Author Topic: D&D Meta Thread  (Read 5151 times)

Re: D&D Meta Thread[Joy the DM]
« Reply #75 on: Yesterday at 06:22:10 PM »
Yes, you can throw torches, but lanterns are delicate and may break open something like a very bad Molotov cocktail only the oil spreads out only a little and isn't much of a threat, though it will light an area.

>cast light on arrows

[Ashley] finally someone's thinking, go Alice!

Yes you can cast light on arrows and you could aim well enough to light them up reasonably well if not hit them, though the chances of that are small but non-zero. Keep in mind they will see you when you're aiming in case they also want to take some shots.

Ashley can see that they look tough (and of course she knows because I know) but "unknown" stats are subject to change for balance, fun and other reasons, though that would be unlikely. I hesitate to reroll anything once it's set because I trust my own judgement and consequences are part of my fun. Ashley however speaks genuinely and you have technically faced worse in my opinion though RNG Gods did like what just happened, three capable people attack a weak target all with advantage with damage potential of 30+HP damage yet only get 1 hit for 6, that's pretty far in your favor.

[Ashley] oh ok, pebbles and then shoot once they're visible, got it.
« Last Edit: Yesterday at 06:23:59 PM by Aleshe »

Re: D&D Meta Thread
« Reply #76 on: Yesterday at 06:31:05 PM »
i think the pebble has advantages over lighting an arrow. the hit chances increase greatly if we first illuminate the whats the max throwing range for objects?

Re: D&D Meta Thread[Joy the DM]
« Reply #77 on: Yesterday at 07:31:37 PM »
An improvised thrown weapon has a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet (PHB 148).

The issue with oil flasks is that if you threw it 60ft with the light glass, it might deteriorate mid flight or go out or spread too widely when landing, the reinforced glass prevents all that.

Re: D&D Meta Thread
« Reply #78 on: Yesterday at 10:24:34 PM »
Uhh, it's more complicated than I thought!
I just hope Yulya throws her pebble accurately.

Cat will shoot and move south but out of attack range of that big guy. Probably.  Or does it make sense to kite them? The dmg output with our 2 arrows is minimal. but close combat against them is suicide without Ashley Panther.

Re: D&D Meta Thread
« Reply #79 on: Today at 03:21:53 PM »
Wait, wait wait!
I think there's a mistake.
Did Cat really want to move SW and not SE? What is she doing up there? Did you mix up East and West??

And Kashtan's graph is inaccurate. Light ha a 20f bright / 40ft dim radius not diameter as in your pic! It illuminates a much larger area. But it does not matter.
But Cat's position does. What is the terrain like in 3D? It's hard to see if those are rocks or crevices. Can she even see the target from there?

Re: D&D Meta Thread [Joy the DM]
« Reply #80 on: Today at 03:36:17 PM »
I believe she said SW and I moved her SW. If she meant SE, I will correct that.

The light radius is 20/40, I believe I drew it correctly.

Re: D&D Meta Thread
« Reply #81 on: Today at 03:59:31 PM »
Yes, yours is correct but Kashtan's light radius is much too small.
Let's wait for Cat to clarify!