Author Topic: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast  (Read 9093 times)

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast [Joy the DM]
« Reply #135 on: March 05, 2025, 09:24:50 PM »
Yulya closes her eyes and sits down before the orb and places her shaking hands on it

Freya closes her eyes and attempts to read the orb, at first there is nothing, no sense of presence and no action of the orb, but like a crack of thunder the room vibrates from reverberations coming from the orb. Yulya and Freya both sit motionless, eyes closed but darting back and fourth, the following was relayed by Freya and Yulya after the fact...

A bright scene unfolds, beautiful marble columns rise seemingly out of a misty fog, and a beautiful angel you recognize as SheShe sits on an elegant throne in front of you. She smiles and her beautiful eyes sparkle in the soothing divine light.

Behind you, a mirrored pool forms as the mist clears and out of the water rises the goddess of peace.

She looks coolly at Yulya and then raises her chin and looks away. She walks toward you and Freya, looking past you toward SheShe, she passes you and the humidity of the air becomes thick and almost stifling but still breathable. She looks directly at Freya in an intimidating way, but Freya is steadfast with a defiant look of her own. Eldath passes water floating in the air with her like droplets of mist suspended in zero gravity, as they surround you, your robe dampens, but the droplets around Freya fizzle and steam, unable to reach her.

She stands next to SheShe and leans down, whispering something to her then looks away. SheShe stifles a giggle and looks to you with a joyful look. "Oh, you've come so far in so little time, I'm very proud of the good you're doing... considering... and I'm sure Eldath agrees that if it were up to you, Yulya, you'd be saving orphans from slavers and clearing roads of bandits with clearly defined lines of peace and justice. I will take some of the blame for the choices you've been given, and what's most important is the choices you make not the acts you commit. Don't you agree?"

[Yulya's reaction and answer]

"Did you want to speak with me Freya?" SheShe says and stands. Freya walks to her and takes her hand, they walk a few steps away and you can't quite make out what they're saying but it seems like Freya is speaking on Yulya's behalf, you can tell she's explaining *the incidents* and then begins discussing other personal matters.

An awkward few moments pass as you look toward your goddess with her back to you.

Eldath speaks with her back to you in a cordial and calm voice, "I will judge your actions when the turmoil ceases, the forest needs your help. Until then, I trust you will make these unfortunate choices as well as you can." She turns toward Freya and SheShe, eyeing Freya, then looks at you with consoling eyes.

[Yulya's chance to reassure her goddess]


To Ashley, Alice and Cat, they're seeing what looks like Freya and Yulya, asleep, even their hands have fallen from the orb as they slump in their chairs.

[Yulya's level up is still in progress, and her response is required but you may, if you choose, do or say anything you wish.]

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast [Joy the DM]
« Reply #136 on: March 06, 2025, 07:49:30 AM »
To Ashley, Alice and Cat, they're seeing what looks like Freya and Yulya, asleep, even their hands have fallen from the orb as they slump in their chairs.
Cat watches the scene in bewilderment
Nyaa other gods are so strange Nya what are they doing Nya?
Are they alright Nya?

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #137 on: March 06, 2025, 04:27:44 PM »
Do they look alright, Cat?
That's not normal!
The orb ate their souls!

Alice carefully approaches Yulya to check if she is still alive

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast [Joy the DM]
« Reply #138 on: March 06, 2025, 06:14:41 PM »
SheShe stifles a giggle and looks to you with a joyful look. "Oh, you've come so far in so little time, I'm very proud of the good you're doing... considering... and I'm sure Eldath agrees that if it were up to you, Yulya, you'd be saving orphans from slavers and clearing roads of bandits with clearly defined lines of peace and justice. I will take some of the blame for the choices you've been given, and what's most important is the choices you make not the acts you commit. Don't you agree?"
Yulya looks at her Guardian Angel with open mouth unsure what to say
Choices - not the acts I commit?
If it was up to me I would choose to be holed up in my cabin...
Yulya thinks to herself before answering. She bows to SheShe glad that Eldath does not seem to be in a terrible mood
Thank you for your guidance and mediation! I try my best even if it is not much in my state weak in body and mind

An awkward few moments pass as you look toward your goddess with her back to you.
Yulya feels like a child left behind while the grown-ups are talking

Eldath speaks with her back to you in a cordial and calm voice, "I will judge your actions when the turmoil ceases, the forest needs your help. Until then, I trust you will make these unfortunate choices as well as you can." She turns toward Freya and SheShe, eyeing Freya, then looks at you with consoling eyes.
Yulya feels her tension melt away and relaxes a bit
Yes Milady! Thank you for your kindness and leniency.
I shall do my best to help those in need and minimize the suffering of those we have to fight along the way.
If I may ask how shall we deal with Summer this strange child? Is she truly our ally? Without fully relying on her I feel we have no chance against that dragon. Or even worse enemies that are behind this cold. I know I can trust my party but can we truly trust Summer?

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast [Joy the DM]
« Reply #139 on: March 06, 2025, 10:41:46 PM »
Yes Milady! Thank you for your kindness and leniency.

She nods reluctantly, "If circumstances were different..." She pauses as if she wants to say more, "but they're not." She ends with an uncharacteristic smile as she looks down her nose at you, but it fades to a frown of disgust, "Rid us of that foul beast and stop this wonton destruction of nature. That is my command to you, child. Do this, and much can be forgiven."

I shall do my best to help those in need and minimize the suffering of those we have to fight along the way. If I may ask how shall we deal with Summer this strange child? Is she truly our ally? Without fully relying on her I feel we have no chance against that dragon. Or even worse enemies that are behind this cold. I know I can trust my party but can we truly trust Summer?

Eldath's face contorts into a grimace of laughter, frivolous and free, "Such an entertaining child, I'm watching her closely. If you're worried that she's not on your side, do not fear, fear only the day she's not." She laughs again and then looks at you in a kind way. She's in an uncharacteristically good mood indeed.

SheShe glances over then looks at you, "Summer is not your worry dear Yulya, don't think twice about it. She is both lawful and good."

"Why haven't I met her?" Freya ponders.

Eldath walks over to Yulya and looks down on her like a mother would her own child, "May these gifts ensure victory against evil." She strokes your hair gently and you instantly feel more powerful."

Yulya gains the following:
-Max HP increased to 24
-Max MP increased to 8
-She has gained two 2nd tier spell slots and now has enough energy to cast 2 2nd Level spells between meditations or resting.
-She has gained a second inspiration
-She has gained the following Domain spells used once per long rest:
 -Warding bond [1/1], 1 action, touch, 1 hour, while the target is within 60 feet of you +1 bonus to ac and saving throws and resistance to all non-magic damage excluding elemental damage.
 -Celestial Revelation [1/1], 1 action, self, 1min. you can deal extra damage equal to your proficiency bonus, radiant damage or necrotic damage.
  -heavenly wings: gain wings and fly up to movement speed
  -inner radiance: shed light from your eyes and mouth 10ft+10ft dim
  -necrotic shroud: your eyes become pools of darkness and you attain flightless wings, any creature within 10ft must pass charisma saving throw (dc8+proficiency+charmod) or be frightened.
-She has gained use of the cantrip Toll of the Dead as a cantrip


At Cat's prodding Alice carefully approaches Yulya to heck if she is still alive.

"Hey! Don't interrupt them, can't you see what's happening?" Ashley's Eyes emit a bright red glow.

Just as you approach, they stir.


You wake up refreshed but still in need of a longer rest. Freya sits up straight and sighs, "thank goodness, I won't have anyone yelling at my adventurers but me, not even gods!" She adjusts her seat and smiles at Yulya, "I think that went very well!"

[Response required from Yulya]

"Well, I feel refreshed and ready for another, Alice, would you please?"

[Required response from Alice]

I will continue this tomorrow with or without responses, in this case I ran out of time but I decided to release it at this point.


Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast [Joy the DM]
« Reply #140 on: March 07, 2025, 08:59:36 AM »
[Alice's actions prior to sitting in front of the orb]

Freya looks at her as she places her hands on the orb, and the presence she finds is somewhat unexpected.

Freya covers her mouth and nose as the room fills with the scent of death, a foul demon of the Abyss appears with a deep raspy laugh carrying the spine and skull of a former slain hero as his mace. Around his neck hanging on a burning iron chain like a pendant is a mechanical eye that darts around in seeming frantic desperation.

"Begone foul demon, you have no takers here!" Freya says with authority.

"SILENCE FEY WENCH!" His voice bursts through the portal and everyone in the room hears the reverberations as the orb erupts with flames.

With a burst of thought Alice's mind fills with images of power and chaos, answers to her desires, destruction and death of her enemies. He identifies himself as Orcas, slayer of Primus who's mechanical eye stares at you pleadingly from his pendant, slayer of the hero Anarchocles the mace he wields is his skull and spine, infused with metal and crystal and in the eyes stands the projection of the hero of old; he is the demon prince of Primordial and offers a union of power and might with Alice. He offers to infuse Alice with a part of his essence as an attached spirit similarly to how the Mechathereal Demigoddess did for Ashley. Alice would gain the benefits of such a union, greater power, legendary attack: A miss can automatically be taken as a critical hit 3 times a day, but the choice of when would be Orcas' not Alice's, and permanent immunity to cold. All he wants in return is to experience the destruction of the material plane through Alice's eyes. He has heard of the world destroying, and imminent danger Alice's stolen artifact can wield and wants merely to witness this destruction as an enjoyer of chaos.

Hanging from his chain belt is the skulls of other heroes he has slain like trophies, mummified ears and other body parts adorn his belt as well.

Freya also sees this communication and is in no position to deny this beast's personal proposal to Alice. Instead she begins concentration to close him out of this portal permanently if Alice should refuse, knowing this Archdemon would not take that well and would probably fill the room with lava or replace the air with the noxious gases of Primordial.

[Alice has a choice to make, some of the powers and abilities like cold immunity and legendary attack would take place immediately other powers would appear at subsequent levels.]

"Alice, I can't advise this, Ashley's attachment is to a neutral being with no intent to deceive her or interfere, Demons cannot be trusted." Freya pleads with Alice.

[This attachment would not be able to override or control Alice's actions, but unforeseen interferences may occasionally occur, leading to chaos and mayhem, but they would happen along the lines of Alice's wishes like manifestations of her deepest darkest expressed desires and requests, like prayers, within the power of this archdemon prince. He is not a god or even a demigod, but can wield his presence on the material plane through her, on her behalf. Further communications and requests of this demon prince may occur which may make certain choices difficult and angering him would be poorly advised so there will always be a danger of incompatible wishes. This is a choice Alice may make, unlike what happened to Ashley, but once made it is permanent unless Orcas himself breaches it. This choice is now only and cannot be accepted later, Freya will close him off from her orb forever.]

[Responses Required]

« Last Edit: March 07, 2025, 09:02:09 AM by Wofl »

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast [Joy the DM]
« Reply #141 on: March 07, 2025, 03:45:29 PM »
Alice approaches the orb and bends down, staring at it from close distance
You rejected my previous gifts so you won't be getting anything this time! Reflect on that!

Freya covers her mouth and nose as the room fills with the scent of death, a foul demon of the Abyss appears with a deep raspy laugh carrying the spine and skull of a former slain hero as his mace. Around his neck hanging on a burning iron chain like a pendant is a mechanical eye that darts around in seeming frantic desperation.
With a burst of thought Alice's mind fills with images of power and chaos, answers to her desires, destruction and death of her enemies. He identifies himself as Orcas, slayer of Primus who's mechanical eye stares at you pleadingly from his pendant, slayer of the hero Anarchocles the mace he wields is his skull and spine, infused with metal and crystal and in the eyes stands the projection of the hero of old; he is the demon prince of Primordial and offers a union of power and might with Alice. He offers to infuse Alice with a part of his essence as an attached spirit similarly to how the Mechathereal Demigoddess did for Ashley. Alice would gain the benefits of such a union, greater power, legendary attack: A miss can automatically be taken as a critical hit 3 times a day, but the choice of when would be Orcas' not Alice's, and permanent immunity to cold. All he wants in return is to experience the destruction of the material plane through Alice's eyes. He has heard of the world destroying, and imminent danger Alice's stolen artifact can wield and wants merely to witness this destruction as an enjoyer of chaos.
Alice's eyes narrow.
Owo what' this? How bizarre. I must report this to the Winged Creature upon my return!

"Alice, I can't advise this, Ashley's attachment is to a neutral being with no intent to deceive her or interfere, Demons cannot be trusted." Freya pleads with Alice.
Alice looks at Freya with an unreadable pokerface
I am sorry Freya, but...
Don't hate me for this but I can't let this chance go by!

Alice turns to the orb
Haa, fine, fine!
I didn't want to give you anything but it looks like you really want that...
Alright, here you go!

Hidden text
Alice reaches into her backpack and takes out a goblin stink bomb. With a happy smile she smashes the clay jar on top of the orb

[Alice will explain her reasons next round]

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #142 on: March 07, 2025, 05:33:15 PM »
Freya sits up straight and sighs, "thank goodness, I won't have anyone yelling at my adventurers but me, not even gods!" She adjusts her seat and smiles at Yulya,  "I think that went very well!"
Yes much beyond my wildest hopes...
Thank you very much Freya! And I know I can trust Summer now.

Yulyas strain of luck doesnt last long. Her leveling might have gone smooth but now she finds herself confronted with a demonic entity.
Standing petrified for a moment Yulya already sees history repeating. Paralyzed and useless yet again.
But seeing(and smelling) Alices insane performance she snaps out her catatonic state. Yulya overcomes her fear bears the stench from the demon and Alices stink bomb and rushes over to Freya to aid her in closing the orb portal
I wont be useless this time!
Tell me how I can help Freya!
You can use my focus if you want!
« Last Edit: March 07, 2025, 05:42:39 PM by Yulya »

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #143 on: March 07, 2025, 08:48:45 PM »
Cat's sensitive nose is overwhelmed by the stench enclosed in the small room
Nyaa what's with that smell? What are you doing Alice Nya?

Cat can't take it and dashes out of the room at full speed, breaking down the door.

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #144 on: March 07, 2025, 10:04:30 PM »
Alright, here you go!

Before anyone can react she smashes the Goblin Stink Bomb down... straight through the orb as if it wasn't there and onto the nice stone floor.

Constitution saving throws vs DC10

In a flurry of motion, Cat slams into the door as she pulls the handle, it flies open and the magical Barrier billows out to accommodate her motion, she slips through it like emerging from a soap bubble and the moment she's through all traces of the scent are gone. She's left on the other side staring back at the growing pool of stink under the orb.

I wont be useless this time! Tell me how I can help Freya! You can use my focus if you want!

"Oh Jesus Alice! What's wrong with you!" Ashley covers her mouth and nose with her robe and offers her focus as well.

The entire room is engulfed in stinking gas, covering the floor in slippery green hued fluid. In the chaos a deep billowing laughter reverberates through the air shakes the room.

[ Orcas liked that ]

Freya uses the incantation she was taught to end the connection with this demonic entity and afterwards stares at Alice angrily.

"Thank you Yulya and Ashley, but that won't be necessary..."

Flames rise around her, to put it mildly she was miffed at that little stunt. She then rushed out of the room followed closely by Ashley, their feet sloshing in the awful smelling liquid.

"I'm so embarassed..." Ashle mumbles as she leaves after her, covering her mouth.

Yulya is overcome by the smell and begins retching, she is immobilized in the poison cloud unable to do anything but heave.

Ashley looks back and sees Yulya turn as green as the goo all over the floor, "Cat, we need to go back and get her out before she suffocates or something."

[Required Response from Cat, and Alice]

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #145 on: March 08, 2025, 04:44:56 PM »
Alice wipes imaginary sweat from her imaginary brows and tends to Yulya.
Hehe, whew that was close. Maaan that stinks - those goblins sure are experts when it comes to smelly things but that was worth it. I'm glad everything went well - uh, except for you! Sorry about that, Yulya, but the alternative to entertaining that demonnigger would have been - bad? I don't want to know what he would have done if he got disappointed or bored but we likely would not have survived it. I know those fuckers. Far too well.
What a laughable proposal! But still very concerning. It looks like I'm becoming popular with the wrong people. And we tried so hard to keep a low profile, eh? That didn't work out so well...
I'm sorry for dragging you into this. Come on now, I am proud of you but you gotta get yourself together! I gotta yell at Freya!

Alice takes out her healers kit and tries to stabilize Yulya before dragging her out of the room. Her body becomes glassy as she absorbs the stinky liquid from her clothes and then from Yulya's untill the stench is gone.
Catching up with the others, Alice's cheerful attitude vanishes and she puts on a very serious look.
Cat! Come here and bring Yulya out into the fresh air!
Now - does anyone still deny that thing in there is a danger to the entire world?

Alice angrily points at Freya
What the HELL (pun intended) was that? You're maintaining a portal that allows archdemons access to the material universe? I knew from the beginning that damn black sphere was bad news! In every civilized world out there, utilizing something that dangerous would result in this entire city and their inhabitants being preemptively wiped out and the area sealed off for centuries. Do you even have an idea what we just narrowly avoided due to my little stunt?

If I had accepted - and I am disappointed you even considered I would - that demon would have gained a foot into the door to this world - a vessel to corrupt and finally take over until he'd be able to fully materialize. Lovely! You could not have prevented that! And do you want to tell me you would have been able to seal off the connection if that guy really got mad? Don't make me laugh! We'd all be dead now if I hadn't entertained him!

Alice buries her face in her hands and exhales
Ok listen!
Either let me clean you or do it yourself. Then let's go to some secure room and I will tell you everything. The guildmaster too if you want, I don't care. I wanted to remain in obscurity but that's not an option anymore. This here is another level that that stupid dragon or whoever is behind that cold. And you need to know what you are up against. I did not come here to cause such trouble but I'm afraid things are out of control now.

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #146 on: March 08, 2025, 06:45:51 PM »

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #147 on: March 08, 2025, 10:31:54 PM »
Ashley looks back and sees Yulya turn as green as the goo all over the floor, "Cat, we need to go back and get her out before she suffocates or something."
Cat hesitates on the other side of the barrier while looking back at Alice and Yulya , her tail whipping around as she wipes her nose with her paw
Nyaa, I can't go in there again!

Cat! Come here and bring Yulya out into the fresh air!
As Alice has dragged Yulya through the barrier and deodorized her, Cat comes rushing back with drooping ears to carry Yulya outside
I am ashamed Nya I didn't want to leave you behind Nya but that smell Nya...
Cat is deeply moved that Yulya endured that stench to the point of becoming unconscious while she offered aid to Freya. A heroic ordeal in Cat's view.

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #148 on: Yesterday at 08:41:51 AM »
Cat and Ashley brave the room but other then the stink cloud that is slowly dissipating the floor is clean. Cat lifts Yulya and Ashley doesn't have to do much but escort them out. You find Alice pointing and yelling incoherently.

Alice angrily points at Freya...

Ashley looks around, it's just Alice yelling at nothing and no one, Freya has disappeared, likely to go get help to clean up the mess. Alice's glassy skin and bleary eyes is clearly an effect of eating that poison.

-Alice has the Poisoned debuff and will have disadvantage to attack rolls and ability checks for approximately an hour.
-Alice is hallucinating and will see what she expects to see around her for about 10 minutes.
-Alice is intoxicated, her speed is halved and has disadvantage on saving throws for about 1 hour.
-Yulya has the Sickened debuff and will have nausea for the next 10 minutes, she can speak but can take light actions during that time, but can't cast or attack and her speed is reduced to 5ft. She will have far less effects next time she experiences this gas.
-Through some miracle, likely SheShe's doing, Alice has leveled up [Changes as discussed] and those effects will appear after a long rest.

"Uh oh, she's loopy. I'll go get Freya."

Cat and Yulya can hear and understand what she's saying through her slurred speech as she yells and points at an old beam leaning against the wall.

[Interactions required from Cat and Yulya #1]

Ashley follows the footprints and smell and is headed off by Freya with Elizabeth and Faren, the old wizard she'd met previously. He looks at her with a discerning eye, nods, and casts Prestidigitation. Ashley's feet and lower robe are cleaned instantly. He continues as they move casting it on foot prints and drips as they make it back to the room.

Freya leers at Alice, then peers into the room and sees the floor pristine, cleaner than it was before, even the dust is gone, she steps back with a look of confusion, "Thank you so much for your service Faren, but it must have already soaked into the stone or dissipated and seems to be clearing, but can you do something about the lingering odors? I'm afraid I don't know what the substance was mishandled."

"It was some kind of vinegar from the Goblins, I think they used it as perfume."

"You won't smell a thing," He says confidently and enters the room with his nose and mouth covered.

Freya turns to Yulya, "It seems there was an accident, however I'm afraid I can't overlook it fully, I'm going to have to ask for the coin you borrowed from the guild and exclude further borrowing this season, and Faren's magic service fee will be 50 gold, so I'll have to ask for that as well."

It is my decision as DM that the 50gp will come out of the group funds and considered an expense as was agreed earlier, that is, the coin that is gained when things are sold excluding the 1/8th Ashley takes, so the following needs to be given to Freya to make this situation whole:
From Ashley: 5 Gold in repayment of borrowed funds
From the rest of the group in total: 
-15 Gold in repayment of borrowed funds
-50 Gold as services paid to Faren from pooled funds for "the accident"

As Freya said, you are disallowed from borrowing gold from the guild until 1296 S01

Ashley takes 5 gold from her purse and hands it to Freya, "Sorry about that."

"All is forgiven as long as Faren's fee is paid in full. Extra precautions will have to be taken for your next leveling and I'm sorry but I'll have to ask that Alice is excluded from your leveling when we commence, so decide who is going to witness, other than her and we shall continue with your leveling."

It's clear that Freya's normally cheery disposition is muted significantly.

Elizabeth steps forward with a jovial smirk on her face as she addresses Yulya, "I'll be here to watch the little imp if you and Cat wish to share Ashley's leveling."

[Interactions required from Cat, Yulya, and the little imp #2]

I have the following group funds after the 65 gold payment:
271   SILVER
143   GOLD

Re: Campaign #1 - Somewhere on the Sword Coast
« Reply #149 on: Yesterday at 12:45:29 PM »
Ashley looks around, it's just Alice yelling at nothing and no one, Freya has disappeared, likely to go get help to clean up the mess. Alice's glassy skin and bleary eyes is clearly an effect of eating that poison.

-Alice has the Poisoned debuff and will have disadvantage to attack rolls and ability checks for approximately an hour.
-Alice is hallucinating and will see what she expects to see around her for about 10 minutes.
-Alice is intoxicated, her speed is halved and has disadvantage on saving throws for about 1 hour.
-Yulya has the Sickened debuff and will have nausea for the next 10 minutes, she can speak but can take light actions during that time, but can't cast or attack and her speed is reduced to 5ft. She will have far less effects next time she experiences this gas.
-Through some miracle, likely SheShe's doing, Alice has leveled up [Changes as discussed] and those effects will appear after a long rest.

Cat and Yulya can hear and understand what she's saying through her slurred speech as she yells and points at an old beam leaning against the wall.
Alice wanders around aimlessly while gesticulating
Where is everybody? We don't have much time!

She appears to recognize Cat and Yulya but mainly focuses on the wood beam she identifies as Freya.
Where's Ashley? Get here and sit down!
Alice grabs an old broom and drags it next to the wood beam before addressing an ornate vase in the stairway.

Thank you for your time, Guildmaster I apologize for the commotion but this is urgent!!
Alice gives the air in front of the vase a handshake before wandering off, rambling to herself. Only parts of her speech are intelligible.

She recapitulates how she crashed with her ship after colliding with a dragon and that the ship is now frozen and safe, yet posing great danger in the wrong hands.
Alice briefly stops lecturing the broom to pay attention.

But then I heard that Daran guy went there and now claims the ship is his! What a moron he will destroy everything!
And now that demon! How could he propose that, is he an idiot? If the ship goes out of control it will devour me too! What kind of deal is that?

Alice turns to the vase, nodding in silence
Yes probably. I think that's the way we must see this! But still such an incident is unacceptable!

Alice pokes the wood beam with her finger upon which it falls flat on the floor before the vase
Yes that's right, are you finally beginning to understand? We nearly avoided a catastrophe! Did this happen before? Have you had contact with this or similar entities before? I need to know everything about them! Tell me!

Alice thoroughly interrogates the wood beam, while waving at the broom in a dismissive way.
You're problematic too being able to summon creatures from the negative plane but at least your summons are obedient cute kitties and not archdemons - yet!
Alice takes the broom into her hand and inspects it from all sides
Whoa what cool colors!!

Alice sits down on the floor hugging the broom in silence for an awkward moment that seems to last an eternity.
It was fun but I gotta leave now. I'll miss you, you know.

Suddenly Alice jumps up and attempts to climb up the stairs while waving goodbye to imaginary people.
Farewell, I will never forget you! Stay safe and away from dragons, orbs and demons!
Alice trips several times before falling down the stairs

Elizabeth steps forward with a jovial smirk on her face as she addresses Yulya, "I'll be here to watch the little imp if you and Cat wish to share Ashley's leveling."
Rolling down the stairs, Alice bumps into Elizabeth, falling on her back. Staring up to her with dilated pupils. Alice believes Elizabeth is the Winged Creature and she is now back 'home'.

Did I make it? That was quite a bumpy journey! I hope the ship is alright...
Alice clumsily stands up, straightens her clothes and begins to hold a monologue to Elizabeth in an unknown language while keeping a respectful distance. While incomprehensible, the tone suggests she's complaining about what happened to her on this planet.
Getting increasingly exhausted, Alice's speech slows down before she curls up at Elizabeth's feet, nodding off for a moment.

As she opens her eyes looking around in confusion, she appears to recognize Elizabeth.
You from the guild?
Where am I? Damn it was just a dream, I really though I had left this caveman world full of dangerous monsters behind! I don't wanna stay here anymore! They're all crazy and mean to mee! Nobody recognizes my greatness!
Even you ignore mee! After all the bugs I gave youu! They were the finest...

Alice buries her head in Elizabeth's chest and hugs her, too tired to cause any more trouble - for the moment