Author Topic: Cats  (Read 854929 times)

Re: Cats
« Reply #60 on: April 04, 2015, 07:36:18 AM »
Take the cat to a fucking vet already. When you get an animal, you need to be able to do this for them no matter what happens or you're just neglecting your pet. And with the way animal cruelty laws finally seem to be picking up, you could actually get in legal trouble for that.

I know I would be reporting the fuck out of your family if I saw this happening in real life and knew where you were living. You're currently unable to provide for the cat: either fucking start doing it or get him another family. You don't have the luxury of being selfish when it's another life that could be sick.

I will assume that you guys actually brush him and clean the house often enough so he's not eating dust or hair or something off the ground like an idiot. But with what you're saying, I will assume he's also not vaccinated so he could have gotten some disease that might kill him if you don't get it treated.


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Re: Cats
« Reply #61 on: April 04, 2015, 01:21:55 PM »
I believe he's had his general vaccinations, but who the hell knows. He doesn't seem fucked up aside from the frequent throwing up, but even so, I agree that he needs to be checked out, and set up with a proper plan. Also with the skin thing. I don't know if you get cones for cats, but he's an idiot and keeps biting the hell out of himself, so yeah.

Ugh. Poor cat. I've been trying to hound the parents as much as I can about taking him to fucking anyone who knows anything about cats, but we'll see how that goes. My other cat is still perfect and shit, doesn't throw up where we can see more than once every couple months, no skin shit. Sigh

Idunno, just venting, I'm still pissed about it. Sigh.

Re: Cats
« Reply #62 on: April 04, 2015, 06:35:26 PM »
Yeah, you can slap cones on cats if needed. If the skin condition hasn't spread to the other cat then it most likely isn't mange because that thing spreads like hell. Could be an allergy, either food or flea bite. You really need a vet to figure out the cause. Currently the scabs seem like the worse sign here unless the cat is losing weight because of the vomiting (and you have never described us the contents of this vomit either, is it hair, food or nothing?). I don't know if you're just overreacting when it comes to the puke because cats like to do that, but you can usually cut the amount they do throw up by making sure they don't ingest hair and dust.


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Re: Cats
« Reply #63 on: April 04, 2015, 08:39:14 PM »
It's normally all food, but the most recent time was nothing but liquid. No hair either. Yeah, cats throw up, but he's doing it so fuggin much, it's insane. I'm honestly beginning to think he just enjoys throwing up because he's a piece of shit but who knows?

He did have fleas at one point, to which the biting made sense, but he never stopped after we got rid of of them, so it's probably something psychological? Again, don't know. I'll try and get something done, don't want him to have to leave ;-;

Re: Cats
« Reply #64 on: April 05, 2015, 06:45:45 AM »
When it was food, was it dry food or wet food? In both cases, it's most likely caused by eating too much too fast, usually without chewing properly because cats are the kind of an animal that can't really chew. You'd want to make sure you only give them a little bit of food at a time. Dry food also tends to swell in their stomach so that's one thing that causes throwing up. But if he's currently only throwing up liquid, it's because his stomach is empty. Cats are small animals and carnivores, they process food fast. They need to eat often.

Food-related pukings related to my cat, I've had both of those happen. To avoid the first because he just vaccuums food up without chewing is to either give him smaller pieces or a large chunk of meat he can't stuff down his throat without ripping it apart first, or just smaller portions if feeding cat food from a can. If he wakes up before me because he's hungry, he could throw up nothing, so I've made sure that there's always a little bit of food for him overnight in case he needs to eat.

And of course, it could still be a food allergy that causes both of the symptoms. When you were trying new foods (you shouldn't switch them out too fast because cat stomachs can be sensitive to change), did you actually take a look at what the food was made of? Grain and fish are pretty big cat food allergies, you'd want to find food without those and try them out. Trying to narrow down food allergies is pretty much removing everything and then slowly adding in more stuff until you get the symptoms again.

And if it was an allergic reaction to the bites, even if the fleas are gone (though they might not be as they are really difficult to get rid of the entire environment and I'm not sure if you guys are willing to spend money and time to get your entire house and yard flea-free) then the cat will probably still keep itching the itchy places so they never have time to heal. But you know. Only a vet knows for sure. Could be something worse.


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Re: Cats
« Reply #65 on: April 05, 2015, 09:48:58 AM »
Step-mom's mom is finally taking him to the vet, here in the next couple days. So that good. Only took the better half of forever.

Food, several kinds of dry-foods, normally with about the same stuff in it just of different brands and different sizes. Same stuff is probably a tell, I'll look into it. We've given him a couple kinds of wet foods, and I'm not sure how that went. He's scored himself some after the most recent throwing ups, so maybe it will do him good, but who knows, vet.

Idunno, yeah, hope it gets resolved, will keep ya posted.

Re: Cats
« Reply #66 on: April 05, 2015, 07:02:34 PM »
Still didn't answer my question about what was in the food. If you just pick random shit off the shelves and feed them to your cat without reading what actually went in there... Well, you're probably feeding them the stuff that might very well end up in more vet bills even if there are no allergies involved. Grain is the worst thing to feed to a carnivore. Dry food tends to be high in grain because well, you kinda tend to need it to make that kind of stuff easily. Grain's also cheap so it's a filler in pretty much all the low quality cheap cat food shit that shouldn't be fed to a cat.

tl;dr buy grain-free food for a cat

Re: Cats
« Reply #67 on: May 22, 2015, 12:01:30 PM »

meow mrow

it's her hobby to rub herself on my laptop and try to push it off the bed
« Last Edit: May 22, 2015, 12:03:37 PM by Dutch »

Re: Cats
« Reply #68 on: May 22, 2015, 12:08:43 PM »
Mraaw. Also have a faster shutter speed to catch a sharp image when cat head is moving around.

My cat is currently looking out of the window because there's a bird in the bush. Actually at least two. What does a cat think of when staring at birds through the window? It's a mystery.

Re: Cats
« Reply #69 on: May 22, 2015, 12:14:06 PM »
you know that cat barking video? my other cat does that shit looking out at birds

Re: Cats
« Reply #70 on: May 22, 2015, 12:52:09 PM »
Does your cat ever chatter and click? Cutest thing.

Re: Cats
« Reply #71 on: May 22, 2015, 04:09:26 PM »
My cat sometimes 'barks' at dogs when they pass by the fence. Scares the shit out of them.

The chattering mainly happens when birds are out of reach or simply too big. A few days ago the cat was stalking a crow that was walking on the street. Cat got as close as about 3m, then they both stared at each other. Cat chattered a lot but did not move any closer. Now keep in mind that this was a carrion crow, about 1m wingspan with a 6cm massive beak. You don't mess with these guys. I was standing close to them so I carefully moved away to see what would happen. As soon as I was gone, the fucking crow started to walk straight at the cat which chattered for am moment but then fled. What do crows think when moving in on cats?
My cat isn't really big but an avid birdeater who has killed a crow before but also got injured by a bunch of them. So I'm kinda glad it ended like this.

Do your cats go outside and if so what prey have they brought you?

Re: Cats
« Reply #72 on: May 22, 2015, 04:39:40 PM »
Don't let my cat(s) go outside on their own. I've had enough cats get killed or disappear already, not to mention I've seen enough people trying to hurt cats on purpose when seeing them outside... Yeah, no way José. Wouldn't trust other people enough to be comfortable with letting cats outside. Then again I am currently living in a more urban environment, but in more rural areas other animals would probably be a bigger issue so not gonna do it there either.

Once we got a butterfly to come inside. Cat was chattering like mad.

Re: Cats
« Reply #73 on: May 26, 2015, 02:35:55 PM »
Bought cat a toy. It has been hunted.

Re: Cats
« Reply #74 on: May 27, 2015, 03:56:44 PM »
The fat one snored today, the other one slept in the lazy chair in our room.