Author Topic: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast  (Read 9576 times)

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #30 on: January 26, 2025, 03:07:41 PM »
As they move a few dozen feet away the bandits begin to come around to their situation. "We ain't talkin." Says one, "we say a word and we're dead anyway and you ain't no where near powerful enough to protect us." Says another.
Yulya again runs her hands over her face realizing she wasted her COMMAND spell
Can I burden you with looking after Summer? I think you are best suited for this task.

I understand. Please protect Ashley and Summer! Don't go too far. We will catch up soon.

Yulya looks at an impatient Alice and then at the banditsI shall respect your final decision but I still do not get it. You can either confess everything and go - or die here as you are. I have no intention to torture a confession out of you so what do you have to lose? If you are dead anyway you might as well go out fighting those threatening you. I have neither an obligation nor the intention to protect criminals like you so if you go you are on your own. But well it is at least another chance you have been given no matter how small. But if you are set on rather dying here then so it shall be.
This is all I have to say. Now let us hear everyones decision now!

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #31 on: January 26, 2025, 08:04:54 PM »
Alice rolls her eyes as she turns to Yulya
If necessary I will take the burden. I have no soul and no God to judge me. I don't enjoy killing them but I will do it so Cat does not have to. Hey, why didn't we outsource this to Ashley's cats? She was the one who wanted to see them dead the most!

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast[Joy the DM]
« Reply #32 on: January 26, 2025, 09:56:10 PM »
You can either confess everything and go - or die here as you are.

The oldest, Johnstan, speaks up, "Confess to what? We didn't do anything, no crime, no victim, no witness!"
The second speaks, "We're the victims here!"

Hey, why didn't we outsource this to Ashley's cats? She was the one who wanted to see them dead the most!

Ashley, out of sight and and out of earshot, happily skips with Summer through the snow. Her summons Helga prancing through the ankle deep snow around her like a dark Mary Poppins while Mr. and Mrs. Bigglesworth, in winter white, hitch a ride on summer's shoulders.

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast[Joy the DM]
« Reply #33 on: January 27, 2025, 04:14:48 PM »
The oldest, Johnstan, speaks up, "Confess to what? We didn't do anything, no crime, no victim, no witness!"
The second speaks, "We're the victims here!"
Alices face turns to stone listening to this drivel
You poor innocent victims!
Then surely you can tell us what you were doing here, hiding on both side of the road while a trader's cart was approaching?
Anyway it's all settled then! Let's go to Neverwinter together so you can formally indict us at the guild for ambushing, attacking and robbing you! I assume you want to prove your innocence and make us pay for our crimes!?

Up up, let's go now!
Alice yanks on the rope, tying the bandits together!

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #34 on: January 27, 2025, 10:27:41 PM »
I understand. Please protect Ashley and Summer! Don't go too far. We will catch up soon.
Cat bows and quickly follows Ashley. But she slows down with every step, her tail whipping left and right until she stops and turns around, running back to Yulya.
Nyaa, sorry Yulya Nya I cannot run away like this Nya gotta finish this job Nya and it's dangerous just for you two Nya Ashley's got her cats too Nya!

Cat turns to the bandits and gives them a few paw slaps left and right
Playtime's over Nya stop fooling around Nya! You just confessed you were here to rob a carriage Nya! I don't care who you are Nya or what organization you belong to Nya! I've taken on other enemies than you pipsqueaks Nya. Without care if they were monsters, nobles or royals or whatever Nya! We're on our way  to hunt a dragon Nya so we have no time to deal with fools like you Nya. But you cause trouble ever again Nya and we will hunt you down and kill you all Nya up to your highest boss Nya do you understand Nya?

Cat grabs Johnstan by his hair and easily lifts him up with one arm, her claws digging into his scalp

Cat slams him to the ground and prepares to knock out the other bandits as well, cracking her knuckles

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast [Joy the DM]
« Reply #35 on: January 28, 2025, 01:30:26 PM »
You can either confess everything and go - or die here as you are.

Let's go to Neverwinter together so you can formally indict us at the guild for ambushing, attacking and robbing you.

Cat turns to the bandits and gives them a few paw slaps left and right
Cat grabs Johnstan by his hair and easily lifts him up with one arm, her claws digging into his scalp
Cat slams him to the ground and prepares to knock out the other bandits as well, cracking her knuckles

Relevant Rolls "We're not telling you anything, you'll have to drag us to your torturers in Neverwinter or leave us here to die." Whatever they're up against in their own circles beats your negotiation tactics, clearly you can't drag them to Neverwinter and they're not confessing.

Though waterboarding or caning may have better results, torturing confessions out of suspects is generally considered morally dubious. To make matters simple, I will give you three options, discuss as necessary and the leader [Yulya] simply needs to make the decision and then you can rejoin Ashley, Summer and the cats. They're likely going to be 'rescued' by their bandit organization, the whistle meant at least they thought reinforcements were nearby, they're not random refugees based on their broaches that seem to indicate organization, and under the COMMAND spell the eldest did already confess. This is known.

Who are you?
Do you have any relation to this girl here? Yulya gestures to Summer
Why are you here?
What was your plan?

Yulya's spell is effective and the eldest bandit seems to snap out of it for a second but his words are hollow as if he's half asleep.
"Johnstan Matthews, no, robbing a carriage, to rob a carriage, to meet our requirements for advancement."

One, leave them there, tied and unarmed, or untied and unconscious. They have a chance to be injured so if they are rescued by their organization, they will likely seek retaliation, the odds are good because this is a heinous act of torture.

Two, disarm them and untie them while at least one is conscious. They will return to their organization, they may possibly seek retaliation, the odds are poor, because the act of release will be considered a professional courtesy.

Three, kill them. Dead men tell no tales; however, there may have been unseen witnesses. The ability of a witness to hide in the tall frozen grasses while it's currently snowing is trivial. Retribution will likely be sought if that is the case, the odds are even.

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #36 on: January 28, 2025, 06:17:14 PM »
Cat grabs Johnstan by his hair and easily lifts him up with one arm, her claws digging into his scalp

Cat slams him to the ground and prepares to knock out the other bandits as well, cracking her knuckles
Yulya watches Cats outburst of violence with unease but is also relieved the situation is resolvedCat leave one of them conscious and untie him before we leave!
Yulya turns to the youngest banditLead your men back and repent. As we said this is your last chance. We shall confiscate your weapons.

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #37 on: January 29, 2025, 07:47:51 PM »
And your cloaks and brooches!
Alice unties the bandits Cat has punched out and strips them of their cloaks and silver brooches and the whistle. Same with the last one as Cat holds him

Well see ya!
Alice leaves last as rear guard to keep an eye on him should he still try something stupid

We have wasted enough time here! Let's catch up with Ashley, I don't like our party being split up!

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #38 on: January 30, 2025, 08:29:39 AM »
Cat isn't overly fond of taking peoples belongings but goes along with the plan. Soon 4 bandits are stripped of their cloaks and 3 are punched out.
We will meet again Nya!

Cat packs the cloaks and her rope, turns around and leads the way to Ashley and summer taking Yulya in the middle

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #39 on: January 30, 2025, 02:38:41 PM »
Yulya is just relieved the situation is resolved without anybody killed and quickly follows Cat to get away from the scene

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #40 on: January 30, 2025, 09:09:33 PM »
[Friday, Spring 14th, 11:20, -5C, Snowfall is increasing and accumulating]

With all that behind you, you're finally back to the road, making progress to your objective, Neverwinter. The snow has continued to accumulate and that has slowed your progress.

Summer and Ashley are playfully kicking at the snow in the road and laughing as you approach as the cats bound and chase the clods. When you reach her Ashley gives a knowing nod to Cat. "I don't even want to know."

Summer seems oblivious to whatever may have transpired as she's amused by the cats.

[2.1 miles/hour on a tributary with fresh accumulated snow]
[Survival Rolls][12:30]

The travel is grueling due to the cold and snow the Triboar Trail is a welcome sight. You stop to take a small break and possibly have a portion of your rations.

[Optional Interactions]

Rested and resolved to get to a good stopping point, you're back to walking. Summer and Ashley are in a great mood and in high spirits, having hit it off and having made fast friends.

"Come on Cat, I'll race you!" Summer calls to Cat and runs ahead full speed. Ashley directs her cats to follow and protect. She's running remarkably fast.

[Optional Interactions]

[Survival Rolls][13:25]

Three boars are in the road ahead pushing their snouts through the accumulated snow. When they see you, they run off. You might get a lucky shot in if you tried.

[Optional Interactions]

[Survival Rolls][16:30]

The snow accumulated is less and less until you can tell it's no longer sticking to the road, the temperature hovers around 0C and travel speed is up to 2.6 miles/hr

[Survival Rolls][18:20]

The sun has just set and you experience no further issues as you reach the High Road and the scene of your first double homicide. Thankfully the snow has turned to a light mist and you're damp and it feels colder, but it is in fact above freezing.

[Friday, Spring 14th, 18:20, +2C Cloudy with a light mist.]

Summer is exhausted and is dragging her feet. Ashley is yawning. You may choose to continue along the high road in the dark with a higher sense of safety in hopes to make it to the rest stop though it's still a good 4 hours North, and risk exhaustion of some of your team, or find a place to set up the tent here.

"I remember this! This is where I was when the carriage came!" Summer finds the wheel tracks and her own foot prints in the lightly dampened gravel and dust. The tracks do indeed match her boots.

[Required Interactions]

[The tiny stars are the locations of interactions.]
« Last Edit: January 31, 2025, 01:31:21 AM by Aleshe »

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #41 on: January 30, 2025, 10:53:58 PM »
Summer and Ashley are playfully kicking at the snow in the road and laughing as you approach as the cats bound and chase the clods. When you reach her Ashley gives a knowing nod to Cat. "I don't even want to know."
Cat is still not fully satisfied by this outcome but shrugs it off
All good Nyahaha!
I wonder if they can tell us more Nya at the guild Nya if we show them their brooches Nya!

The travel is grueling due to the cold and snow the Triboar Trail is a welcome sight. You stop to take a small break and possibly have a portion of your rations.
Cat warms up half a vegetable-mushroom ration for Alice, Yulya and herself.
Nya what about you about you Ashley Nya and Summer Nya? We have vegetable-mushroom rations Nya and Ashley has rabbit rations Nya! I made them myself Nya!
Cat slightly worries about her plan to cook human meat for dinner with Summer around but decides to let things work themselves outwith a shrug

"Come on Cat, I'll race you!" Summer calls to Cat and runs ahead full speed. Ashley directs her cats to follow and protect. She's running remarkably fast.
Cat dashes out full speed in a cloud of snow to challenge Summer, surprised by the noble's speed. Weren't nobles supposed to be fat and lazy? She easily overtakes Summer but eventually lets  her catch up and finish in a draw
That wasn't bad Nyahaha I gotta carry a looot of weight you know Nya! And armor and weapons Nya! But save your energy Nya! We got a long way ahead Nya!

Three boars are in the road ahead pushing their snouts through the accumulated snow. When they see you, they run off. You might get a lucky shot in if you tried.
Cat grabs her bow and quickly shoots an arrow at the nearest boar

Summer is exhausted and is dragging her feet. Ashley is yawning. You may choose to continue along the high road in the dark with a higher sense of safety in hopes to make it to the rest stop though it's still a good 4 hours North, and risk exhaustion of some of your team, or find a place to set up the tent here.
Nyaa we should rest here Nya I can't carry all you guys you if you break down Nya!
Cat looks for a secluded and acceptably dry place behind rocks to set up the tent so it is out of view from travelers. Then she sets up her pot to cook 3 portions of mystery meat in one pot  and 2 rations of either rabbit or vegetable for Summer and Ashley as they like. Alternatively if she hits a boar Cat will combine it with  X vegetable-mushroom ration and prepare it for everyone. The amount of rations is to be determined.

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #42 on: January 31, 2025, 05:48:05 PM »
Alice keeps swearing to herself as they move on through the snow
Goddamn idiots!  I should have drenched them with a few stink bombs as a parting gift!

Summer and Ashley's perspecive
Summer and Ashley are playfully kicking at the snow in the road and laughing as you approach

Alice's perspective
The travel is grueling due to the cold and snow
Damned, I hate snow! Isn't walking hard enough already? What's so great about it? It's wet and cold and makes everything just terrible! I'll shove stink bombs into that dragon's nostrils when I catch him!

You stop to take a small break and possibly have a portion of your rations. Cat warms up half a vegetable-mushroom ration for Alice, Yulya and herself.
Alice gladly takes the warm meal
Thank you Cat! I really need something warm now!

Rested and resolved to get to a good stopping point, you're back to walking. Summer and Ashley are in a great mood and in high spirits, having hit it off and having made fast friends.
Alice keeps the rear guard and soon starts swearing about snow, dragons and bandits again

Three boars are in the road ahead pushing their snouts through the accumulated snow. When they see you, they run off. You might get a lucky shot in if you tried.
Alice will take a lucky shot as well providing she is close enough and nobody is in the way

The snow accumulated is less and less until you can tell it's no longer sticking to the road, the temperature hovers around 0C and travel speed is up to 2.6 miles/hr
Now Alice's mood slowly improves
Ahh, finally less of that white devilish stuff! I can walk better and it's - not warm but at least less cold!

The sun has just set and you experience no further issues as you reach the High Road and the scene of your first double homicide. Thankfully the snow has turned to a light mist and you're damp and it feels colder, but it is in fact above freezing.
Alice laughs seeing the familiar place
Finally civilization!

Nyaa we should rest here Nya I can't carry all you guys you if you break down Nya!
Cat looks for a secluded and acceptably dry place behind rocks to set up the tent so it is out of view from travelers. Then she sets up her pot
My word!
Alice helps Cat set up the tent and then hops through the entrance. She starts cleaning the inside and guards the entrance against potentially dirty intruders until dinner is ready

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #43 on: January 31, 2025, 07:50:47 PM »
"Come on Cat, I'll race you!" Summer calls to Cat and runs ahead full speed. Ashley directs her cats to follow and protect. She's running remarkably fast.
Yulya turns to Ashley as Summer runs off
What an odd girl! But I am glad she is having fun. I just hope we do not get dragged into some royal affairs. We must report her to the guild immediately when we arrive.

Cat warms up half a vegetable-mushroom ration for Alice, Yulya and herself.
Yulya bows and takes the warm ration from Cat
Thank you! Your meals are always a pleasure!

Alice keeps the rear guard and soon starts swearing about snow, dragons and bandits again
Yulya turns back and tries to comfort Alice. She points out that it is quickly getting warmer as they approach the high road

"I remember this! This is where I was when the carriage came!" Summer finds the wheel tracks and her own foot prints in the lightly dampened gravel and dust. The tracks do indeed match her boots.
Yulya scratches her head
Indeed so it seems! And you have no memory how you ended up here? Did you walk all the way from Leilon?
Cat can you give the tracks a look  if maybe there are signs of anybody else?
Well most important is that you're safe now.

Nyaa we should rest here Nya I can't carry all you guys you if you break down Nya!
Yes that was quite a journey and we should not over-exert our guest. Let us rest for the night here!

Alice helps Cat set up the tent and then hops through the entrance. She starts cleaning the inside and guards the entrance against potentially dirty intruders until dinner is ready
Yulya smiles at Alices show.  She casts GUIDANCE on herself and decides to search the area for potential enemies before sitting down at the fire

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #44 on: January 31, 2025, 10:38:24 PM »
While resting at the fork on the Triboar Trail...

Nya what about you about you Ashley Nya and Summer Nya? We have vegetable-mushroom rations Nya and Ashley has rabbit rations Nya! I made them myself Nya!

"Rabbit rabbit rabbit! Please." Ashley says while bouncing a little.

Summer looks at Cat with an unreadable expression, then snaps out of it, "I'll try the rabbit stew as well."

Alice would gladly take the warm meal. "Thank you Cat! I really need something warm now!"

Yulya bows and would take the warm ration from Cat, "Thank you! Your meals are always a pleasure![/i]

Cat attempts to warm up half a vegetable-mushroom ration for Alice, Yulya, and herself, as well as rabbit stew for Summer and Ashley.

[There's one problem here. Your full rations and water are frozen solid, the scrap wood around is wet and frozen, and all the ground is covered in several inches of snow. Cold dry rations will be the only practical choice at this time]

Ashley and Summer both look disappointed by the lack of practicality of 'warming up' anything in any reasonable period of time. "That's okay Cat, we'll get a fire going when we set up for the night.

While on the road when Summer challenges Cat to a race...

Cat dashes out full speed in a cloud of snow to challenge Summer, surprised by the noble's speed. Weren't nobles supposed to be fat and lazy? She easily overtakes Summer but eventually lets  her catch up and finish in a draw

Summer is impressed by Cat's speed, she smiles widely in a mess of frizzy hair and exclaims, "Wow, you're at least twice as fast as me! But next time I'll be ready!"

Later, when encountering the boars...

Cat grabs her bow and quickly shoots an arrow at the nearest boar.

She just misses the boars.

Alice will take a lucky shot as well providing she is close enough and nobody is in the way

The shot is good but the Boar bolts away with the arrow still in its rump. You've lost one arrow.

[Alice's hit did 6 damage but the boar had higher hit points than that.]

When you arrive to the high road...

Nyaa we should rest here Nya I can't carry all you guys you if you break down Nya!
Cat looks for a secluded and acceptably dry place behind rocks to set up the tent so it is out of view from travelers. Then she sets up her pot to cook 3 portions of mystery meat in one pot  and 2 rations of either rabbit or vegetable for Summer and Ashley as they like. Alternatively if she hits a boar Cat will combine it with  X vegetable-mushroom ration and prepare it for everyone. The amount of rations is to be determined.

Indeed so it seems! Cat can you give the tracks a look  if maybe there are signs of anybody else? And you have no memory how you ended up here? Did you walk all the way from Leilon?

Summer looks at her momentarily with a bewildered glare, "It's slowly coming back, I don't know how I was hit." She rubs the top of her head where the wound was. "No I took the carriage but... my carriage not the trader's they found me here. I wonder where they went?" She doesn't look overly concerned and follows Ashley to help put up the tent.

She casts GUIDANCE on herself and decides to search the area for potential enemies before sitting down at the fire
[Perception: 1d20+5+1d4=18] Yulya peers out into the growing darkness and nothing catches her eye.

Relevant rolls
Cat finds a spot, it's not the worst but not great. It meets the minimum conditions.

Alice helps Cat set up the tent and then hops through the entrance. She starts cleaning the inside and guards the entrance against potentially dirty intruders until dinner is ready.

Once the tent is set up, Summer looks at it with a jovial expression. "That's one of your tents? It's so cute! How many will fit in that one?"

Ashley breaks the news to her. "Uh, that's not one of the tents, that's the tent."

Summer gives her a slightly sour look, "oh. At least it'll be very cozy."

"We'll have to sleep in shifts, but I think we can handle that without disturbing your sleep."

[Given the circumstances, I recommend 4 shifts, 2 hours each, and so the total time spend sleeping would be 10 hours where each person has a 2 hour watch duty.]

[Friday, Spring 14th, 20:00, +2C Cloudy]

Cat manages to start the fire and warm the food and water.

After eating, Ashley goes for the tent."I'll take second shift, someone watch for a couple hours and wake me up." Summer and Ashley take a space in the back of the tent against the rock and surround themselves with the cats. They're not especially warm but they're warmer than the air.

[Please state your actions for the night, approve the rotation and who will watch when. Ashley presumes Summer will just sleep/rest the 10 hours.]