In New York they have a Dunkin Donuts on every street corner. The strawberry flavour is the best.
Boston Creme and every variant is best. Whoever came up with reverse Boston Creme should win a Nobel Prize.
You can always spawn a truckload of donuts in the wonderland while waiting for the real ones.
You have no idea how much I'd like to be able to do that.
i don't like donuts
You can always spawn a truckload of donuts in the wonderland while waiting for the real ones.
You have no idea how much I'd like to be able to do that.
You could do it, as well. I prefer real ones. They have more taste and texture.
i don't like cake, cookies, or anything like that
Why aren't you just making the fast and awesome as hell tasting french toast with cinnamon and sugar all the time?
Why aren't you just making the fast and awesome as hell tasting french toast with cinnamon and sugar all the time?
Be, Le Pattisiur.QuoteYou can always spawn a truckload of donuts in the wonderland while waiting for the real ones.You have no idea how much I'd like to be able to do that.
You can. In fact you may have done this while thinking about it. You know what donuts taste like. All you have to do is remember while eating the imaginary ones.
And get fat.
And get fat.
You're slow.
<Sands> also forum default font will be comic sans
Hey, while you're all here, can one of you fuckers make an art board? I need an excuse tospampost pictures of muh tupper.
If you want, you're welcome to make an art general here in off-topic. I don't think we really have enough people for a dedicated board, but if there really is enough demand then we could do that.
Go gather some artist friends
Roswell, what did you carve out of the wood?
but I seriously do appreciate them when compared to the noise level of the city.
slit open her thumb.
My aunt actually has no feelings in her right thumb, because she cut it or something. When we tried to pull a prank with an electric pen that zaps you, it failed because she couldnt feel a thing.
Fuck winter. Love, me.
Ps. It's fucking October, why is there snow.
And where would you happen to live, buster?
It just started snowing here today too. Cant wait for the snow to settle so I can head out with my snowboard. WHO #HYPE FOR THE SNOW?
Also, steff and mega should meet up and make steamy hot gay porn for us.
So I was helping out my team with some teleporters, and this is the thanks I get.
We lost.
Don't you worry, faggot dude. I'll still be uploading plenty of screenshots featuring people admiring the maternal frontloaders of a humanised Pinkie Pie.
I turned 1 today. Mega even baked a cake! :cool:
(or effort)
Stepmum got me a Salt Lamp.
Today we did computer magics. Though I didn't, I don't have computer magic. But I had ork love magic. Very magical, you know.Ork is the purest kind of love. Will you ever call him back?
Read My Immortal.
Wait, you have a court summons for poor grades? How would you end up in juvi for that? What would you be sentenced for?
Invest in tupperware.
But did you hire Phoenix Wright?
I must admin: I jelly.
Force more.
Maybe you should force more, though.
Show me logs.
Lincoln logs.
Haha that's cause you're a nerd
I am going to report you to the admin!
I am going to report you to the admin!
O ye
I passed my last GED on Thursday. Dun wit skool. Am now smrat
Time to win the lottery and figure life out in like, the next three weeks. I'll remember you lesser folk when I'm bathing in self-fulfillment and way too much Mountain Dew Voltage, I promise.
LOL, yeah, whaterver, nerd.
if you are a menstruating girl
Also I doubt any murkan food will ever be more expensive than it is in this shit country. So fucking expensive, man. Like, someone says that a gallon of skim milk in murkaland costs about 2 dollars, here you're lucky to get 1 liter for 1 euro so that's like what, almost 4 euros for the same amount. And our milk supposedly is pretty cheaply priced compared to some other European countries even though our everything else is hella expensive.I always thought the Colonel was Murican. That burst my bubble.
I play frts.
You know, a fart based RTS doesn't sound too bad.
So when I possibly move out this August, or around that time as my dad needs me to get out asap either way, because he needs a room for my three-year-old brother who still sleeps in the parents' room, I'll be forced to live in the living-room of the new place, cause three other roommates and l drew the short straw.
Anyway, regardless of how much that sucks, I probably won't be able to save for a nice and big desktop cause it's cramped as shit, so I was wondering what people thought of spending ungodly amounts of money on a gaming laptop. I'm on the fence about it because on one hand, holy fuck, expensive for less, but on the other, portability and taking up less space is really convenient. And even if I don't move out, I don't have the room for a desktop here which blows, so I'm really considering it.
I've looked through some boutiques, and for about what I'd want, I'm looking at 2k-2.5k USD, and ohgod it's so much. Is this something I'd regret later on? It really would cover anything I'd realistically need it for, even regarding recording music, but I'm wondering if it would be better to buy something significantly cheaper and just wait until the day I have the space for a desktop (Of which ideal specs would be over a grand less).
All theoretical right now, as I don't even have the job I'm probably going to have until I've put on more muscle (moving furniture, brother does it and is paid very well, all things considered there), but yeah. I mean, I know some of them can be really nice, but I don't know if there's anything I'm not considering that I might facepalm at later. Anyone ever bought a pricey laptop? Thoughts or regrets?
<Ichtys> So who's tulpa is the solar system?
<Sands> me
<timethief> that explains a lot
<Boat> Yes?
<Sands> here's my gas
<Sands> frt
<timethief> no
<Ichtys> Tell it to spit us out
<Sands> nope
<Ichtys> Welp, we'll have to live in a shit tulpa
<-- ApoIIyon has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
<Sands> wow
--> Maya (~Maya@932D6069:1F97F76C:D7A7260E:IP) has joined #tuppers
<Sands> are you calling rowol shit....
<Sands> dutch he did it
<Sands> he called rowol a shit
<Dutch> wow
<timethief> Why
<Sands> like wow man
<timethief> Why rowol
<Sands> woflo listen
<timethief> no
<Dutch> we can't just let someone call someone shit
<Sands> he called rowol a shit
<Sands> mayo
<timethief> yeah that's just rude
<Sands> mayo get in here
<roflmao> what
<Dutch> this is fucked up
<Sands> ichtys called rowol a shit
<roflmao> rude
<Sands> I know right
<Sands> who would do that
<timethief> yeah man, wrong tupper to mess with
<Dutch> !vote kick Ichtys you do NOT call people shit here
<roflmao> no idea
<votebot> Vote started; Ichtys to be kicked for you do NOT call people shit here.
<Sands> !absolutely
<Vosaiu> !no
<votebot> Your vote has been counted as no, Vosaiu.
<roflmao> we better enforce that uniformly Dutch
<Dutch> !yes
<votebot> Your vote has been counted as yes, Dutch.
<timethief> !yes
<roflmao> sands gets kicked next
<votebot> Your vote has been counted as yes, timethief.
<roflmao> ! yes
<Dutch> yes roflmao
<roflmao> !yes
<votebot> Your vote has been counted as yes, roflmao.
<linear> why does a vote kick matter
<Averian> !no
<votebot> Your vote has been counted as no, Averian.
<roflmao> doesn't
<Dutch> kicks hurt
<Sands> it is a big thing linear
<Sands> for tulpa justice
<Sands> tulpaolib matters
<linear> is Ichtys a host let's hurt him
<linear> !yes
<Sands> also tulpalib
<votebot> Your vote has been counted as yes, linear.
<Sands> yes he's a host
<Dutch> awful
<Sands> calling a poor innocent tulpa a shit
<Ichtys> Here I go to take a piss and heres the chat being pissed off
<timethief> Not fair to rowol, why him? ;_;
<Dutch> you do not call people shit
<Sands> yeah like
<Sands> what the fuck man
<Dutch> roswell is a beautiful butterfly
<Dutch> and you just
<Dutch> stomped on his feelings
<Dutch> what the fuck man
<Ichtys> Okay rowol, you're not shit.
<Ichtys> Just diarrhea
<Ichtys> :>
<timethief> What
<Sands> wow rude
<timethief> Justice now
<Dutch> !doubleyes
<timethief> Trampling on the feelings of Roswell like that...
<Sands> I asked for rowol's comment
<timethief> Such hersy.
<Sands> he was looking pretty down and all even though he tried to not show it
<votebot> Vote successful. Ichtys will be kicked for you do NOT call people shit here.
<-- votebot has kicked Ichtys from #tuppers (you do NOT call people shit here)
<Dutch> justice
<timethief> Wow, justice was served today
<Sands> and these are his words: I don't mind
I intend to dissociate myself from this body such that I can assume another I've imagined into existence, and feel safe in that body.So yeah, either:
Use of my computer will be limited to now and then checking the e-mail, and checking whether Minecraft 1.9 is out yet so I can get the server started.Maybe he wanted less distractions?
Finally got a computer built so I technically can, but the processor is a gay AMD thing that struggles with too many effects. Intel before too long, then I'll get back into learning stuff.Can't you export the "dry" stems of a track and then mix them all with effects and stuff afterwards to save some CPU cycles?
My brother recently picked up a copy of superior drummer, so we're going to be spending the weekend laying down some tracks for his prog metal stuff.Neat. I used to use a drum library for Kontakt, Abbey Road drums or something, but I don't think I ever got around producing anything "acoustic" sounding. Besides, FL doesn't really seem to be suited for other kinds of genres that aren't based around common time signatures (programming a 6/8 drum loop with FL... big nope).
As the Tibetan use of the tulpa concept is described in the book Magical Use of Thoughtforms, the student was expected to come to the understanding that the tulpa was just a hallucination. While they were told that the tulpa was a genuine deity, "The pupil who accepted this was deemed a failure – and set off to spend the rest of his life in an uncomfortable hallucination."Maybe Fede's the only one of us that passed the test
Wait, Fede's gone?Yeah, pretty much. He has been removing his large-nosed avatar from most sites, and from others he has deleted his accounts.
I'm using Ableton. In general, I've found it's a bit less heavy than FL on whatever it is I'm using, but that might be different with more recent updates. FL never really clicked with me though, despite fiddling with it for a year or so, but Ableton's just got that kinda workflow I get. Probably because it's more left to right, and with a bit less going on visually. Which is funny since it's often the other way around with FL-users being baffled by Ableton. The ever-going battle between the two, huh.Yeah, the battle never ends. I tried Ableton once. I couldn't do anything with it. Too confusing for me I guess. Whereas with FL I just started doing stuff until it sounded good. And still does.
I can run a good few tracks I guess. Like, forty with light effects I think? But once I get running heavy vst's and start routing from external sources and try kinda live-mixing a guitar that's routed in or whatever it can get a bit slow. I'm mostly making excuses, but eh, the rig could do for more than a few upgrades in general
Also about to fiddle with Reaper, and eventually Cubase for some more Metal stuff.
I don't produce much of anything right now. I super dig just learning about different genres and sound design, but I don't much feel like I've got enough knowledge to do anything major, other than help people track. I'd like to get into funk and discoey stuff, form a duo with my bruh or something. He's a great guitarist, definitely a cut above most, and is equally interested. Just wanna save up and get a hardware synth or two, then we'll go at something. Or at least a good midi controller, probably something from akai.
Exercising is dumb as shit. Several months back I decided to get /fit/, a least a bit, but it just became more of a hassle as I went on, so I stopped. Then for the last couple months I've been consistently doing calisthenics and other stuff again, and don't intend to stop, but it's cycling between, as an example, "Fuck these pushups are hard" to "Hey I can do these!" To "Fuck I can't even do as many as I could when I started and that was only three" to "I can kinda do some of these again but not as many as that one time" and etc.You know, this seems to closely resemble your experience with tulpamancy somehow at least in my eyes... The whole, "I decided to just do it", then "I stopped". And then, "I restarted and it's okay". And also the whole "YES"/"NOPE" variations in your mood. Maybe you need to look at things a bit differently? Idunno, just a pattern I noticed in you.
Not sure what I should be doing differently. I wonder if it's just my diet or what else it might be. We don't have a whole lot of food, so I might not be eating enough to actually gain muscle-mass, just enough that I'm staying in the middle or something. I suppose I could do to run a bit more, and my damn bike has needed fixing for about half a year. Maybe focus less on muscle in general and worry about cardio for a while, worry about the gains later. More stamina sounds nice. Just sucks living near the residential meth-dens, makes me hate walking around outside.
Advice on exercise, or ideas as to what my issue with shit not getting easier is? It's pretty general stuff. Pushups, sit-ups, planks, various other ups and lifts. I'll do pushups every other day or so, spread several sets of them across the day if doing a bunch at once is too tough, and I'll take a day off of everything in general a couple times a week.
As far as nootropics go, I've had good experiences with modafinil. Although, I've also had good things from caffeine, so I dunno. Also, the trick is to take theanine along with caffeine to negate some of the side effects, supposedly, I'm not sure if it does in personal experience but others seem to swear by it. Theanine also supposedly reduces anxiety, again, I dunno.Yeah, I tried modafinil before. It does give me a focused mind but lasts for about two or so hours, and then I'll get extremely sleepy. Strange, I have been trying many nootropics but most have been mild at best. Coluracetam was pretty nice though, if one can bear the alcohol/bitter flavor mixture. It wasn't really 'felt', but looking back I was indeed more focused. It's on the expensive side though.
cat is best drugNo.
Huh, only two hours? How much were you taking?400 mg (2xModiodal-brand pills). It's sold over-the-counter here, although it's more expensive than in specialized nootropics' stores.
I found taurine in powder form here (
Edit: never mind they don't ship to Mexico. This ( maybe.
how 2 deal with mmo people hitting on me? pls?Why would you play as a girl...?
I joined up with this free-company (Guild I guess) a few weeks back in FFXIV and it was all good and shit, but the Guild-leader or whatever keeps waving and "courteously bowing" to me in public ;-;
And fucking, I was sitting around our estate the other day, crafting, facing a wall
And after like, fifteen minutes I turned around, and he was sitting there, on the floor, staring at me. I'd just leave the FC, but the estate has too many perks, and I'll most likely still see him around the server and feel the cringe, so egh. Oh god, during Valentine's day, players needed to partner up to do a quest, right? And I just sent a general message out to the guild asking for someone to help out, and within like, five minutes, he was there, wearing a stupid suit, and what was, I'm pretty sure, a fedora.
If I tell him I'm a man I think he'll kick me out, he seems autistic enough to do that. I usually don't even talk to enough people that playing a chick is even an issue, but I guess MMO sperglords will do their thing even when I very clearly avoid talking to them, huh.
What do
Why would you play as a girl...?
And I thought I was autistic.
Nothing left to do man, feel the gay and court him back, you might get a lot more perks then.
Make sure to milk as much stuff from him as you can, so you can say it was worth it.
Don't call it fate though, this is the future you chose...
make everyone jealous of my art skills.(
re: curtains: you don't just go to the store and buy white curtains. You go to the store to buy blackout curtains, which come in various colors. Hanging them up is not an issue, because again, your room and if you think something looks ugly then you can change it. Who would be against a new, fancy curtain rod? It's not rocket science. Some kind of installation is required if you go for roller shades, which are pretty good.
"Post Validation Error"yeah i got the same now also the long pw. we can only wait. why others appear to post freely on their boards is a mystery.
Bear] my passport is like my heartsame here
I've been wondering how comes your English is so good Kashtan?if you live in a tiny country with a weird language nobody else understands you gotta be able to speak english in a globalized world. everything is english nowadays. im good at reading writing and understanding it but not so good at speaking bc i do not really have anybody to talk to in english. but basically all younger ppl can speak it. the older ones like my parents still learned russian in school. but im nod really proficient in another language. a bit german but the grammar is a nightmare. english is easy.
Alice, why is the server so slow? I blame you.Sure, blame me instead of hundreds of 'users' from your best friend Russia being online at the same time
rooster bots are still posting how many of them are still there?About 2000