Author Topic: Chat Thread  (Read 1204743 times)

Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #270 on: March 25, 2015, 07:06:13 AM »
if you are a menstruating girl

that is highly unlikely

Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #271 on: March 25, 2015, 08:17:51 AM »
His sister, however, is another story.

Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #272 on: March 25, 2015, 12:39:32 PM »
I meant the supposition out of context

Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #273 on: March 25, 2015, 12:40:10 PM »
you know, "a menstruating girl." Cuz all girls menstruate, and only girls menstruate.


Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #274 on: March 25, 2015, 02:36:50 PM »
What ever you say, dood.


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Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #275 on: March 26, 2015, 01:38:00 AM »
Fuck if I know what's up with the anemic shit, I just know she gets really fuckin woozy when she doesn't eat, which is every day because she's a moron and too busy chatting with her bf or whatever to make sure she doesn't die. She's less passy-out when she eats whatever, so idunno.

Idunno, buddy. We can't even really get much super cheap food as is, and I have no clue how much would really be needed for six people, over the span of a few weeks, given the low budget. I actually brought up buying at least some fruits and veggies yesterday, and my step mom was all like "Every time I do, nobody eats it", which I guess is sadly true. I do, but I always think "Well I probably shouldn't eat all of these apples/whatever in-case someone else wants some", and then they go bad and my step mom gripes even though she totally didn't eat any either.

Idunno, not in my power, I control zero sway of the budget past like, "Get a different kind of microwave burritos this time the last ones were terrible". She also said she was too lazy to cook better food and me offering to cook didn't help much for that so eh.

Will deal for now. Might be moving out in August if I can afford it, but probably not because I can't find any work whatsoever here. If I can, will propose to roomies that we eat better.

Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #276 on: March 26, 2015, 06:49:16 AM »
If you buy nutrient dense/money low vegetables this will address nutrition concerns. spinach is one, avocados too but might be expensive.

buy cheap meat or buy it sparingly. chicken is cheap. pig is cheap. beef is getting worse. cows are smaller than theyve been in a hundred years.

learn to cook. 4chan/ck/, is a good blog and i like bbq pit boys but you have to grill which is medium tier cooking, not beginner stuff. recipes are easy to follow if you find a resource you like.

buy spices if you dont have them

cook in bulk. make a ton at once especially if others are eating. refrigerate what you want in a few days and freeze the rest. most stuff can be frozen as long as you want. then just pull it out and reheat with your preferred method instead of having to set up and break down to cook again.

make your own fucking microwave burritos
« Last Edit: March 26, 2015, 06:53:39 AM by Vice »

Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #277 on: March 26, 2015, 08:50:16 AM »
Soup is the money-saving food. Most of it is water to fill you and taste comes from proper spices, which might be expensive to buy for the first time but they will last you for months. And you will be using fresh ingredients, which is a lot better than what you're having right now. Also oatz n squatz

Walmart has a website with the prices. You could use that to calculate stuff, I don't really know where you live so I can't do it for you, as it asks for a zip code and everything.

But anyways, your family's main concern about the lack of proper cooking is laziness as your mother has already made clear, has less to do with how much shit costs as they're unwilling to spend some effort into getting a better, cheaper plan that won't kill you all. As for the anemia, you need more food rich in iron and obviously, it needs to be eaten. I assume she has actually had blood tests for this, but testing for anemia is easy enough that I'm sure even murka does it occasionally and for free/low price.


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Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #278 on: March 26, 2015, 09:12:54 AM »
I'll make my own microwave burritos when I'm dead, you fucker.

I can cook well and all I guess, but I'll look into some more recipes and shit once I have the moneys and foods. We have plenty of spices, which helps, we have stuff with chicken every while, piggy-based foods every while, but definitely not consistent. What have we had this week.. Chili and macaroni, aaand.. That's actually it, I think. We haven't had any other dinner this week, as I guess it's been slow. Yeah, I've been eating out (on other people's bills) this week, as well as eating ramen and shit

Oh, we did get some bananas at least, so score there, I guess? I'll eat all of them I guess since I'll be complained at if they go bad.

I do want some spinach leaves though, I like putting them on sammiches, so I'll try and convince someone to get those as well. Avocado, ironically enough, my step mom was buying for herself for a while cause she weighs like, twenty pounds over what she thinks is overweight when she's actually pretty regular, and they're healthy, but she hasn't gotten any in a while. I also think they're gross, but that's besides the point.

Soooup. We might have some soup. Maybe? I think we have a single can of Chicken Noodle soup. I'm not sure how much decent soup is. Hmm.

Anyway, issue with trying to figure out how much it would all cost is partially that I don't know how much six people would eat of healthy things. I assume "Healthy" is also three meals a day, and I sure as fuck don't know how to account for healthy breakfast and lunch foods. I have to cook my own damn breakfast when we have eggs, and that's only once or twice a month.

Thanks though, you two, I appreciate it. I might be able to convince my brother to get us some healthy foods.

What would be considered like, a "healthy" breakfast lunch and dinner? I'd google it, but my internet is majorly slowed, and this place doesn't get affected by that for some reason.

Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #279 on: March 26, 2015, 10:02:24 AM »
No, no canned soup. You make your own soup from fresh ingredients. Soups are probably the easiest stuff to make, you just throw shit in the water and wait until stuff is done.

How many meals, well honestly what you're counting would be how many times you can eat/have time to make food and then make a meal or two that has enough to keep you alive. You can eat vegetables and shit raw if you're hungry outside the meal times, make for good snacks that keep you full. As for breakfast, lunch or dinner? Why do these have to be different to be considered "healthy" if you make some type of food that already is healthy? First figure out what stuff you like to eat and how to cook it for a balanced diet. Then worry about when you're eating it or how many different meals you have time and money to make each day.

Also look out for stuff that's on sale and seasonal shit. Other things will be cheaper based on the time of the year, you'd like to concentrate on eating those for the cheapest meals. Fire up that Google, boy.

PS. avocados are a pretty fatty fruit with a lot of calories compared to many other fruits, they won't really make you lose weight if you stuff them in your face without changing your diet/exercising more, though you could replace the fat from other sources with the fat from avocado for a healthier fat option I guess. If she wants to lose weight by eating, she should be looking for the stuff that burns more calories to digest than you get from it, like celery.


Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #280 on: March 26, 2015, 02:54:44 PM »

Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #281 on: March 26, 2015, 07:21:53 PM »
This discussion is depressing...
What happened to good ol Murica?

Here in Southern Germany you can get pretty cheap food which is shit (probably still way better than average murkafood), but the better or even organic stuff is quite expensive. Stil nothing compared to Austria or Switzerland. At least their food quality is awesome, I'm willing to pay for that. Luckily far from being a poorfag but I always try to get what's on sale, often stuff that's close to the expiration date is sold for half the price. Still remains edible almost indefinitely if refrigerated. So if you buy smart you can enjoy high quality food for a reasonable price.

Cooking from raw ingredients can save a lot of money but it takes quite a lot of time. At least you know what you eat, compared to those ready-made meals which normally consist of the cheapest ingredients readily available.

About what to eat, as Sands said you need to like it, and the more diverse and less processed the better it is. Try to get sugar and trans-fats out of your diet as far as possible. Soft drinks, sweets, fast food - all that shit. I know that's really hard as this stuff is highly addictive. It's best done by slowly decreasing the amount you consume. But do yourself the favor, this crap will ruin your body.

Also I doubt any murkan food will ever be more expensive than it is in this shit country. So fucking expensive, man. Like, someone says that a gallon of skim milk in murkaland costs about 2 dollars, here you're lucky to get 1 liter for 1 euro so that's like what, almost 4 euros for the same amount. And our milk supposedly is pretty cheaply priced compared to some other European countries even though our everything else is hella expensive.
I always thought the Colonel was Murican. That burst my bubble.


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Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #282 on: March 26, 2015, 09:19:07 PM »
Thanks, you lot. Will see what all I can do in the near/distant future, depending. Should probably move on from healthy eatings though, OT is getting way too topical.

Does anyone here play any instruments, or make music of any kind? I can't imagine with all the tuppers running around, none of them at least would be learning one. Aside from learning the piano, I know a bit of production. My brother is regarded as one of the most inspired and unique guitarists (not to mention the most skilled, whether they'd like to admit it or not) in the state, but he doesn't know jack-shit about the technical aspects of recording, so I picked those up. The bastard wound up finding someone else to track his stuff because, yeah, bastard, but it's actually a really enjoyable thing to learn.

Of course, I do know you're all a bunch of fatties who probably just play vidya all day, so I won't keep my hopes too high up on anyone who's played or composed past Mario Paint.


Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #283 on: March 26, 2015, 10:51:06 PM »
I played Alto. Sax for a while.


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Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #284 on: March 27, 2015, 02:02:00 AM »
Oh god, that reminds me of Middle School, where I was forced to play the French Horn for three years. I wound up just sitting there, every class, for the entire three years, never improving, because I wanted to play the snare. I was also completely tone-deaf, and only got out of that about a year ago, but yeah, fuckin' Band class. The instructor would also sell drinks and cans bars, and being that I used to be be even more of a piece of shit than I am now, I wound up stealing a lot of those. Not my prouder days, but he was a bit of a dick.

I'm trying to figure out fm synthesis right now. It's weird. Need tutorials, next time I have wifi.