[06:00 Sunday, Spring 16th, 5C]Yulya uses PERCEPTION to determine their intentions.
[PERCEPTION 1d20+5=11]
Note: this is not a bad roll, but it's not conclusive, some situations require different tiers of perception to know all the necessary overall details, they're usually 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30. So with a score of 11, you will know all there is to know to that level, in most cases this is enough, but in other situations this would only give a false sense of security if nothing was found.Nothing unusual is seen, they appear to be genuine. Unfortunately we are packed to the brim but we will see what we can still carry!
The refugees seem overjoyed for the offer.I apologize for bothering you this early my child but could you use your cleaning magic on those people?
Summer wakes and pulls herself up, she stumbles outside and sees the refugees, with a bow she addresses them, "Attendant in the Leilon high tower of Thalivar at your service, would you appreciate a magical cleaning."
The eldest, no more than 30, spoke, "For the asking surely but we don't have any coin to spare."
"Not to worry, I don't charge, would you mind moving closer together?"
Summer said and after they moved, with a snap of her fingers they were instantly cleaned.They looked at each other in amazement and all bowed deeply to Summer, "You will be a grand wizard before you leave schooling."
Summer laughed, "Would that I could impress my masters with such a simple spell; though I would agree it's useful, my masters don't share your standards, but thank you all the same."

Is this - honey? I've heard about it but never come across the real thing! How cool is that? We should take it all! The berry wine and bread smell good too! Local food is the best! I finally feel like a proper tourist.
They're very happy to meet you and appreciate the kind words and well wishes.Good Morning Nya, you alright Nya?
They respond in kind and thank Cat for her concern.The following was exchanged:
-3 skins of Berry Wine (15lbs) purchased for 12sp worth 6 gold for sellable quality (not fine) in the bottle (4 lbs = 4 pints) with no bottling, bootleg, it will be worth 4gp, the quality is new. It can them be sold to any shop that carries wine for gp or 24sp, if Ashley has a trade guild liscence, she can sell it for wholesale or .8x4gp=32sp, with a trade agreement, as much as 40sp, but typically this negotiated depending on how much profit the store owner will take and how much the supplier will take.
-3 lbs of rough bread purchased for 1sp each in new condition, it is worth 5sp each as these are large loafs, again, this is the retail price, the quality is new.
-2.5 lbs of honeycomb for 25cp in new condition, it's worth 5sp.
-1 lb gem ore was purchased for 2sp but it is worth 4sp.
-15lbs of scrap iron purchased for 15cp and worth 30cp, for the sake of trade it's counted as new because it was properly sorted and cleaned."Looks like getting a trade license for me is high priority."After breakfast (.5 ration each 3x per day if traveling/working 12 hours) [survival rolls], you pack up and are on your way north again. In a short 6 hours you find yourselves at the familiar southern Gate of Neverwinter.[Sunday, Spring 16, 12:00, Sunny, 18C]
[Conversation with the guard.]It's a beautiful spring day with a nice coastal breeze, you approach the gate, there are no carts in line, and you see someone familiar.
Cat goes through first and the guard notes her tag, "you're good. Welcome back Tabaxi Notdragon."
She looks at Yulya's tag and Alice with a slight hesitation, "the mask, would you please lower the mask."
Alice does and she cringes, "okay, sorry, put it back,"
she breaths as if startled and looks over Ashley with her ear tag, "ugh."
She says while rolling her eyes then her eyebrows raise as she stands staring down at Summer with a less than a happy expression. "Oh, it's you."
After a lingering glance into her eyes, Summer walks up and taps her breatplate, "is that any way to greet your baby sister?!"
The guard lets out an irritated sigh, "I'm not your sister, my father married your mother after my mother died, and besides you renounced the family."
"Elandra, I'm still your sister!"
Summer said adamantly and stomps a foot."At any rate, news traveled ahead of you, so aren't you a couple days late? Why weren't you with your carriage?"
"Fate led me on a new path, and I found my heros who will kill the snow dragon."
The guard's one eyebrow raised again, "you mean this rabble will be the heroes to defeat the dragon?"
She laughed heartily "Really?"
Summer stares into her eyes, "Yes, I have my resons, but know this, his wintery reign will end! By the way, who was driving my carraige?"
"It came through while I was off duty,"
She reaches into the guard house and pulls out a ledger, "Hmm... looks like they had a valid trade guild plate so he was let through on the 14th. No further details."
She waves her off as if not wanting to continue the conversation, "Like taking a stick to a swordfight, but good luck and give my regards to the prince."
"His offer stands,"
Summer says alluringly, "we could be pampered in the castle together if you accept."
"I have no interest in the royal life or in being a concubine in his heram, and with a human no less, never? Did he send you here to ask me that?"
Yulys recognizes now that this woman in front of her is Asimar, the starkly colored hair wasn't enough to be sure but she can feel it."Noooo, he's not a letch, all his mates saught him out,"
Summer defends."What about you?"
"I'm not *that kind* of attendant. Your loss Elandra."
With a humph, she lets you all in.[Required Actions It is Sunday, so no shops are open.]