" Freya says with a sweet tone.

You can't resist her request.

"Please try not to cause ANY MORE TROUBLE!" You could feel the heat come off her, and you know she meant it.

"I'm not making any promises, but I'll try."

Freya smirked at Ashley, and then shook her head, "Summer's not the only quirky one I know."

"Oh hey, should we level? Do you have time today Freya?"

Freya brushed back her lusciously voluminous, fiery hair, "Of course, it's one of my favorite things to do."

[Required Interactions]

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #127 on: March 03, 2025, 03:03:05 PM »
It was horrifying I could not move at all - again! Just like the first time we encountered a dragon at the rest stop. I feel ashamed. Is there anything I can do to avoid being paralyzed by fear like that? If it happens again our fight with the ice dragon will be over quickly!
Ashley stops, "You should have seen the abominations in the negative plane, you wouldn't be scared of dragons after that, at least dragons are kinda cute. Try to keep from getting tense in front of a beast with a smooth head, no eyes, flicking tongue with a little mouth on it too, all black, zipping around in the shadows as they decide the best way to torture you. At least dragons just want a meal or whatever they do to people, they're not going to string you up alive and implant eggs down your throat. Anyway, it is a problem that she gets scared. Hey, can't you cast heroism on yourself?"
Yulya tries to defend herself with growing distress
Not everyone is immune to fear like you Ashley!
It's not that I am afraid of dragons per se, it's their magic that paralyzed me! How shameful! I could not even resist a wyrmling! But do you remember? When we encountered the dragon at the rest stop it paralyzed everyone but you in Panther form! Even a monster like Alice! If this is the same dragon we are supposed to face...
I do not have enough MP to afford casting Heroism on myself! I must avoid looking at that dragon!

"Oh hey, should we level? Do you have time today Freya?"
Freya brushed back her lusciously voluminous, fiery hair, "Of course, it's one of my favorite things to do." [/i]
Yes please I am sorry for the trouble Freya! But that is the main reason we have returned to Neverwinter!
« Last Edit: March 03, 2025, 03:04:56 PM by Yulya »

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #128 on: March 03, 2025, 05:56:33 PM »
"You should have seen the abominations in the negative plane, you wouldn't be scared of dragons after that, at least dragons are kinda cute. Try to keep from getting tense in front of a beast with a smooth head, no eyes, flicking tongue with a little mouth on it too, all black, zipping around in the shadows as they decide the best way to torture you. At least dragons just want a meal or whatever they do to people, they're not going to string you up alive and implant eggs down your throat."
Alice's eyes widen for a moment and she pulls Ashley aside
How do you know of this? Wait, have you actually been there? I didn't know that! Not that I listened but whatever. How the hell did you survive this? Even in my full form I wouldn't last long against these... things! The lower ones are really nasty. Only the top brass like the Winged Creature are somewhat entertaining. In their own insane way. Like some dragons I guess? Still do yourself a favor and keep that to yourself. I don't know anything about this world but in most places people who even know such creatures exist are not left alive. And neither is anyone associated with them - like me! So shhh! Ignorance is bliss!

"Please try not to cause ANY MORE TROUBLE!" You could feel the heat come off her, and you know she meant it.
Alice looks at Freya with her best (still horrible) puppy eyes while accusingly pointing at Ashley
I dindu nuffin, I only arrived afterwards!

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #129 on: March 03, 2025, 07:58:14 PM »
"Please try not to cause ANY MORE TROUBLE!" You could feel the heat come off her, and you know she meant it.
Nyaa I am sorry Nya but the man at the trade guild was very rude to Ashley Nya and called me a pet Nya! That's not an excuse Nya but...

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #130 on: March 03, 2025, 10:21:03 PM »
Not everyone is immune to fear like you Ashley!

How do you know of this? Wait, have you actually been there?

"Yeah duh, I thought I told you already. It sucked."

Ashley Lore: While in the Negative plane, her soul was born to live in the body of a demon panther, subject to torture by the denizens therein as her goddess, the evil Raven Queen. The feyblood entity known as Taiia, the goddess of death, enjoyed watching her suffer and die over and over. She was made to fight an ungodly number of strange and terrifying beasts of all shapes and variety, insanely designed creatures that were made as if designed to suffer themselves and this was likely true, as Taiia rules the negative plane. There Ashley Panther was maimed, skewered, impaled, mauled, torn apart from the inside, ripped apart by razor toothed fetid beasts of all varieties, and every time, just before her last breath, the raven queen would 'save her' by transforming her into human form, naked and afraid on the black planes. This, the biggest insult of them all, this curse that brought her innocent human form back to life in this twisted realm, without food, rest or even water she would waste away, forced to pit the negative plane beasts against themselves all the while feeling every bite, every cut and thud as they fought for her in an nightless, restless, endless battle for survival. She was pressed to just to the edge of the breaking point, and then 'rescued' each time she was told she owed her rescuer everything she had. That this life was a gift and that gift could never be repaid. Of course her true savior was SheShe, the Demigoddess of fate, the golden winged princess of goodness and justice, the same that brought you all together. 

Freya takes Yulya's hand and leads her along with her team to the back room, a familiar sturdy door greets you with a palpable energy field surrounding it and with a wave of her hand the energy drops suddenly and the door clicks. She pushes it open and you follow her in.

There in the center, the glossy and mysterious orb, casting reflections from some unseen landscape of stars and shadows seemed to float motionless.

Such an innocent looking marvel, silent and serene, with unseen eyes peering, unknown ears listening; was it the eye of some negative plane beast repurposed to spy on the material plane? No, it is a portal to the other dimensions, useable only by gods and readable only by those with godsight.

Ashley shivered as she passed it, as if it radiated cold.

[Optional responses]

Freya led you all to a table on the side and said, "Cat, you seem ready and able to go first, let's start with you, and I feel the presence of someone who wishes to talk to you."

[Optional response from Cat]

The lamps seemed to dim as they sat opposing the orb, "simply place your hands on the orb and we will begin."

[In the interest of time, I'll presume Cat did as instructed.]

Cat placed her hands on the orb and immediately her mind was filled with feline energy. The Cat Lord stood valient and proud, gazing upon her with an air of superiority, not over her, with her.

His shifting form looked almost surreal as he approached, taking her hand and lifting as if about to dance, "Do not let the lesser races disparage you, for their weaknesses are clear to see, their mutilated forms, such small ears, such frail bodies are no match for our might. Show them true strength of will, of character, of honor and the true nature of fear!"

Cat feels energy swirl around her, and the following changes are bestowed on her:
-She feels like her Rage ability is more potent.
-Energy around her seems to show agility and speed she can only dream of, and some of their knowledge enters her she has learned the trigger Sentinel.
-She feels physically more capable and able to dodge attacks. (Increased HP MAX)
-Dangers around her are suddenly made clear, she has learned Danger Sense
-Her claws feel lighter and more capable of tearing into flesh at remarkable speeds (Cat has gained a bonus attack when using her claws or while holding light weapons without penalty. The first attack can also be stacked with either nick or graze as normal. Reckless attack will apply to both attacks.)
-She understands wild nature more clearly and is additionally shown her true nature, she has gained proficiency in Nature and knowledge of Intimidation and Acrobatics and can use Strength check for Intimidation, Acrobatics, and Survival boosting them to +4 (When she becomes proficient in Acrobatics or Intimidation, they will go to +6, Survival is now +6)

Changes were made to make more sense.

The image fades and Cat sees Freya sitting in front of her again but her eyes are glowing a deep red light.

"I apologize but did you speak with The Cat Lord?" Freya asks seemingly unsure what happened. Her eyes slowly return to normal.

[Required Interactions]

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #131 on: March 04, 2025, 08:25:48 PM »
Freya led you all to a table on the side and said, "Cat, you seem ready and able to go first, let's start with you, and I feel the presence of someone who wishes to talk to you."
Nya ready when you are Nya!
Cat bows and sits down, carefully placing her paws on the orb, almost covering it completely

The image fades and Cat sees Freya sitting in front of her again but her eyes are glowing a deep red light.
"I apologize but did you speak with The Cat Lord?" Freya asks seemingly unsure what happened. Her eyes slowly return to normal.
For a moment Cat looks around in confusion and then at her paws, flexing them
Nyaa yes Nya he was very cool Nya not sure about all he said Nya it was only very short Nya but I think it was basically about how to be a good Tabaxi Nyahaha!

Cat jumps up and pats Freya on both shoulders with her paws
Thanks Freya Nya I feel a lot stronger now Nya and smarter too Nya!

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #132 on: March 05, 2025, 02:26:23 PM »
Such an innocent looking marvel, silent and serene, with unseen eyes peering, unknown ears listening; was it the eye of some negative plane beast repurposed to spy on the material plane? No, it is a portal to the other dimensions, useable only by gods and readable only by those with godsight.

Ashley shivered as she passed it, as if it radiated cold.
Alice pulls Ashley's sleeve
Hey, did you feel that too?
It's the orb I tell you! If that dragon isn't responsible for freezing the entire land it must be the orb!

Alice eyes the suspicious sphere from a safe distance

"I apologize but did you speak with The Cat Lord?" Freya asks seemingly unsure what happened. Her eyes slowly return to normal.
Alice points at herself
Who, me? No!?

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #133 on: March 05, 2025, 03:36:02 PM »
Hey, did you feel that too?
It's the orb I tell you! If that dragon isn't responsible for freezing the entire land it must be the orb!

Ashley eyes the orb again, "Cold? No it's just creepy."

Who, me? No!?

"Can you please stop obsessing over the orb and pay attention..."

Thanks Freya Nya I feel a lot stronger now Nya and smarter too Nya!

"You're very welcome but I don't feel like I do anything, especially when they don't involve me." She continues with a smile and a wink "I'm glad you are satisfied with the encounter." Freya is satisfied with Cat's response and turns her attention to Yulya. "I would like to meet with your angel next if you please Yulya, I can at least hope she'll include me in her discussion with you. I had a dream yesterday regarding her and you and Eldath, and I believe I took the brunt of Eldath's complaints and not to mention I lectured her right back as to how the supposed goddess of peace should act. Unless it was all my mind's making, I would like to believe she listened."

[Yulya's response required up to this point.]

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #134 on: March 05, 2025, 06:44:49 PM »
Yulya nervously follows Freya into the levelling room.While Cat is conversing with the Catgod Yulya recapitulates everything that happened since her last leveling and any potential sins she may get yelled at. Her sweating increases.

"I would like to meet with your angel next if you please Yulya, I can at least hope she'll include me in her discussion with you. I had a dream yesterday regarding her and you and Eldath, and I believe I took the brunt of Eldath's complaints and not to mention I lectured her right back as to how the supposed goddess of peace should act. Unless it was all my mind's making, I would like to believe she listened."
Thank you!
Certainly I would like to believe that as well...
Yulya closes her eyes and sits down before the orb and places her shaking hands on it