Cantrips are a special case. Yes, she can cast anything she could memorize and cast, under my rules, without the prerequisite of memorizing them in spell slots in advance, and as original rules state, she may cast cantrips that she knows at will without restrictions UOS. This only applies to cantrips she knows. Clerics are given a set number of cantrips, I have not amended that. What I have ammended is that all cleric cantrips exist in her book, and I will allow her to learn a new one in 8 hours per level--Cleric cantrips only.
Again, for spells that require slots (MP) she may immediately learn all applicable spells commiserate with her level per PHB excluding cantrips which I already spoke of unless PHB allows all cantrips to clerics and I am mistaken, please provide that evidence if true.
In addition, per my rules, spell slots still exist; however, she may cast any and all level 1 spells up to her MP and free filled foci within reason, and with potential dangers, but level 2 spells will "fill a slot" when cast and only resting per PHB can free those spent slots, so she should still use level 2 spells with care. Level 2 spells cost 2MP but that does not mean if she has 8MP that she can cast 4 of them.
According to my research, she knows 3 cantrips until level 4. Which raises it to 4. I am allowing an additional cantrip per level.
Additionally, she will have 8 MP at level 3 and 2 level 2 spell slots. Again, when she casts a level 2 spell (any spell without memorizing ahead of time) she will use a slot. She may however boost spells using foci per my rules, but she can still only cast 2 level 2 spells per long rest at level 3.
She may not learn non-cleric spells without Gestalt modifications to her class. If she dual classes or multi-classes, then I will need to think about how that's implemented.
In Bear's run, Gestalt ruleset (GM binder) for 5e was followed and very powerful and unbalanced hybrid classes were the result, so my decision is not to allow it at this time.