Cat sniffs and investigates the tracks
Cat's keen senses picks up familiar and unfamiliar scents and tracks. There's a fresh set of cart or carriage tracks headed north with a team of horses pulling, there's the singular draft horse tracks headed east with the trader's converted carriage. She finds that Summer's steps seem to come from nowhere and end as they interact the trader's cart. Additionally there's a few marks in the gravel, like large scoops from something but they offer no scent or otherwise remarkable features.[/i]
Alice looks at the strange scoops, then into the sky. Her eyes narrow as she glances over to Summer.Large holes, tracks that come from nowhere... Hmm, was I right from the beginning?
Summer glances at her while waiting for dinner, "what do you mean? Are you a shapeshifter? What form do you sleep in?"
Ashley answers "She's like a slime or something when she's not in the more solid form."
Alice sighs...
Look, I'd like to keep this a secret, people get all sort of strange ideas and ask stupid questions. I usually even wear this mask when in public!
Alice points to the Kitsune mask on the side of her headUnfortunately I'm in pretty bad shape - pun intended - right now and can't even maintain this ridiculous doll form when I sleep. So don't freak out when you stumble into some bizarre blob shape at night. But it has its benefits too, can't break anything and most injuries that would kill a human are nothing more than a nuisance to me. Also I can do this!
Alice touches a small stain on Summer's sweater with her fingertip and it disappears within seconds due to her phagocytosis skill.If you need anything cleaned, that's my job!
Summer's ears perk up as she hears about a delicacy, she sniffs the air and she approaches the stew, "This isn't rabbit or vegetable." She raises her eyebrows and smiles. "Oh I think I know what this is."
Ashley follows her out and knows what it is of course. "Alright, I'll bite, what do you think it is?"
"Lutine! I can't believe it and I want some. I have some coin..." She begins to reach under her sweater.
She sniffs again, "or, or, is it Longle. I'm catching hints of both but no, I just haven't had it in so long, either way, please?" She pulls out a handful of gold coins.
"What?" Ashley reiterates. "What is Lutine and Longle?"
Summer looks at her with a tilted head, "Don't you even know what you're eating?"
Ashly crosses her arms, "Of course I know what it is and I'm not touching it and neither should you, whatever you think it is, it's not that."
Summer giggles, "Excuse me? You can't fake that smell, it's irrefutable, and I've never had it in a stew." She looks back to Alice and Cat with excitement.
Alice lets out a laughAaah, we have a true gourmet here!
I think it's called Elbon here, something you can't buy for money! You gotta slay it yourself! We were lucky to stumble into one a few days ago. But psst, another secret! We don't have too much of it!
Alice pushes the gold coins back at SummerDon't stick that much gold into other's faces! You'll run into the wrong people one day!
Tell ya what! Alice is in a good mood so let's eat half of our meal, then we will switch! So you can have half of my precious ration. How's that?
After dinner, Alice cleans up everything - Cat's cooking tools, Yulya's mess kits and dirty adventurer hands.Stick out your hands! We should really all get mess kits to avoid this mess but we're already at our carrying capacity!
After her shift, Alice goes to sleep underneath her own clothes, cleaning them. Then she goes over Cat and Yulya while Ashley keeps watch. Gotta look decent with that potential Royal around!