Isn't there any spell that makes people visible? Like Light or something? Do you need to see the target to light it? Can we treat them like a pebble and light 'em up?
After that, just frickin' get up there and light a torch lol, they're not going to pew pew with a short bow if they have elvish swords are they? Okay, so I got word from Joy that they're three humans and a half-orc leader Bandit #1 is the brute with the maul, Bandit #2 is a deadly female with high stats, Bandit #3 is average, and #4 is the weakest, but they're all still tough, so that's why we need to concentrate on lowering their numbers and outnumber them. Also, these are not "bandits", those low lifes with low health, they're NPCs with classes but based on what they're doing and how pathetic they were with Helga, they might not have many tricks up their sleeves so mostly just fighters. Totally need to bane them, I should probably do something other than another summon with one of my MP... nope, not till level 3, I get a huge upgrade then, but for now, Ashley panther will be out soon, I'm going to probably summon Olga next turn, then one of them again when I transform.
I have a feeling Summer will have something up her sleeve too, but we got to be careful or we'll be at a huge disadvantage.
I also realized that they can never TPK us if I'm not stupid because Ashley Panther can disengage and hide both on the same turn and she's way faster than humans and half-orcs. However, Ashley Panther can't stabilize anyone. Also, I have two MP, one in a focus and 1 extra that will transform me, so we got to be super perfect with our decisions. We've gotten through worse though so come on RNG gods or we could just run, we'd lose the tent but we don't really need a tent to sleep.