Author Topic: D&D Meta Thread  (Read 9311 times)

Re: D&D Meta Thread
« Reply #195 on: March 04, 2025, 03:30:18 PM »
So it's the orb that's behind everything after all!

Re: D&D Meta Thread [Joy the DM]
« Reply #196 on: March 04, 2025, 04:26:20 PM »
I will be running scenarios with the dragon battle using your characters so I can balance the dragon given Summer's deep pockets. Regardless of what Freya said, enough coin can probably outfit Summer with enough bling to bring down a dragon single handedly so I'm not letting her have any offensive capability. She will also have a budget because she needs to be able to recoup her expendatures with the dragon parts alone.

Nevertheless, here are some things she has on her list. It's not a spoiler at this point because it's just a preliminary list and she isn't getting all of it necessarily, plus she's going to want to strategize with you before you dive in.

*Ring of Summer (Winter) (cold immunity and stops aging)
Ring of dodging
Ring of haste
Ring of invisibility
Ring of flying

*Ring of Dragons
*Amulet of Draconic might
When worn, the amulet increased the resilience of an individual and offered them limited protection from certain debilitating effects both magical and mundane in nature. If the wearer of an amulet of draconic might also bore one of the ring of dragons, the strength of these effects were doubled. In addition, they became immune to any fear effects that caused by dragons or dracoliches and were well-protected from their breath attacks.

And no, you can't afford it or borrow it.

*Amulet of resurrection
*Scrolls scrolls and more scrolls.

Starred items she already has locked in.

So if I want you to die, then I may need to buff the dragon. I will have to run at least a couple battles such that the dragon has a chance of you make mistakes.

The orbs are watching you...
« Last Edit: March 04, 2025, 04:28:36 PM by Wofl »

Re: D&D Meta Thread [Joy the DM]
« Reply #197 on: March 05, 2025, 03:58:35 AM »
Now and in the future, I won't be posting new scenes until everyone responds regardless of what's happening or whoever is present, so you set the pace. We're happy to play our own game.

[Autumn] Right now I'm trying to set up my new character sheet which is a little different and way more complicated in the other system Joy and Bear is using. I'm trying to decide between Wizard or Sorceress. I see advantages of both.

[Autumn] In our game, Bear and Joy found three strange books each describing a class and with all the arcane knowledge of them. Mine is of course "The book of the Mage" and no one can read it, but I'm taking the challenge to decipher it.

[Joy] I am also taking the opportunity to revamp the encounter, treasure, and battle system so SheShe, Misha and I have an easier job in the future and don't have to flip between sheets, text files and internet just to run the encounter.

Re: D&D Meta Thread
« Reply #198 on: March 05, 2025, 02:14:01 PM »
Meh do we really all have to respond even if there's nothing to do or say? What are we supposed to react to Cat's level-up? I was just waiting for the next scene.

Also I'm not happy about revealing Summer's items. We are not supposed to know any of that unless she tells us.

Re: D&D Meta Thread [Joy the DM]
« Reply #199 on: March 05, 2025, 02:54:43 PM »
Well it ate my post...

In short, if it says [Response required] then that's a general flag for everyone to respond. Most of my fun is derived from your interactions, you know it takes me a hour or more sometimes a lot more to prepare and publish those scenes, in my mind the least I would hope for is a reaction image that lets me know you read and understand the scene. I get my investment in time repaid especially when you post, especially if you (Alice) squirm. I also love when I break Yulya and whenever Cat says or does anything. It's my fun quota for the day and I appreciate every word and picture. Ashley is excluded obviously.

If you really don't want to, then post here and say you have nothing to add. I don't want to make assumptions because what if you choose to respond after someone else.

The starred items above are things you already know, these are forgotten realm items you are free to look up. Summer will likely tell you everything when she meets you in Phandalin, nobles love to show off, their attendants are no different, but especially if that knowledge makes your choices more closely align with the optimal path at victory. It's only logical that she'll bring scrolls, and 5e allows for lower level magic users to cast from scrolls with a slight debuff on casting success. She's serious about this and only expects to break even after expenses, a dead attendant can't boast about being a dragonslayer.

I released the preliminary set early to mostly lower Yulya's stress level.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2025, 03:06:36 PM by Wofl »

Re: D&D Meta Thread
« Reply #200 on: March 05, 2025, 03:19:21 PM »
Meanwhile Joy waiting for replies...

Ok, ok, I will put more effort into entertaining replies, especially if they are not required.

But like hell I'd look up anything that doesn't directly concern me! Not knowing anything about what's going on in this world is part of being an Alien.

Re: D&D Meta Thread
« Reply #201 on: March 05, 2025, 03:39:38 PM »

Don't feel like these are in vein, I need feedback for my conditioning progress as well. I must say it's come a long way.

Re: D&D Meta Thread
« Reply #202 on: March 05, 2025, 06:26:56 PM »
>in vein

Jesus how did you clowns ever get a degree?
Bear cant spell and Bernd cant into basic math
im no genius but i have no such disabilities either. what about you Tamamo?

ok back to dnd
we just waited for next turn too but youre right everyone should post every turn no matter what. that avoids situations when we wait for each other to do something. turn ends when everyone has posted.

Re: D&D Meta Thread [Joy the DM]
« Reply #203 on: March 05, 2025, 07:06:53 PM »
Drat that BodyOS!

Now I will take command and intentionally attempt to use the wrong words.

Bear has three degrees and too are masters from top 10 colleges at the time in the field.

[Bear] miracles happen, prayers do get answered

>everyone post

Re: D&D Meta Thread
« Reply #204 on: March 06, 2025, 07:28:04 AM »
what about you Tamamo?
Hahaha no I think my math and English skills are alright!
I'm bad at sports and coordination things though but that did not make me fail any classes and isnt really required for an office job

Re: D&D Meta Thread
« Reply #205 on: Yesterday at 03:12:06 PM »
>Archdemon proposal
Oh no!
What will Alice do?

Re: D&D Meta Thread[Ashley]
« Reply #206 on: Yesterday at 03:41:47 PM »
Bruh, it's a trap, listen to Freya

[Joy] Ashley doesn't know that

Re: D&D Meta Thread
« Reply #207 on: Yesterday at 04:46:25 PM »
>tells archdemon to fuck off
i dunno what else i was expecting from someone who boops dragons on the nose lol
« Last Edit: Yesterday at 05:49:38 PM by Kashtan »

Re: D&D Meta Thread [Joy]
« Reply #208 on: Yesterday at 05:18:34 PM »
Because of Alice's actions, I will ask that everyone reacts before the scene continues, Yulya is still required to react to the earlier scene as well.

Re: D&D Meta Thread
« Reply #209 on: Today at 04:49:10 PM »
>when you save the world with a stink bomb