Author Topic: Chat Thread  (Read 1207190 times)

Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #330 on: February 16, 2016, 07:55:20 PM »
Wait, Fede's gone?
The fuck, man, I need at least his enlightening comments as the spambots don't wanna talk to me.
On the other hand I never understood why he was in the forum at all after giving up on his tuppers and declaring it was all nonsense anyway.

Come to think about it, wasn't the original purpose of tuppering to realize it's just an illusion and stop wasting your time with this shit?
As the Tibetan use of the tulpa concept is described in the book Magical Use of Thoughtforms, the student was expected to come to the understanding that the tulpa was just a hallucination. While they were told that the tulpa was a genuine deity, "The pupil who accepted this was deemed a failure – and set off to spend the rest of his life in an uncomfortable hallucination."
Maybe Fede's the only one of us that passed the test

Ah well, I find my hallucination veery comfortable, guess I'm a failure then.


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Fodde Thread
« Reply #331 on: February 16, 2016, 08:57:03 PM »
Wait, Fede's gone?
Yeah, pretty much. He has been removing his large-nosed avatar from most sites, and from others he has deleted his accounts.

He apparently wants to have his physical body in auto-pilot, while he goes off to the wonderland/whatever, "even if just temporarily" (but you have already read his thread I suppose). I imagine he's making some kind of servitor for that while he transfered himself to a wonderland form (which is "short" and "female"). So yeah, interesting but who knows what will come out of it.
Still waiting for the >chapter two: attack of the tupper.
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Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #332 on: February 18, 2016, 05:44:10 AM »
Exercising is dumb as shit. Several months back I decided to get /fit/, a least a bit, but it just became more of a hassle as I went on, so I stopped. Then for the last couple months I've been consistently doing calisthenics and other stuff again, and don't intend to stop, but it's cycling between, as an example, "Fuck these pushups are hard" to "Hey I can do these!" To "Fuck I can't even do as many as I could when I started and that was only three" to "I can kinda do some of these again but not as many as that one time" and etc.

Not sure what I should be doing differently. I wonder if it's just my diet or what else it might be. We don't have a whole lot of food, so I might not be eating enough to actually gain muscle-mass, just enough that I'm staying in the middle or something. I suppose I could do to run a bit more, and my damn bike has needed fixing for about half a year. Maybe focus less on muscle in general and worry about cardio for a while, worry about the gains later. More stamina sounds nice. Just sucks living near the residential meth-dens, makes me hate walking around outside.

Advice on exercise, or ideas as to what my issue with shit not getting easier is? It's pretty general stuff. Pushups, sit-ups, planks, various other ups and lifts. I'll do pushups every other day or so, spread several sets of them across the day if doing a bunch at once is too tough, and I'll take a day off of everything in general a couple times a week.


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Flat Thread
« Reply #333 on: February 20, 2016, 05:41:53 PM »
I'm using Ableton. In general, I've found it's a bit less heavy than FL on whatever it is I'm using, but that might be different with more recent updates. FL never really clicked with me though, despite fiddling with it for a year or so, but Ableton's just got that kinda workflow I get. Probably because it's more left to right, and with a bit less going on visually. Which is funny since it's often the other way around with FL-users being baffled by Ableton. The ever-going battle between the two, huh.

I can run a good few tracks I guess. Like, forty with light effects I think? But once I get running heavy vst's and start routing from external sources and try kinda live-mixing a guitar that's routed in or whatever it can get a bit slow. I'm mostly making excuses, but eh, the rig could do for more than a few upgrades in general

Also about to fiddle with Reaper, and eventually Cubase for some more Metal stuff.

I don't produce much of anything right now. I super dig just learning about different genres and sound design, but I don't much feel like I've got enough knowledge to do anything major, other than help people track. I'd like to get into funk and discoey stuff, form a duo with my bruh or something. He's a great guitarist, definitely a cut above most, and is equally interested. Just wanna save up and get a hardware synth or two, then we'll go at something. Or at least a good midi controller, probably something from akai.
Yeah, the battle never ends. I tried Ableton once. I couldn't do anything with it. Too confusing for me I guess. Whereas with FL I just started doing stuff until it sounded good. And still does.

Oh, so you use it for live purposes? I never bothered with that kind of thing to be honest. I mean, I may do some DJ-like stuff sometimes but usually I don't need any peripherals or anything. I don't even have a MIDI controller. I suppose just about anyone can produce stuff these days even without any skills...

Stop making up excuses Enny, you're holding yourself back with them dammit (reminds me of my old ways). JUST DO IT and #YOLO and all that. Maybe.
Come on, I haven't even watched any tutorials, and yet I went ahead and took a hands-on approach to it. Who cares if it breaks, or if I'm doing it "wrong", I eventually learned on my own and I think I'm pretty decent. I'd imagine you would be even better since you do care about the theoretical part unlike me. If you got someone to bring along in your productions that's pretty dope too. But do it. Do it with what you have now so when you have more you can do even better, instead of always waiting for that moment that may or not come.

Exercising is dumb as shit. Several months back I decided to get /fit/, a least a bit, but it just became more of a hassle as I went on, so I stopped. Then for the last couple months I've been consistently doing calisthenics and other stuff again, and don't intend to stop, but it's cycling between, as an example, "Fuck these pushups are hard" to "Hey I can do these!" To "Fuck I can't even do as many as I could when I started and that was only three" to "I can kinda do some of these again but not as many as that one time" and etc.

Not sure what I should be doing differently. I wonder if it's just my diet or what else it might be. We don't have a whole lot of food, so I might not be eating enough to actually gain muscle-mass, just enough that I'm staying in the middle or something. I suppose I could do to run a bit more, and my damn bike has needed fixing for about half a year. Maybe focus less on muscle in general and worry about cardio for a while, worry about the gains later. More stamina sounds nice. Just sucks living near the residential meth-dens, makes me hate walking around outside.

Advice on exercise, or ideas as to what my issue with shit not getting easier is? It's pretty general stuff. Pushups, sit-ups, planks, various other ups and lifts. I'll do pushups every other day or so, spread several sets of them across the day if doing a bunch at once is too tough, and I'll take a day off of everything in general a couple times a week.
You know, this seems to closely resemble your experience with tulpamancy somehow at least in my eyes... The whole, "I decided to just do it", then "I stopped". And then, "I restarted and it's okay". And also the whole "YES"/"NOPE" variations in your mood. Maybe you need to look at things a bit differently? Idunno, just a pattern I noticed in you.
Any advice? Keep at it even if it seems stupid sometimes, try to balance your diet because it does have an effect in your athletic performance, keep a steady schedule and stick to it, and always push yourself a bit further than the previous time, even if it seems hard.
You want to get ripped? Focus on that, research, I suppose that if you could spend some time in these forums, you can spend it reading about how people who have made it got there. Take what you can from them, adapt it to your circumstances, and do DO IT.

Also, since this is the chat thread, I guess I'll say something as well.
I decided to try some nootropics for helping me out with the tulpa experience (focus, mental clarity, etc), and after some reading I went for aniracetam. Wow, what a waste of money. I feel so sleepy; not even melatonin does something like this. Zero focus because I'll end up dozing off. Tried to do the remaining two runs of the visualization exercise I mentioned in my PR, but nope, found myself drifting off to a comfortable sleep very easily. 0/10, feels like if I had taken an anti-nootropic or something. And now I have two 50 g jars that I don't know what to do with them. I tried 750 mg, no effect. I tried 1300 mg, super sleepy mode engaged. I could theoretically push it to 2000 mg, but I don't want to end up in a coma. Though a nice side effect is that I barely feel any anxiety about anything. Yes, even intrusive thoughts stay at bay. Too bad no use because it slows down me and tupper's thinking processes.
Caffeine doesn't cut it anymore. Besides, it seems to make me all jittery. All I wanted was to have an additional focusing kick, not dozing off while improving my visualization skills. >feelsbad.jpg
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Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #334 on: February 21, 2016, 07:49:39 AM »
I don't mix in a live environment, as in at shows, if that's what you meant. I do track guitar though, and have to be able to tweak and shit on the fly, which takes up some processing power. My brother's running a higher-end amd chip, about twice as good as the one I've got, and running one instance of Bias Fx, which is the guitar plugin we use when we don't have any amps or whatever around, takes up about 35% of his processor's attention. That's just being active, not even being used. Switching off between multiple instances though, thankfully doesn't increase that number. Just starts getting messy once you're running Bias, then Superior Drummer, then a couple misc instruments, and then a suite of effects. My processor would most-definitely not be able to do everything I genuinely need it for. If I solely fucked around with synth vst's and samples, yeah, I'd be more than fine. Can't really freeze and flatten a live-audio track though.

I think the excuses are moostly justified in-regards to tracking. I wasn't thinking about guitar and shit when I wrote that, for some reason. In-regards to electronic and stuff though? Eh, I don't know. You'd probably be better than I am, if you actually mess with it much. I'll open up something every few weeks and fiddle around, but I don't really have sound-design down. I get it just a bit more than I used to, and I continually get it more and more, but it's not really enough to do much with. And I refuse to venture forth blindly and make anything just for the heck of it, not understanding what I'm doing. Maybe it works for some people, but I've been graced with knowing.. I don't know, four people to do literally that, and be awful, embarrassing themselves. God, this one guy I know has his Fl-template set to open with the generic 4/4 kick/clap on the step-sequencer, and bases literally everything he does around that, and it makes me cringe. He's the same guy that's always getting onto me for not putting myself out there, "Oh, you've gotta put it up even if it sucks so you can get feedback!"

And yet he sure as fuck doesn't get any attention any time he posts something. Not sure why I'd do it then, opposed to just asking somebody I know. Rambling, but yeah, Just not the kinda person to go for it. I need to get myself a midi keyboard or something just so I can have a more physical outlet for learning shit. Theory, as well as sound-design. Just, a very hands-on person. Shit's expensive, though.

In regards to the working out, I wouldn't say there are many parallels between it, and my tuppering. I stopped working out initially because, despite it becoming easier for a little while, eventually it just stopped, becoming much more difficult than it should have been, bordering painful. I'm not sure why, but it was pretty awful. I've been at it for longer than I was that first time now, though, and it doesn't seem to be quite as bad, though I do need to look into more efficient ways of improving myself. Dieting is the obvious first way yeah, but it's not really so easy. Despite my attempts at convincing the powers that be, and it's definitely been discussed before, in this very thread, healthier, more balanced food will not be entering this house any time soon. Bad food is cheaper, and easier to cook, so that's majorly what we get. Any time something healthy does come under our roof though, I'll try and eat it, yeah.

I think the major issue right now, as well as just, unbalanced diet, is not quite eating enough? I have a couple meals a day, usually, and they border on meh to kind of maybe healthy-ish. Don't reeeaally have enough to just, eat when I'm hungry, or even just eat three, full (And by full, I mean fitting in all of the necessary food-groups and portions) meals a day. When I'm getting stomach pains because I need to eat, it's usually just something cheap and easy, like ramen. Which I loathe.

Still, yeah, whatever. Still exercising, don't see myself stopping any time soon. I fucking re-fuse to become overweight, or even remotely fat, so that's where it is. Hell, at 165, 6 feet, I already feel fat enough.

I've got pretty bad experience with mental stimulants, especially caffeine. I think I might be allergic to it, or at the very least sensitive to anything above low-doses. I've taken caffeine pills in the past, and it makes my skin so sensitive that light touches hurt, so that's no good. Even energy drinks in general will cause mild irritation. Soda and tea don't seem to do anything to me though, so it must just be past a certain point, that is does it. I don't drink coffee much, but it gives me a similar effect when I do. And also it makes me sleep. Caffeine in any form makes me drowsy, but it's ironic that coffee and energy-drinks would put me to sleep, I think.

Fuck Melatonin, too, just in general. Never am I so groggy upon waking up as I am after taking Melatonin.

The lack of anxiety and intrusive sounds nice, though. If you could take half a pill or something, and still get that effect, that would be nice. I always used to feel like I had a lot of intrusive thoughts, but after examining my thought process in recent times, I've found that It's fairly clear. Like, something maybe going on in the background that I'm not paying any attention to at most. Usually though, I'll just be staring at something, and it's a pretty direct feed, and focusing is easy as all-get. My problems probably stem from somewhere else, or something. Not sure where.

Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #335 on: February 21, 2016, 12:43:49 PM »
As far as nootropics go, I've had good experiences with modafinil. Although, I've also had good things from caffeine, so I dunno. Also, the trick is to take theanine along with caffeine to negate some of the side effects, supposedly, I'm not sure if it does in personal experience but others seem to swear by it. Theanine also supposedly reduces anxiety, again, I dunno.

Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #336 on: February 21, 2016, 07:18:44 PM »
cat is best drug


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Drug Thread
« Reply #337 on: February 21, 2016, 08:46:23 PM »
As far as nootropics go, I've had good experiences with modafinil. Although, I've also had good things from caffeine, so I dunno. Also, the trick is to take theanine along with caffeine to negate some of the side effects, supposedly, I'm not sure if it does in personal experience but others seem to swear by it. Theanine also supposedly reduces anxiety, again, I dunno.
Yeah, I tried modafinil before. It does give me a focused mind but lasts for about two or so hours, and then I'll get extremely sleepy. Strange, I have been trying many nootropics but most have been mild at best. Coluracetam was pretty nice though, if one can bear the alcohol/bitter flavor mixture. It wasn't really 'felt', but looking back I was indeed more focused. It's on the expensive side though.

L-theanine & caffeine is one of the most efficient combos from what I've heard as well. I might give it a go.
Taurine seems to do the trick for me somewhat, but I have been unable to find it as a supplement, and it isn't healthy to take two sugary energy drinks per day, so I have been unable to use it continuously.

cat is best drug
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Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #338 on: February 21, 2016, 11:21:24 PM »

Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #339 on: February 22, 2016, 09:52:59 AM »
Huh, only two hours? How much were you taking?

I found taurine in powder form here.

Edit: never mind they don't ship to Mexico. This maybe.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2016, 10:20:32 AM by waffles »


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Drug Thread
« Reply #340 on: February 22, 2016, 02:42:21 PM »
Huh, only two hours? How much were you taking?

I found taurine in powder form here.

Edit: never mind they don't ship to Mexico. This maybe.
400 mg (2xModiodal-brand pills). It's sold over-the-counter here, although it's more expensive than in specialized nootropics' stores.
I tried 200 mg but I barely noticed the effects. Two days of 200 mg and then one of 400 mg. Very subtle kick, if at all, and yeah that crash afterwards.

Thanks for the link to the taurine, I'll check it out.
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Re: Chat Bread
« Reply #341 on: February 23, 2016, 04:14:51 AM »
Huh. I have Modalert here, 200mg is really noticeable, I can't really take that much in the morning because I can't sleep in the evening that well. I guess I'm a lightweight when it comes to these things.

I guess I can't really start on racetams now though, since the government is making it illegal in April and I won't be able to buy any after then. Stupid lawmaking.


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Re: Chat Thread
« Reply #342 on: February 24, 2016, 10:39:35 AM »
how 2 deal with mmo people hitting on me? pls?

I joined up with this free-company (Guild I guess) a few weeks back in FFXIV and it was all good and shit, but the Guild-leader or whatever keeps waving and "courteously bowing" to me in public ;-;

And fucking, I was sitting around our estate the other day, crafting, facing a wall

And after like, fifteen minutes I turned around, and he was sitting there, on the floor, staring at me. I'd just leave the FC, but the estate has too many perks, and I'll most likely still see him around the server and feel the cringe, so egh. Oh god, during Valentine's day, players needed to partner up to do a quest, right? And I just sent a general message out to the guild asking for someone to help out, and within like, five minutes, he was there, wearing a stupid suit, and what was, I'm pretty sure, a fedora.

If I tell him I'm a man I think he'll kick me out, he seems autistic enough to do that. I usually don't even talk to enough people that playing a chick is even an issue, but I guess MMO sperglords will do their thing even when I very clearly avoid talking to them, huh.

What do


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Gay Thread
« Reply #343 on: February 24, 2016, 11:47:19 AM »
how 2 deal with mmo people hitting on me? pls?

I joined up with this free-company (Guild I guess) a few weeks back in FFXIV and it was all good and shit, but the Guild-leader or whatever keeps waving and "courteously bowing" to me in public ;-;

And fucking, I was sitting around our estate the other day, crafting, facing a wall

And after like, fifteen minutes I turned around, and he was sitting there, on the floor, staring at me. I'd just leave the FC, but the estate has too many perks, and I'll most likely still see him around the server and feel the cringe, so egh. Oh god, during Valentine's day, players needed to partner up to do a quest, right? And I just sent a general message out to the guild asking for someone to help out, and within like, five minutes, he was there, wearing a stupid suit, and what was, I'm pretty sure, a fedora.

If I tell him I'm a man I think he'll kick me out, he seems autistic enough to do that. I usually don't even talk to enough people that playing a chick is even an issue, but I guess MMO sperglords will do their thing even when I very clearly avoid talking to them, huh.

What do
Why would you play as a girl...?

And I thought I was autistic.
Nothing left to do man, feel the gay and court him back, you might get a lot more perks then.
Make sure to milk as much stuff from him as you can, so you can say it was worth it.
Don't call it fate though, this is the future you chose...
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Re: Gay Thread
« Reply #344 on: February 24, 2016, 12:28:42 PM »
Why would you play as a girl...?

And I thought I was autistic.
Nothing left to do man, feel the gay and court him back, you might get a lot more perks then.
Make sure to milk as much stuff from him as you can, so you can say it was worth it.
Don't call it fate though, this is the future you chose...

I mean, I've invested serious time into this game, and will continue to. Am I gonna have more fun staring at some dude avatar for 500 hours, or a chick in skimpy Female-RPG armor? Which I don't actually do, because I feel self-conscious about people staring, but you get the idea. Chicks also have better hairstyles and pretty much everything else, including boob-physics, so it wasn't a hard decision to make.

That's not a bad idea though, and I was contemplating it earlier, but it's just too low. I mean, I'll verbally degrade autistic people all day, but I'm not gonna go so deep that this fucker proposes, and arranges a Ceremony of Eternal Bonding (Yep, in-game marriage), and tries to RP-fuck me or something. Should have never accepted the guild-invitation ;-;

Maybe I can save up a bit of cash and arrange a world-transfer.. Can't run into him if I'm on a different server, huh. Not sure. I've actually gotta do some research on other ones before I do anything, as there's definitely different stuff going on in each, economy and activity-wise.

Maybe he'll just commit suicide and his second-in-command will let us all know through the mass-chat. That'd be great. Then nobody would notice my leaving.

Edit: Also, last night I was thinking about how Sands always tells people to eat cake with tupper, and I never really did that back in the day, so I imagined eating a cake. It was pretty good, if I do say so myself. It was chocolate with coconut stuff on top. Not sure what the glaze is called on chocolate cakes with coconut on top, but I can recall the taste pretty well.

I actually just googled it and it looks like it's a german-chocolate cake, and it's a coconut/pecan frosting or something. Sounds about right, actually. I can feel the coconut between my teeth, taste the deliciousness, and I mourn for my lack of money to buy a real one.

Suing Sands for emotional damage.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2016, 01:11:13 PM by Enny »