Cat get over here, lhelp me seach these guys and then rope them up!Cat dashes over to Alice and keeps the Bandit in check while Alice seaches him. After seaching them all, Cat ties them up with her rope.
they met the girl on the side of the road as they turned onto the Triboar Trail. They explain she was looking for adventurers and they knew of adventurers who cleared the goblin den so they took her aboard.Alice looks at her Doppelgänger from head to toe
Ashley sees the one who blew the whistle turning grey as no one helps him and tries to stabilize him.Damned I told you to tell me if any of those guys are on the verge of dying!
Come on guys, they won't talk if they're dead!
On the second attempt Ashley manages to stabilize the man, he would have otherwise died.
She beams at everyone like a ray of warm sunshine, "I'm Summer of Leilon, what's your name? I love your cats. Where are you headed? What kind of quest are you on? Will you also please take my quest?"Summer eh?
"Excuse us, but our horse is not used to the cold, can we go on ahead to Phandalin and leave her to you?" The trader seems relieved and thankful but impatient and wary of standing for too long.Yeah me neither, we should not be standing around here but we gotta clarify what to do with that girl. It would be more sane if you took her back to Leilon with you. I mean she looks rich so you'd probably get paid too if you return her safely. We are walking to Neverwinter. This will suck even for us, let alone for a child. Plus we also have to deal with those bandits...
Summer looks overjoyed to meet her eyes. "I have a quest for youuuu." She smiles at Yulya's kind look and does a little jig happily crunching in the snowy road. "And you should take it or the forest will die." The way she says it, you'd almost thing she doesn't really care about the forest because her expression remains cheerful. "I see you're a cleric, and I'm so glad because Clerics like to help people in need, don't they? I'm a person, in need, and I need help." She seems satisfied by her own logic.Yulya extends her hands toward the girl and uses PERSUASION
Ashley turns to Yulya with a slightly irritated look.Yulya shrugs helplessly
Damned I told you to tell me if any of those guys are on the verge of dying!
"I still dunno what to do with them. Maybe we should just cook and eat them..."
Certainly we will take care of this child but might you at least have some cloak or jacket for this girl? She needs some overcoat out here in the cold. By the way we met a roadmaster and a hunter from Leilon not long ago. Samuel and Jaquard if I remember correctly. Might you happen to know them? They were looking to recover supplies from the goblin den we cleared.
We should not be standing around here but we gotta clarify what to do with that girl. It would be more sane if you took her back to Leilon with you. I mean she looks rich so you'd probably get paid too if you return her safely. We are walking to Neverwinter. This will suck even for us, let alone for a child. Plus we also have to deal with those bandits..."
Ok you managed to find your adventurers! At least Cat here is officially a folk hero. Deliver your quest and tell us what you wanna do! You really want to walk all the way to Neverwinter with us? That's where we are going. And we can't carry you, you gotta walk. All day every day. Or do you want to return home to Leilon with those traders after they deliver their goods to Phandalin?
Worry not my child we will help you if we can! Now please tell me about your quest! What do you mean the forest will die? I am a Peace Cleric serving Our Lady Eldath, the Goddess of forests and lakes. Surely I do not want nature to suffer! And Alice here is also very fond of trees. But still I am worried about you. The life of adventurers is harsh and dangerous. So we cannot take you along indefinitely. Where is your home and family? Even if your story is complicated we are willing to listen. Remember we cannot help you if you do not tell us the full story!
Cat tries to discretely sniff Summer to find out if she really smells like a human
Summer shows a toothy grin, and though very cute and charming, it's lost on you all. "Alright." [/i]She picks up a handful of fresh snow[/i] "Do you see this?" She points to her palm full of snow. "This doesn't belong here, not even in winter. We've had frosts in Leilon, we never get frosts in Leilon and there's rumors of a white dragon with green eyes." She points to her cobalt blue eyes for emphasis "I don't know why he's here, but he doesn't belong here."Alice listens to the story with visible disinterest then lets out a guffaw. She mostly talks to herself while turning her attention to the bandits.
Psst Yulya Nyaaa!Yulya nods to Cat as her paranoia increases further. She decides to monitor Summer for any potential non-human behavior. But for the moment she cannot find any reason this would not just be an eccentric noble girl. Which is bad enough.
That girl Nya is no ordinary girl Nya! Out here in the wilderness and cold Nya, badly equipped Nya not afraid Nya totally clean Nya and no ID Nya! Traders seemed happy to get rid of her Nya! We gotta be careful Nya!
Ahhh, I know why the dragon is here but it's well, complicated - you understand!? Let's just say the dragon might be the true hero. Doing God's work. Saving the world as we speak, yep!
Hey, hey, we heard a funny story as well! About disappearing nobles! Some son of a Marquis vanished. Right where those traders picked you up! In Neverwinter they say there's a dragon that can morph into a little girl. To eat nobles. Can you believe that?
Caused us quite some trouble when we tried to enter Neverwinter last time! They suspect anyone could be that dragon! So good luck without an ID. They'll probably strip you naked to check you're reeeeallly not a dragon!
Wake up you lazy bums! You're not gonna freeze to death here so easily!
We need to get moving! Let us question these gentlemen now and decide what to do with them!
Ashley turns to Yulya, and speaks in hushed tones so Summer can't hear "From what I can tell, she's just a noble's daughter perhaps even Leilon royalty, we better play nice if we want to stay legit, the only thing worse than a noble is a royal. Heal her please, she might be a little loopy from the injury, can you tell how bad it is?"Yulya nods and gathers everyone
Alice come here too!Alice enthusiastically runds over to Yulya and extends her hands
Cat and Alice please look after these men and question them!With pleasure!
Yulya nods and gathers everyone...Yulya folds her hands in prayer, then casts CHANNEL DIVINITY - BALM OF PEACE
Moving from bandit to bandit, then Alice and Summer, she touches all of them with a hand, restoring 2D6+5 HP for everyone
Yulya rummages through her backpack and takes out:
Please have these items Summer they should serve you well until we arrive in Neverwinter!
Alice pokes the bandits with her spear, impatiently waiting for them to snap out of it.
Cat patrols the area and observes the surroundings to make sure there is no ambush.
Nya we should get going!
Yulya rubs her hands over her face and turns to Ashley
"I know what Alice wants to do, but what should we do with these bandits? We witnessed them only setting up on the side of the road, technically we don't know what they were going to do unless we can get a confession out of them. But we can't let them go and harass others either." Ashley rubs her chin. "This sounds like a job for the one and only Yulya to decide!" Ashley titters as she sees Yulya turn white.
The bandits look confused and don't speak.Yulyas distress increases exponentially.
Alice considers letting them go.
Who are you?
Do you have any relation to this girl here? Yulya gestures to Summer
Why are you here?
What was your plan?
"You're going to kill them?" Summer says with worry in her voice.If Milady has another idea, I'm all ears.
As they move a few dozen feet away the bandits begin to come around to their situation. "We ain't talkin." Says one, "we say a word and we're dead anyway and you ain't no where near powerful enough to protect us." Says another.Yulya again runs her hands over her face realizing she wasted her COMMAND spell
You can either confess everything and go - or die here as you are.
Hey, why didn't we outsource this to Ashley's cats? She was the one who wanted to see them dead the most!
The oldest, Johnstan, speaks up, "Confess to what? We didn't do anything, no crime, no victim, no witness!"Alices face turns to stone listening to this drivel
The second speaks, "We're the victims here!"
Cat!Cat bows and quickly follows Ashley. But she slows down with every step, her tail whipping left and right until she stops and turns around, running back to Yulya.
I understand. Please protect Ashley and Summer! Don't go too far. We will catch up soon.
You can either confess everything and go - or die here as you are.
Let's go to Neverwinter together so you can formally indict us at the guild for ambushing, attacking and robbing you.
Cat turns to the bandits and gives them a few paw slaps left and right
Cat grabs Johnstan by his hair and easily lifts him up with one arm, her claws digging into his scalp
Cat slams him to the ground and prepares to knock out the other bandits as well, cracking her knuckles
Who are you?
Do you have any relation to this girl here? Yulya gestures to Summer
Why are you here?
What was your plan?
Yulya's spell is effective and the eldest bandit seems to snap out of it for a second but his words are hollow as if he's half asleep.
"Johnstan Matthews, no, robbing a carriage, to rob a carriage, to meet our requirements for advancement."
Cat grabs Johnstan by his hair and easily lifts him up with one arm, her claws digging into his scalpYulya watches Cats outburst of violence with unease but is also relieved the situation is resolvedCat leave one of them conscious and untie him before we leave!
Cat slams him to the ground and prepares to knock out the other bandits as well, cracking her knuckles
Summer and Ashley are playfully kicking at the snow in the road and laughing as you approach as the cats bound and chase the clods. When you reach her Ashley gives a knowing nod to Cat. "I don't even want to know."Cat is still not fully satisfied by this outcome but shrugs it off
The travel is grueling due to the cold and snow the Triboar Trail is a welcome sight. You stop to take a small break and possibly have a portion of your rations.Cat warms up half a vegetable-mushroom ration for Alice, Yulya and herself.
"Come on Cat, I'll race you!" Summer calls to Cat and runs ahead full speed. Ashley directs her cats to follow and protect. She's running remarkably fast.Cat dashes out full speed in a cloud of snow to challenge Summer, surprised by the noble's speed. Weren't nobles supposed to be fat and lazy? She easily overtakes Summer but eventually lets her catch up and finish in a draw
Three boars are in the road ahead pushing their snouts through the accumulated snow. When they see you, they run off. You might get a lucky shot in if you tried.Cat grabs her bow and quickly shoots an arrow at the nearest boar
Summer is exhausted and is dragging her feet. Ashley is yawning. You may choose to continue along the high road in the dark with a higher sense of safety in hopes to make it to the rest stop though it's still a good 4 hours North, and risk exhaustion of some of your team, or find a place to set up the tent here.Nyaa we should rest here Nya I can't carry all you guys you if you break down Nya!
Summer and Ashley are playfully kicking at the snow in the road and laughing as you approach
The travel is grueling due to the cold and snowDamned, I hate snow! Isn't walking hard enough already? What's so great about it? It's wet and cold and makes everything just terrible! I'll shove stink bombs into that dragon's nostrils when I catch him!
You stop to take a small break and possibly have a portion of your rations. Cat warms up half a vegetable-mushroom ration for Alice, Yulya and herself.Alice gladly takes the warm meal
Rested and resolved to get to a good stopping point, you're back to walking. Summer and Ashley are in a great mood and in high spirits, having hit it off and having made fast friends.Alice keeps the rear guard and soon starts swearing about snow, dragons and bandits again
Three boars are in the road ahead pushing their snouts through the accumulated snow. When they see you, they run off. You might get a lucky shot in if you tried.Alice will take a lucky shot as well providing she is close enough and nobody is in the way
The snow accumulated is less and less until you can tell it's no longer sticking to the road, the temperature hovers around 0C and travel speed is up to 2.6 miles/hrNow Alice's mood slowly improves
The sun has just set and you experience no further issues as you reach the High Road and the scene of your first double homicide. Thankfully the snow has turned to a light mist and you're damp and it feels colder, but it is in fact above freezing.Alice laughs seeing the familiar place
Nyaa we should rest here Nya I can't carry all you guys you if you break down Nya!My word!
Cat looks for a secluded and acceptably dry place behind rocks to set up the tent so it is out of view from travelers. Then she sets up her pot
"Come on Cat, I'll race you!" Summer calls to Cat and runs ahead full speed. Ashley directs her cats to follow and protect. She's running remarkably fast.Yulya turns to Ashley as Summer runs off
Cat warms up half a vegetable-mushroom ration for Alice, Yulya and herself.Yulya bows and takes the warm ration from Cat
Alice keeps the rear guard and soon starts swearing about snow, dragons and bandits againYulya turns back and tries to comfort Alice. She points out that it is quickly getting warmer as they approach the high road
"I remember this! This is where I was when the carriage came!" Summer finds the wheel tracks and her own foot prints in the lightly dampened gravel and dust. The tracks do indeed match her boots.Yulya scratches her head
Nyaa we should rest here Nya I can't carry all you guys you if you break down Nya!Yes that was quite a journey and we should not over-exert our guest. Let us rest for the night here!
Alice helps Cat set up the tent and then hops through the entrance. She starts cleaning the inside and guards the entrance against potentially dirty intruders until dinner is readyYulya smiles at Alices show. She casts GUIDANCE on herself and decides to search the area for potential enemies before sitting down at the fire
Nya what about you about you Ashley Nya and Summer Nya? We have vegetable-mushroom rations Nya and Ashley has rabbit rations Nya! I made them myself Nya!
Alice would gladly take the warm meal. "Thank you Cat! I really need something warm now!"
Yulya bows and would take the warm ration from Cat, "Thank you! Your meals are always a pleasure![/i]
Cat attempts to warm up half a vegetable-mushroom ration for Alice, Yulya, and herself, as well as rabbit stew for Summer and Ashley.
Cat dashes out full speed in a cloud of snow to challenge Summer, surprised by the noble's speed. Weren't nobles supposed to be fat and lazy? She easily overtakes Summer but eventually lets her catch up and finish in a draw
Cat grabs her bow and quickly shoots an arrow at the nearest boar.
Alice will take a lucky shot as well providing she is close enough and nobody is in the way
Nyaa we should rest here Nya I can't carry all you guys you if you break down Nya!
Cat looks for a secluded and acceptably dry place behind rocks to set up the tent so it is out of view from travelers. Then she sets up her pot to cook 3 portions of mystery meat in one pot and 2 rations of either rabbit or vegetable for Summer and Ashley as they like. Alternatively if she hits a boar Cat will combine it with X vegetable-mushroom ration and prepare it for everyone. The amount of rations is to be determined.
Indeed so it seems! Cat can you give the tracks a look if maybe there are signs of anybody else? And you have no memory how you ended up here? Did you walk all the way from Leilon?
She casts GUIDANCE on herself and decides to search the area for potential enemies before sitting down at the fire[Perception: 1d20+5+1d4=18] Yulya peers out into the growing darkness and nothing catches her eye.
Alice helps Cat set up the tent and then hops through the entrance. She starts cleaning the inside and guards the entrance against potentially dirty intruders until dinner is ready.
[There's one problem here. Your full rations and water are frozen solid, the scrap wood around is wet and frozen, and all the ground is covered in several inches of snow. Cold dry rations will be the only practical choice at this time]Alice looks disappointed as she nibbles on the cold veggie ration.
Summer is impressed by Cat's speed, she smiles widely in a mess of frizzy hair and exclaims, "Wow, you're at least twice as fast as me! But next time I'll be ready!"
The shot is good but the Boar bolts away with the arrow still in its rump. You've lost one arrow.Alice cries a silent tear for the lost arrow and boar stew
[Alice's hit did 6 damage but the boar had higher hit points than that.]
Cat manages to start the fire and warm the food and water.The sweet scent of roast noble fills the air. Alice claps her hands in anticipation.
After eating, Ashley goes for the tent."I'll take second shift, someone watch for a couple hours and wake me up." Summer and Ashley take a space in the back of the tentI'll take the first shift AND your dirty boots! No dirt in my precious tent!
[There's one problem here. Your full rations and water are frozen solid, the scrap wood around is wet and frozen, and all the ground is covered in several inches of snow. Cold dry rations will be the only practical choice at this time]After a few attempts Cat gives the others an apologetic look and hands out the cold rations with embarrassment
Indeed so it seems! Cat can you give the tracks a look if maybe there are signs of anybody else?Cat sniffs and investigates the tracks
Cat manages to start the fire and warm the food and water.Cat smiles broadly but gestures Alice to be quiet before Summer asks too much about the secret ingredient
The sweet scent of roast noble fills the air. Alice claps her hands in anticipation.
Been a while since we had such a delicacy! Who needs Toblen's overpriced inn?!
Cat sniffs and investigates the tracks
I don't wanna reshape after going to sleep. Guess it will be a bit crowded so don't step on me at night! Pile some clothes over me!
Been a while since we had such a delicacy!
Before going to sleep Yulya takes a look at the bandits brooches and cloaks. She casts GUIDANCE on herself and tries to investigate the magic signature
Cat's keen senses picks up familiar and unfamiliar scents and tracks. There's a fresh set of cart or carriage tracks headed north with a team of horses pulling, there's the singular draft horse tracks headed east with the trader's converted carriage. She finds that Summer's steps seem to come from nowhere and end as they interact the trader's cart. Additionally there's a few marks in the gravel, like large scoops from something but they offer no scent or otherwise remarkable features.Yulya can' wrap her head around this. Cat could she have come with the cart heading north or are the tracks too fresh for that?
Summer's ears perk up as she hears about a delicacy, she sniffs the air and she approaches the stew, "This isn't rabbit or vegetable." She raises her eyebrows and smiles. "Oh I think I know what this is."Yulya pretends not to hear anything and does not want to hear anything. Ignorance is bliss
Ashley follows her out and knows what it is of course. "Alright, I'll bite, what do you think it is?"
"Lutine! I can't believe it and I want some. I have some coin..." She begins to reach under her sweater.
She sniffs again, "or, or, is it Longle. I'm catching hints of both but no, I just haven't had it in so long, either way, please?" She pulls out a handful of gold coins.
"What?" Ashley reiterates. "What is Lutine and Longle?"
Summer looks at her with a tilted head, "Don't you even know what you're eating?"
Ashly crosses her arms, "Of course I know what it is and I'm not touching it and neither should you, whatever you think it is, it's not that."
Summer giggles, "Excuse me? You can't fake that smell, it's irrefutable, and I've never had it in a stew." She looks back to Alice and Cat with excitement.
"Alright miss smarty-pants, I warned ya?" Ashly happily takes her rabbit stew.
[INVESTIGATION 1d20-1+1d4=12] Yulya investigates the brooches but her skills at investigation are very poor and it shows. She only just feels the slight signature.Yulya buries her head in her hands because of her incompetence. How shameful for a cleric! Disappointed by her lack of skills Yulya goes to sleep leaving the brooches for Freya.
Cat sniffs and investigates the tracksAlice looks at the strange scoops, then into the sky. Her eyes narrow as she glances over to Summer.
Cat's keen senses picks up familiar and unfamiliar scents and tracks. There's a fresh set of cart or carriage tracks headed north with a team of horses pulling, there's the singular draft horse tracks headed east with the trader's converted carriage. She finds that Summer's steps seem to come from nowhere and end as they interact the trader's cart. Additionally there's a few marks in the gravel, like large scoops from something but they offer no scent or otherwise remarkable features.[/i]
Summer glances at her while waiting for dinner, "what do you mean? Are you a shapeshifter? What form do you sleep in?"Alice sighs...
Ashley answers "She's like a slime or something when she's not in the more solid form."
Summer's ears perk up as she hears about a delicacy, she sniffs the air and she approaches the stew, "This isn't rabbit or vegetable." She raises her eyebrows and smiles. "Oh I think I know what this is."Alice lets out a laugh
Ashley follows her out and knows what it is of course. "Alright, I'll bite, what do you think it is?"
"Lutine! I can't believe it and I want some. I have some coin..." She begins to reach under her sweater.
She sniffs again, "or, or, is it Longle. I'm catching hints of both but no, I just haven't had it in so long, either way, please?" She pulls out a handful of gold coins.
"What?" Ashley reiterates. "What is Lutine and Longle?"
Summer looks at her with a tilted head, "Don't you even know what you're eating?"
Ashly crosses her arms, "Of course I know what it is and I'm not touching it and neither should you, whatever you think it is, it's not that."
Summer giggles, "Excuse me? You can't fake that smell, it's irrefutable, and I've never had it in a stew." She looks back to Alice and Cat with excitement.
Cat's ears slowly fold back during this weird and troublesome conversation. She's torn between laughing and crying.Summer's ears perk up as she hears about a delicacy, she sniffs the air and she approaches the stew, "This isn't rabbit or vegetable." She raises her eyebrows and smiles. "Oh I think I know what this is."Alice lets out a laugh
Ashley follows her out and knows what it is of course. "Alright, I'll bite, what do you think it is?"
"Lutine! I can't believe it and I want some. I have some coin..." She begins to reach under her sweater.
She sniffs again, "or, or, is it Longle. I'm catching hints of both but no, I just haven't had it in so long, either way, please?" She pulls out a handful of gold coins.
"What?" Ashley reiterates. "What is Lutine and Longle?"
Summer looks at her with a tilted head, "Don't you even know what you're eating?"
Ashly crosses her arms, "Of course I know what it is and I'm not touching it and neither should you, whatever you think it is, it's not that."
Summer giggles, "Excuse me? You can't fake that smell, it's irrefutable, and I've never had it in a stew." She looks back to Alice and Cat with excitement.
Aaah, we have a true gourmet here!
I think it's called Elbon here, something you can't buy for money! You gotta slay it yourself! We were lucky to stumble into one a few days ago. But psst, another secret! We don't have too much of it!
Alice pushes the gold coins back at Summer
Don't stick that much gold into other's faces! You'll run into the wrong people one day!
Tell ya what! Alice is in a good mood so let's eat half of our meal, then we will switch! So you can have half of my precious ration. How's that?
Cat could she have come with the cart heading north or are the tracks too fresh for that?
I think it's called Elbon here, something you can't buy for money! You gotta slay it yourself! We were lucky to stumble into one a few days ago. But psst, another secret! We don't have too much of it!
Don't tell others about this meal, Summer Nya it's a secret recipe Nya!
... So you can have half of my precious ration. How's that?
Summer looks at the footprints on the road again, "oh, I remember now! My carriage was taken! We were headed to Neverwinter to hire heroes for my quest."Alice has severe trouble making sense of this story and facepalms
"My driver noticed someone on the road ahead and we stopped at the crossroad. I hid here behind the rock as he continued and after way too long, my driver and cart were both gone. I waited here because I thought they'd come back but then when the other cart came I took it because the driver said four heroes cleared the road. Bandits aside we almost made it to Phandalin where they said the heroes were but there you were! Even if we go to Neverwinter, I still want you helping me rather than someone I don't know."
"We heard rumors of a snow dragon having infested the sight of an artifact "Alice's rant is suddenly interrupted as she flinches, making a pained face while thinking to herself
... So you can have half of my precious ration. How's that?Summer happily takes the bargain of sharing food with Alice, "Oh thank you!"
Alice takes the first shift, watching out for possible trouble so they don't catch them by surprise. After about an hour, with the whistle still on her, she senses something off, when she takes it out, there's very faint light is emanating from it. On the top, where it looked like a solid silver and white, the shape of a ship embossed in gold seems to be shining through a thin enamel coating.Damn, the whistle!
After Alice's shift she wakes Ashley. Snuggled next to Summer, she carefully gets up with her three cats, Helga and the B's, and warns Alice away from Summer. Whispering harshly she says, "No cleaning anyone without permission!"I would never! The joke is that we will be perfectly clean while the noble will become increasingly filthy
Ashley steps outside in the cold and sits near the dying fire... and casts True Sight. Nearly through her watch, having cast it again, completely bored, she notes four humanoids coming with stealth in the distance, careful to stay just off the road. She thinks of waking everyone but perhaps they'll walk on by without a fuss. [Stealth Roll Failed] She notes with her true sight that they're definately aware of the tent and headed right for them. She ducks back in and sounds the alarm in a frantic whisper, "Everyone up, we have four possible bad guys headed our way."Alice immediately creeps out of the tent with her belongings using stealth and slips away into the darkness. A pancake-flat blob with a pile of clothes and a backpack on top hides in the wilderness a bit further away from the tent, observing the situation.
[01:16 Saturday, Spring 15th, frost, 0C]
Cat didn't answer this but I will give the information since it's obvious and she also didn't ignore you.The cart heading North does look like it was first at about the same time or within hours or a day at most to the one that turned East. So Summer's timeline makes sense. Furthermore the scoops look something like depressions that could have been made if a sack of wheat was dropped from carriage height or a medium animal might have done it and there are other prints including bear and wolf about. Nothing else pops out.Yulya is relieved Summers story finally makes sense now - at least somewhat. But she shares Alices confusion.
Summer looks at the footprints on the road again, "oh, I remember now! My carriage was taken! We were headed to Neverwinter to hire heroes for my quest."
"We heard rumors of a snow dragon having infested the sight of an artifact and the master trusted me to handle this. I may be an apprentice, but I'm good at it."
"My driver noticed someone on the road ahead and we stopped at the crossroad. I hid here behind the rock as he continued and after way too long, my driver and cart were both gone. I waited here because I thought they'd come back but then when the other cart came I took it because the driver said four heroes cleared the road. Bandits aside we almost made it to Phandalin where they said the heroes were but there you were! Even if we go to Neverwinter, I still want you helping me rather than someone I don't know."
Don't tell others about this meal, Summer Nya it's a secret recipe Nya!
Summer agrees, "I wouldn't say anything! I've never heard of Elbon though."Yulya hears nothing and knows nothing and is focusing on her meal.
Summer happily takes the bargain of sharing food with Alice, "Oh thank you!"
She smiles thankfully as a final gesture before eating, and though standing, and not in a formal setting, she eats with style and grace. "Hm, it tastes different in stew, my chefs would have a fit to treat such rare delicacy like this, but..." she looks to Cat "you pulled it off, it's delicious!"
Ashley winces in disgust, "I'm eating in the tent."
Ashley steps outside in the cold and sits near the dying fire... and casts True Sight. Nearly through her watch, having cast it again, completely bored, she notes four humanoids coming with stealth in the distance, careful to stay just off the road. She thinks of waking everyone but perhaps they'll walk on by without a fuss. [Stealth Roll Failed] She notes with her true sight that they're definately aware of the tent and headed right for them. She ducks back in and sounds the alarm in a frantic whisper, "Everyone up, we have four possible bad guys headed our way."Yulya grabs her gear and dons her shield
Why did you get off the cart to begin with? And your driver continued without you? What sort of strategy is this? What were you thinking?
So you were traveling just with you driver? And he left you behind so you just boarded another cart?
Oh and as you are an apprentice, who is your master if I may ask?
Look at that whistle from the bandits! I forgot about it with all the fuss but it looks like there's some magic at work here! That ship definitely wasn't there before! I hope nobody will be able to track us with this or the brooches!
I swear, if those guys are the same bandits again I will cook them alive! Hell, I'll cook them alive just for disturbing my sleep!
Oh no! And I have not rested yet! Ashley please look after Summer but keep ready in case we need a negotiator! Cat let us go!
Cat let us go![/quote]
Cat casts a smoke cover around the tent with her ring
Let's see if the decoy works Nya!
Yulya gets behind Ashley and Summer. She casts BLESS on Alice Ashley and Cat. Then she uses her Ring of Quick casting for EMBOLDENING BOND between Alice and Cat.
After receiving Bless and the Emboldening Bond, Alice morphs into her humanoid form and uses stealth to move 70ft E
Yulya moves 30ft SE and picks up a pebble from the floor. She casts LIGHT on it and quickly throws it before bandit 2
Just at the edge of the light the grimace of a large Golden dragon's head appears to stare down at the bandits.Alice bursts into laughter
Bandit #1 uses his turn to bravely investigate the illusion. [INVESTIGATION 1d20+4=6 vs DC14] Believing it to be a real dragon, he calls for retreat, all the remaining bandits run south into the darkness.Alice is not happy and throws her bow on the floor
Once back at camp, Ashley puts more wood on the fire and congratulates Summer on her illusion, Summer beams with a wide smile, also proud of herself. "I could only project the head because my minor illusion cantrip is limited to a 5ft cube, but the edge light was a perfect compliment to fool them; they couldn't see that there wasn't a body attached to that head."Alice grumpily returns and briefly eyes Summer.
Summer disappears into the darkness.Yulya helplessly watches the child move closer to the enemy. She tries to call out to Summer but doesnt manage to utter a word. Her distress increases
Just at the edge of the light the grimace of a large Golden dragon's head appears to stare down at the bandits. Though Ashley clearly sees this as an illusion with her Truesight, the bandits don't seem to have this same luxury.Yulya exhales in relief and speaks a prayer to Eldath and SheShe
Bandit #1 uses his turn to bravely investigate the illusion. Believing it to be a real dragon, he calls for retreat, all the remaining bandits run south into the darkness.
Once back at camp, Ashley puts more wood on the fire and congratulates Summer on her illusion, Summer beams with a wide smile, also proud of herself. "I could only project the head because my minor illusion cantrip is limited to a 5ft cube, but the edge light was a perfect compliment to fool them; they couldn't see that there wasn't a body attached to that head."Yulya sighs
"Oh so now I get it, you're magic schools are perfect for negotiations with manipulation and bluffing." Ashley thinks wistfully to herself wondering if she could add a few tricks to her arsenal. "That sure would help." She mutters to herself.
"I guess I'll finish my watch."Please do Ashley!
That was a great show Summer!
You saved us a lot of trouble here!
Nyaa Summer made this illusion Nya? Quite impressive Nya!
After breakfast everything is packed up and it's back on the high road. Cat takes the front guard as usual.
How are you doing Summer?
You wanna defeat an Ice Dragon with that pathetic stamina?
My apologies for the lack of variety Nya but it's rabbit and Nyaa you know...
"I know a few tricks too, well technically I'm cursed, I can become a demon black panther from the negative plane."And it's awesome! If you stay with us you'll see her!
[The firebombs are successfully made presuming you have all the ingredients and Alice and Cat both supervise. Please update the inventory accordingly and let me know how much you made.]Alice rummages through her and Cat's backpack and readies the ingredients for 2 firebombs:
She turns to summerI apologize for bothering you this early my child but could you use your cleaning magic on those people? Look how dust they are! The Gods always reward a good deed! Unfortunately I do not possess such skills and Alices way of doing this though effective is a bit - odd.Alice feels a bit insulted
Yulya uses PERCEPTION to determine their intentions.
Unfortunately we are packed to the brim but we will see what we can still carry!
I apologize for bothering you this early my child but could you use your cleaning magic on those people?
Is this - honey? I've heard about it but never come across the real thing! How cool is that? We should take it all! The berry wine and bread smell good too! Local food is the best! I finally feel like a proper tourist.
Good Morning Nya, you alright Nya?
Did you catch your dragon already Nya? We're also dragon hunting now Nya let's see who gets one first Nya oh you know Summer Nya?
Nyaa we only have veggie rations left Nya! Let us spice it up with some bread Nya and a piece of honeycomb as dessert Nya!Yulya nods
The chromatic dragons, however, are evil, they're dull and feral, they'd rather kill on sight than shapeshift for any political or civil reason. Talking to them or trying to convince them to do as you will may work on a wyrmling, but if you see an adult chromatic dragon, it's kill or be killed, they don't bother to deceive anyone, they can't shapeshift typically, and their hedonistic appetite must be sated at all times. That 'snow' dragon Summer has concerned herself with is likely a white dragon, and though rumor has it that the climate has been affected by the dragon, I sincerely doubt the dragon alone is responsible.Yulya shrinks and turns paler with every word of the guard and begins muttering to herself
As Alice races off, Cat turns to YulyaYulya envies Alices carefree attitude but cant help to smile for a moment
We should go to the guild Nya Alice will catch up with us later I guess Nya!
Nyaa you know a lot about dragons Nya is this mandatory for guards Nya? And you're that close to Summer Nya? What a small world Nya...
Dragons - why must it be dragons? We can't kill an adult dragon thats impossible! Who do they think we are? Heroes or something? We are dead in the first seconds of such encounter! Even Alice if it is about cold and ice. We even struggle with a few bandits or goblins! Cant it just be convinced to go somewhere else? Where it is cold already? So everyone can be happy?
I need to borrow the ring of dragons and the amulet of draconic might. With those in conjunction with my own skills, that dragon will be quite distracted. Then I just need a few heroes..." She points at you all. " take him out. You know, slaying a dragon has many perks. First of all, you'll be able to be legitimately called 'dragonslayers', second, you'll be renowned and infamous in many circles and marked untouchable by petty lowlifes such as bandits and thieves because you'll get a special tag."Yulya frowns at this glorious and without doubt absolutely insane plan to take down a dragon, biting her lip. So it is either death or fame - but most likely death.
Her smile fades and she states, "I want one."
"I also need to track down my carriage, so we must part ways for now, but please do meet me in Phandalin after you take care of clearing out that mine of yours and I guarantee you'll be true heroes."
"My intuition is telling me it'll be difficult, but I want to do it." Ashley says to Yulya.Certainly what other choice do we have? We need to get Alice to her ship...
The clocktower rings one o'clock as you step inside and are somewhat surprised to see it empty though it's not unexpected on a Sunday. You are greeted by Elizabeth, one of the hostesses of the guild.Greetings Miss Elizabeth!
"Welcome back adventurers! I remember you." She pulls a chair at one of the tables close to the kitchen and says, "sit, I have leftovers for you, if you're still hungry, on the house. Will you be needing lodgings tonight?"
I am glad we could safely bring you to Neverwinter! Will you be alright on your own? Not that I doubt your skills but regardless of that you are still a child and we don't want to be held responsibl... I mean we are worried about your safety! Take care!
Certainly what other choice do we have? We need to get Alice to her ship...
Greetings Miss Elizabeth!
I can report we returned safely though with an unfinished quest. We shall give our full report to Freya. A lot has happened.
We would gladly take your offer for a meal and request a room for the night!
Oh, one more thing - could we leave our belongings at the guild? We are packed to the brim.
Nya we gotta get some food for Alice Nya when she returns Nya!
I'm not much for running through a city, maybe I can make more rations if they let me borrow the kitchen Nya!
Ashley finished her meal with a satisfied look on her face, seeing Elizabeth looking the other way she whispered to Cat, "Your cooking is better."Cat's face lights up
"Not to mention Brutus, though he also said to say hi to you Cat the Barbarian, if I should see you."Nya I am honored Nya please tell Brutus the same if you see him! I hope he is well Nya!
A little uncomfortable, Ashley said, "Yeah, well Cat and I are going to go do that now, so..."Cat watches the scene with bewilderment, then whispers to Ashley after Theilia is gone
"I'll leave you then, for now." With a wink and a flash of wispy black fire-heat-like shimmer, she was gone.
Ashley and Cat approach the doors and before they reach it, a tall Elven man steps out and greets them. "May I help you... ladies with something?">pet
He stifled a laugh trying to make it look like a cough, "As I suspected, unless you have a... more refined sponsor..." he squinted at Ashley's tag and straightened then continued in a disinterested, tired tone, "Ashley the ironclad adventurer of Neverwinter, there are no licenses currently available. So do take your pet and run along to your adventuring guild or whatever it's called." He waved Ashley and Cat off like flies from a picnic and continued to guard the door.
Nyaa I know nothing about Drow Elves Nya but is this girl...
Cat's eyes dart around nervously
...interested in you as a mate or something Nya?
Ashley Nyaa, should you mention that noble from Phandalin Nya? Maybe that helps Nya! But this man gives off worse vibes than most nobles I encountered recently Nya. I don't want to cause you trouble Nya and I apologize Nya but I cannot let this stand Nya!
Excuse me Sir Nya, trade guild or not, we accept your refusal but calling a Tabaxi Warrior and Adventurer a pet is unacceptable behavior and an insult to my race and tribe! I am Cat the Barbarian Nya and nobody's pet or servant. What is your name, Sir? I am considering filing a complaint against you unless you apologize for your wording Nya!
Ashley snaps out of it and snaps her fingers at Cat then pulls her down to whisper in her ear, "Play along."Cat's ears rotate in confusion
"Oh don't mind her, and she's not my pet obviously as she explained, she's a hero." Ashley feigns a giggle "good jest though, ha ha. I'll go ask my sponsor to send a letter ahead and make an appointment, please excuse my oversight." She bows politely, and tries to motion Cat to bow respectfully as well.Cat is grudgingly coaxed into a minimal bow, and lets out a growl while fixating the elf with her eyes...
There was a slight gleam of nervousness in his eye when he saw Cat's display, but it faded as he glances down at Ashley with a thin smile, "Hmm, I see, well do mind your sponsor's instructions more accurately in the future, you, I can expect would not know the etiquette but your sponsor most certainly would know, if anyone is to apologize it is you to your sponsor for this break in protocol, leading to my confusion. If they can forgive you for this, then I suppose so can I. So I'll give you this piece of advice in a show of future cooperation, rule number 1 of the trade guild is 'follow the rules to the letter and know your place', future tradeswomen. And may your goods always reach their destinations safely and profitably." He then straightened back up and returned to that stoic expression.Still confused, Cat's eyes dart between Ashley and the man before she hesitantly follows Ashley
Ashley nods and tugs at Cat to follow her.
The staff, including three maids, all begin beating at Beatrice with improvised weapons as the elf picks up a gold candlestick and attempts to squish her himself. She is sadly overcome by the numbers and with a few good whacks, she blinks back to the negative plane leaving the staff and the noble shaken but otherwise completely stumped as to what that just was as it left no trace other than the damage and the elf's significant wound.[/i]Cat listens to the mayhem unfold with big eyes and her grin widens as Alice suddenly appears, noisy as always. Cat grabs her, covering her mouth.
Ashley smiles at Cat, "Let's bee sure to follow 'the protocol' next time."Cat bows to Ashley, her ears drooping
Thank you Ashley Nya but Nya why did you go so far to avenge me Nya? I just hope this doesn't cause you trouble Nyaa...
Whatever it takes, I'll help you get that license Nya!
So uh that was hilarious but how will severely injuring that guy help getting your trade license? Not saying that he didn't deserve it though...
We should have asked that Harbin guy to sponsor you after all. I don't like the idea but I guess there's no other way into this exclusive club eh? Maybe with that dragon killer tag but that seems like solving a small problem with a gigantic one...
Let's return to the guild and Yulya Nya!
We gotta sell that scrap and buy the items for Harbin! And a cart! Can we manage that without that license?
"Well it's kinda not done yet, sort of I guess we did get paid but there's a follow-on."
What we need is a cart full of dragon bones, scales, eyes, horns, ears, claws, meat, we need to think big here. I will absolutely not be selling that without a better then 60% price, no way. I'm thinking that stuff is rare, license or not, I'll be making a deal with someone somehow. How much does a dragon even weigh? They fly don't they? Can't be that heavy, I'm guessing 1000lbs max, so we need a cart that'll hold that much and don't fill it all up with junk like you been carrying around, I'm going to need room for dragon booty. Oh! Not to mention the treasure?Alice rolls her eyes listening to Ashley's greedy monologue
Hey and don't you need ugh, scrap or something from that ship? I don't know, can Cat pull all that? Can't we get a donkey or something?Alice feels offended
Hey, my payment for this dragon slaying is going to be 1/4 of that dragon, and no nonsense from you Alice I mean it! The treasure we can split 1/8 whatever, but that dragon is 1/4 mine! I got like 60 gold or something, I bet I can afford a nice cart and a donkey and all kinds of feed for it, harnesses, all that, this is going to be epic. No way are leaving any skin or scales or nothing...Yes, yes all fine by me but you realize my ship crashed in a remote mountain range? Even Cat can't pull a cart there! No way! I'm surprised Yulya managed to reach that place on foot! I don't remember much about it but the journey there won't be easy. We gotta ask Yulya.
After she regains her ground, "Hey watch it, I'm not made of muscles like you," she then straightens her robe.Nyaa sorry Nya got carried away Nya but you gotta be able to take a few hits if ya wanna slay a dragon Nya!
Ashley thinks to herself about Summer, "Summer? Naa, she's an attendant, not a real noble."Nya didn't she say her father was a big trader or something Nya? We saved his daughter Nya sponsoring you would be the least he could do in return Nya!
Look, we gotta assume that damn dragon has shock-frozen the wreckage. As soon as it thaws, the Living Metal will start to seep underground and the ship will start to reassemble itself. And we will go inside! You'll love that, I promise you'll see something you've never seen before!Cat can't make much of Alice's description
I need to communicate with my ship to assess its state an stabilize it - and then it can help me transform. This will take about a day. But I can't tell you how long it will take to defrost it. Anyway, don't worry about that. We can safely store part of our loot in my ship if we can't carry it back all at once. You won't find a safer storage.
I dunno much about draft animals but that seems the best option. What do you think, Cat?Cat looks up in thought
Knowing Yulya will be indisposed in the room for another six and a half hours, you wonder what you'll be doing with all that time. You see Elizabeth cleaning up and some adventurers sitting near the front of the guild, other then that it's eerily quiet.Cat looks around
Summer enters the adventurer's guild and walks over to your table, "Friends! There you are! Hello hello!Cat waves at Summer enthusiastically
"I heard that one of the staff was badly injured by a large exotic wasp! Of course I was appalled, and subsequently a beautiful lamp was shattered in the hall. The guild master suspected it was the doing of some sort of teleportation magic or summoning spell, but I wondered who could have anything against the guild?" She thought hard,Cat whistles in a totally unsuspicious manner while looking at the ceiling. Her tail whips around erratically
Summer enters the adventurer's guild and walks over to your table, "Friends! There you are! Hello hello!Alice raises her hand, slumped into her chair
After I got my new ID," she shows off her ID, sure enough it says Summer 'Leilon Royal Mage Apprentice' and in addition it has the marking of the trade guild in Leilon, "I visited the trade guild to ask about my carriage and indeed it was held because the driver had a counterfeit trade plate. So it turns out it was stolen! I don't know what happened to my driver."Alice raises an eyebrow - as much as her ridiculously poor imitation of a humanoid allows
I wonder who could have anything against the guild?Alice keeps her pokerface while glancing over at Cat
I'll be taking the dragon scales, horns, crystals, claws and bones, because I already arranged a buyer.Alice leans back in her chair with a grin
"Based on the approximate location of the dragon's den, my carriage will be a few miles away but I can easily get some laborers from Phandalin to help me prepare the items, handle and load the carriage, so you don't even have to worry about that. I think you're getting a lot! So do we have a deal?"You'll have to talk to Yulya-sama about this.
Oh hi Summer Nya! How are you doing Nya?
Hi kiddo!
By the way do you still have that mangled royal plate we gave you?
Hello Summer!
I am glad we meet again sooner than in Phandalin!
Yulya listens to Summers deal proposal and nods
It is fine with me if Ashley accepts your terms!
"Dragon's den? Oh! You mean the artifact? Everyone knows about that already and where it is, you can see it from the southern road well you could I guess, the last scout I talked to said it was mostly covered in snow and ice now. The original report said it must be a ship, a metal ship." She looks up thoughtfully and thinks, "hm. Not to worry! No one will go anywhere near it with that dragon there. I'm not sure if I can help with the ship though, I have a lot to do...Alice buries her face in her hands in despair
Oh! When the dragon's gone you can ask Phandalin about salvage rights, it's in their jurisdiction. Wait I just remembered... in fact..." She reaches her hand inside her skirt and pulls out a folded letter. She opens it and then looks at it intently, "ah! Eldermath has first right of salvage. Apparently he surveyed the artifact before the dragon moved in and claimed the stake, so you'll have to work that out with him. I have to speak to him myself as I'll be accessing the land for dragon removal." She smiled widely and looked satisfied with herself for being so organized and well prepared.Alice jumps up and slams her hands on the table
"Oh you do know him, I must ask then, what's he like? I heard he's a very accomplished archmage and I'm very much looking forward to meeting him."Eldermath - ah, he's interesting but also an arrogant bastard. Didn't allow Ashley to sit at his table and made her stay with his sheep hehe!
Ashley waved Yulya off, "Go back to studying, sorry for bothering you, finish up so I can go to sleep." Ashley said then yawned.Certainly. I am a bit shaken from what I have heard but I ill try my best to finish my studies in time four our rest!
Oh, Summer Nya about that carriage Nya when will you be leaving for Phandalin Nya? We gotta transport a lot of things back Nya and we don't have a carriage or animal Nya!
Do you know her?
Yulya excuses herself and leaves for the room, looking for Elizabeth on the way.
Have you decided yet Ashley Nya? If we don't need to transport most dragon parts home Nya on mule would be enough Nya but I guess 2 would be better Nya. Alice won't want any human porters up there Nya so we gotta get everything down to Summers carriage ourselves Nya!
Summer shrugs, "I'm just the messenger, I need to be on his good side, so you'll have to handle the disposition of the ship."Alice rolls her eyes in disbelief raising her arms into the air
>no muleHaa, and I was already looking forward to touching their - ears. Do you know they have huge pelty ears?
Freya crushes Ashley's face in her ample bosom and pulls Cat into the hug, "I was worried about you all, do tell do tell!" She says with a friendly wink to Alice.Alice watches the unwanted attention Ashley receives with great joy
Elizabeth watched with a thin smile and a hint of jealousy then returned to her cleaning in a huffFeeling deliberately left out from Freya's hug, Alice pats Elizabeth on the arm
"Cat! We can't ask Summer to haul around our junk! What's even in here?!" Ashley roots around in Cat's pack, "What the heck, what is the obsession with goblin vinegar? This stuff stinks, can we please just at least leave this stuff here?Cat's ears droop
Tent... rope... Ugh, I thought you were carrying scrap and stuff we definately need a cart even if it's a small one."[/color]Nya there's still plenty pf space in my backpack Nya but...
Alice reaches for Cat's ears to satisfy her urges with a replacementCat gently holds down Alice before she can reach her ears like an annoying child playing with her mother's hair
Freya crushes Ashley's face in her ample bosom and pulls Cat into the hug, "I was worried about you all, do tell do tell!" She says with a friendly wink to Alice.Nyahaha good to see you again Freya Nya hope you are doing well Nya!
Alice looks at CatNya?
Maybe you should summarize all that happened for Freya!
Leave my ears alone Nya what happened to the ones you collected Nya?Alice sighs and searches her backpack. She takes out a wolf ear and rubs it on her cheek
Freya is astonished how you survived the encounter mostly unscathed, she gives her condolences to Alice for being down and then lectures her briefly about booping dragons on the nose. "Even wyrmlings shouldn't be taken lightly!"Hey, I thought dragons were smart! We tried to make it clear we'd not attack that dragon and even help it to to revenge on its captors! Even heal it! I took great risks to free that wyrmling! I TRIED to be nice, and this is what I got! Attacking me was just unnecessary! I only booped its nose after it already had attacked me without need. Should I have stabbed that dragon instead? Probably, we would have gotten some nice dragon materials to sell. I won't make that mistake again. Only a dead dragon is a good dragon! But no worries, it will take a lot more to kill me and with Yulya's fancy magic and Cat's ration I was back on my feet in no time!
-Ashley asks about a giant spiderAlice is disappointed
Freya doesn't have any ideas.
-Ashley describes the whistle and broaches on the banditsThose guys were definitely organized. The ones we caught refused to talk even if we offered to release them. Said they would be dead if they talked and that nobody could protect them. The whistle was definitely a magic item. It glowed and the symbol of a ship appeared on it when the 2nd party approached us! Does that ring any bells?
"Hmm, they seem to be organized, and the broaches you described certain sound elvish, the whistle is curious as well."
Liz had the crazy notion that this girl Summer was somehow masking her appearance and she saw something that made her think that Summer may actually be a polymorphed dragon in disguise, it's such a far fetched notion that I immediately dismissed it.Alice lets out a lough.
"Maybe I can convince Brutus to help, there has to be someone here willing to go with you..."What about Ashley's chuuni girlfriend? I'm sure Theilia would be delighted to keep Ashley company.
She grabs Alice, squeezing her to her chest,Alice gives off a rubbery squeak as fluid is shifted from her torso to her head, grotesquely deforming her and popping off her mask before she's slowly regaining her shape after Freya releases her
-Ashley describes how Summer has a half-sister Aasimar guard and their conversation.Yeah I wonder!
Freya seems lost in thought, "what crazy coincidences. Why haven't I met this girl?"
-Ashley then described how, perhaps there was a slight accident at the trade guild and one of her summons may have *gotten confused* and stung one of the staff at the guild.Alice keeps a pokerface but can't fully contain her laughter, letting out a snort
Eldermath is well known in Neverwinter he used to supply us with cider until the Triboar trail became so treacherous. Though I've never met him, he is a well respected wizard of renown and therefore a very dangerous man. I'm not forgiving his behavior, but in case you didn'y know, when someone has that much mana and gets to such levels in the magic classes, ultimately and unavoidably they become eccentric, the mana has a transformative effect on psyche, and it can be mitigated but never fully; it's something all magic users must eventually come to terms with and a choice is made, either you don't attain your full potential or you go insane trying."Yulya smirks
Oh, and remember, we found that strange rock with a hole on the way back to Phandalin! That hole was created by some high energy beam! Did you find out anything about that, Yulya?No, nothing
-Ashley speaks of wave after wave of goblins, hobgoblins, a hobgoblin shaman, elite hobgoblins, the goblin bosses and how you rescued Cragmaw the dragon.It was horrifying I could not move at all - again! Just like the first time we encountered a dragon at the rest stop. I feel ashamed. Is there anything I can do to avoid being paralyzed by fear like that? If it happens again our fight with the ice dragon will be over quickly!
Yulya's huge explosionIt was a huge gamble I hope I do not have to do that again. It just shows how ill prepared we were for such an encounter. I am just glad I did not hurt my friends...
why would a dragon need level 2 adventurers to take down a strange white dragon, and regarding that, even level 3 adventurers would be unbelievably outmatched by an adult dragon, even a white one!Yulya sinks into her chair in despair
-Ashley describes how Summer has a half-sister Aasimar guard and their conversation.Very peculiar indeed. We are very few. Summer called her Elandra.
Freya seems lost in thought, "what crazy coincidences. Why haven't I met this girl?"
-Ashley then described how, perhaps there was a slight accident at the trade guild and one of her summons may have *gotten confused* and stung one of the staff at the guild.Yulyas eyes widen
I TRIED to be nice, and this is what I got!
It was horrifying I could not move at all - again! Just like the first time we encountered a dragon at the rest stop. I feel ashamed. Is there anything I can do to avoid being paralyzed by fear like that? If it happens again our fight with the ice dragon will be over quickly!
The whistle was definitely a magic item. It glowed and the symbol of a ship appeared on it when the 2nd party approached us! Does that ring any bells?
It was a huge gamble I hope I do not have to do that again. It just shows how ill prepared we were for such an encounter. I am just glad I did not hurt my friends...
Yes, how utterly absurd!
But Nya we came to the place she said she left her carriage from Leilon Nya and there were her tracks Nya so her story seems true Nya. Oh Nya there were strange scoops on the ground Nya. Couldn't figure out what they were from Nya but something heavy Nya.
And now she said she found out the carriage she took from Leilon Nya was stolen Nya and the driver was missing Nya? I don't know how powerful that child is Nya but she seems absolutely careless Nya. I still say Nya that's no ordinary human Nya even if she smells like one Nya. Noble actually Nya.
But yes Summer is an odd one. I healed her, I also tried to perceive any unusual signature she would emit but found none. So I really do not know. She acts like a child and then like a sage. She is definitely not ordinary.
Another concerning thing is Summer managed to charm the first bandits we encountered and defeated. She did not seem to be scared by them at all even mocking them for their attempt to rob the carriage she was in. And she managed to charm the men to the point they were only babbling fools....
Summer also mentioned she had a letter for the Queen of Neverwinter, and needed to talk to the guild master of the Starred Cloak. And that she wanted to borrow some ring of dragons and a draconic amulet...
Who in Eldaths name is that girl?
It was horrifying I could not move at all - again! Just like the first time we encountered a dragon at the rest stop. I feel ashamed. Is there anything I can do to avoid being paralyzed by fear like that? If it happens again our fight with the ice dragon will be over quickly!
Ashley stops, "You should have seen the abominations in the negative plane, you wouldn't be scared of dragons after that, at least dragons are kinda cute. Try to keep from getting tense in front of a beast with a smooth head, no eyes, flicking tongue with a little mouth on it too, all black, zipping around in the shadows as they decide the best way to torture you. At least dragons just want a meal or whatever they do to people, they're not going to string you up alive and implant eggs down your throat. Anyway, it is a problem that she gets scared. Hey, can't you cast heroism on yourself?"Yulya tries to defend herself with growing distress
"Oh hey, should we level? Do you have time today Freya?"Yes please I am sorry for the trouble Freya! But that is the main reason we have returned to Neverwinter!
Freya brushed back her lusciously voluminous, fiery hair, "Of course, it's one of my favorite things to do." [/i]
"You should have seen the abominations in the negative plane, you wouldn't be scared of dragons after that, at least dragons are kinda cute. Try to keep from getting tense in front of a beast with a smooth head, no eyes, flicking tongue with a little mouth on it too, all black, zipping around in the shadows as they decide the best way to torture you. At least dragons just want a meal or whatever they do to people, they're not going to string you up alive and implant eggs down your throat."Alice's eyes widen for a moment and she pulls Ashley aside
"Please try not to cause ANY MORE TROUBLE!" You could feel the heat come off her, and you know she meant it.Alice looks at Freya with her best (still horrible) puppy eyes while accusingly pointing at Ashley
"Please try not to cause ANY MORE TROUBLE!" You could feel the heat come off her, and you know she meant it.Nyaa I am sorry Nya but the man at the trade guild was very rude to Ashley Nya and called me a pet Nya! That's not an excuse Nya but...
Not everyone is immune to fear like you Ashley!
How do you know of this? Wait, have you actually been there?
Freya led you all to a table on the side and said, "Cat, you seem ready and able to go first, let's start with you, and I feel the presence of someone who wishes to talk to you."Nya ready when you are Nya!
The image fades and Cat sees Freya sitting in front of her again but her eyes are glowing a deep red light.For a moment Cat looks around in confusion and then at her paws, flexing them
"I apologize but did you speak with The Cat Lord?" Freya asks seemingly unsure what happened. Her eyes slowly return to normal.
Such an innocent looking marvel, silent and serene, with unseen eyes peering, unknown ears listening; was it the eye of some negative plane beast repurposed to spy on the material plane? No, it is a portal to the other dimensions, useable only by gods and readable only by those with godsight.Alice pulls Ashley's sleeve
Ashley shivered as she passed it, as if it radiated cold.
"I apologize but did you speak with The Cat Lord?" Freya asks seemingly unsure what happened. Her eyes slowly return to normal.Alice points at herself
Hey, did you feel that too?
It's the orb I tell you! If that dragon isn't responsible for freezing the entire land it must be the orb!
Who, me? No!?
Thanks Freya Nya I feel a lot stronger now Nya and smarter too Nya!
"I would like to meet with your angel next if you please Yulya, I can at least hope she'll include me in her discussion with you. I had a dream yesterday regarding her and you and Eldath, and I believe I took the brunt of Eldath's complaints and not to mention I lectured her right back as to how the supposed goddess of peace should act. Unless it was all my mind's making, I would like to believe she listened."Thank you!
Yulya closes her eyes and sits down before the orb and places her shaking hands on it
To Ashley, Alice and Cat, they're seeing what looks like Freya and Yulya, asleep, even their hands have fallen from the orb as they slump in their chairs.Cat watches the scene in bewilderment
SheShe stifles a giggle and looks to you with a joyful look. "Oh, you've come so far in so little time, I'm very proud of the good you're doing... considering... and I'm sure Eldath agrees that if it were up to you, Yulya, you'd be saving orphans from slavers and clearing roads of bandits with clearly defined lines of peace and justice. I will take some of the blame for the choices you've been given, and what's most important is the choices you make not the acts you commit. Don't you agree?"Yulya looks at her Guardian Angel with open mouth unsure what to say
An awkward few moments pass as you look toward your goddess with her back to you.Yulya feels like a child left behind while the grown-ups are talking
Eldath speaks with her back to you in a cordial and calm voice, "I will judge your actions when the turmoil ceases, the forest needs your help. Until then, I trust you will make these unfortunate choices as well as you can." She turns toward Freya and SheShe, eyeing Freya, then looks at you with consoling eyes.Yulya feels her tension melt away and relaxes a bit
Yes Milady! Thank you for your kindness and leniency.
I shall do my best to help those in need and minimize the suffering of those we have to fight along the way. If I may ask how shall we deal with Summer this strange child? Is she truly our ally? Without fully relying on her I feel we have no chance against that dragon. Or even worse enemies that are behind this cold. I know I can trust my party but can we truly trust Summer?
Freya covers her mouth and nose as the room fills with the scent of death, a foul demon of the Abyss appears with a deep raspy laugh carrying the spine and skull of a former slain hero as his mace. Around his neck hanging on a burning iron chain like a pendant is a mechanical eye that darts around in seeming frantic desperation.Alice's eyes narrow.
With a burst of thought Alice's mind fills with images of power and chaos, answers to her desires, destruction and death of her enemies. He identifies himself as Orcas, slayer of Primus who's mechanical eye stares at you pleadingly from his pendant, slayer of the hero Anarchocles the mace he wields is his skull and spine, infused with metal and crystal and in the eyes stands the projection of the hero of old; he is the demon prince of Primordial and offers a union of power and might with Alice. He offers to infuse Alice with a part of his essence as an attached spirit similarly to how the Mechathereal Demigoddess did for Ashley. Alice would gain the benefits of such a union, greater power, legendary attack: A miss can automatically be taken as a critical hit 3 times a day, but the choice of when would be Orcas' not Alice's, and permanent immunity to cold. All he wants in return is to experience the destruction of the material plane through Alice's eyes. He has heard of the world destroying, and imminent danger Alice's stolen artifact can wield and wants merely to witness this destruction as an enjoyer of chaos.
"Alice, I can't advise this, Ashley's attachment is to a neutral being with no intent to deceive her or interfere, Demons cannot be trusted." Freya pleads with Alice.Alice looks at Freya with an unreadable pokerface
Freya sits up straight and sighs, "thank goodness, I won't have anyone yelling at my adventurers but me, not even gods!" She adjusts her seat and smiles at Yulya, "I think that went very well!"Yes much beyond my wildest hopes...
Alright, here you go!
I wont be useless this time! Tell me how I can help Freya! You can use my focus if you want!
Ashley looks back and sees Yulya turn as green as the goo all over the floor, "Cat, we need to go back and get her out before she suffocates or something."Cat hesitates on the other side of the barrier while looking back at Alice and Yulya , her tail whipping around as she wipes her nose with her paw
Cat! Come here and bring Yulya out into the fresh air!As Alice has dragged Yulya through the barrier and deodorized her, Cat comes rushing back with drooping ears to carry Yulya outside
Alice angrily points at Freya...
Ashley looks around, it's just Alice yelling at nothing and no one, Freya has disappeared, likely to go get help to clean up the mess. Alice's glassy skin and bleary eyes is clearly an effect of eating that poison.Alice wanders around aimlessly while gesticulating
-Alice has the Poisoned debuff and will have disadvantage to attack rolls and ability checks for approximately an hour.
-Alice is hallucinating and will see what she expects to see around her for about 10 minutes.
-Alice is intoxicated, her speed is halved and has disadvantage on saving throws for about 1 hour.
-Yulya has the Sickened debuff and will have nausea for the next 10 minutes, she can speak but can take light actions during that time, but can't cast or attack and her speed is reduced to 5ft. She will have far less effects next time she experiences this gas.
-Through some miracle, likely SheShe's doing, Alice has leveled up [Changes as discussed] and those effects will appear after a long rest.
Cat and Yulya can hear and understand what she's saying through her slurred speech as she yells and points at an old beam leaning against the wall.
Elizabeth steps forward with a jovial smirk on her face as she addresses Yulya, "I'll be here to watch the little imp if you and Cat wish to share Ashley's leveling."Rolling down the stairs, Alice bumps into Elizabeth, falling on her back. Staring up to her with dilated pupils. Alice believes Elizabeth is the Winged Creature and she is now back 'home'.
-Yulya has the Sickened debuff and will have nausea for the next 10 minutes, she can speak but can take light actions during that time, but can't cast or attack and her speed is reduced to 5ft. She will have far less effects next time she experiences this gas.After getting a bit of fresh air, Yulya returns with Cat to find Alice in a bizarre state playing house with a variety of items
Elizabeth steps forward with a jovial smirk on her face as she addresses Yulya, "I'll be here to watch the little imp if you and Cat wish to share Ashley's leveling."Yulya is relieved someone can - probably - keep Alice in check now and sits back on a bench to recover
Cat please attend Ashley's leveling!Cat's tail is swaying as she is unsure if Yulya is in shape to make coherent decisions but decides to follow her request.
Hey you just told me to keep it together! How comes you of all people got poisoned worse than me? Do you not have resistance? Do you hear me? You are poisoned and hallucinating!Alice stares at Yulya with an open mouth
Yulya pats her on the headAlice looks around in despair
I do not know what exactly happened it there but I know you tried to do the right thing. I know how it feels if that fails horribly but my guardian Angel just told me the most important thing is to make the right decisions. And I thing you did. Well sort of...
I would like to heal you but unfortunately I am out myself right now. I will do so as soon as I have recovered so relax and bear with it for a few minutes
"Alice is a fanciful girl, she likes to pretend the world is going to end if her ship isn't treated perfectly or something, but to be honest, she says a lot of crazy things so I don't listen to much of it."N-Nya?
"Fair enough, do you know any better Cat?"
Don't ignore mee!
Why don't you like mee?
...Alice Nya often spoke of the winged creature... and the golden man... somehow alive...
Nya what happened Ashley Nya I didn't understand anything Nya. Will you become more like Alice Nya? Or your mechanical animals Nya?
Cat seems worried Ashley will turn into a golem-like mechanical puppet like her summons
But it seems you broke your curse Nya right Nya? So that's good Nya - I guess??
They exit the room and Ashley explains to Yulya all that happened without much embellishment, overall she's happy that she's not cursed anymore, there was always a worry that a simple remove curse spell could have locked her into a panther form forever.Yulya nods not sure she understands what had happened
"Are we going to eat or what?"Yulya sighs