Author Topic: D&D Meta Thread  (Read 9452 times)

Re: D&D Meta Thread [Ashley]
« Reply #210 on: Yesterday at 05:19:19 PM »
I hope you cleaned up your mess. I'm almost afraid to ask.

Re: D&D Meta Thread
« Reply #211 on: Yesterday at 06:51:17 PM »
that escalated quicklynow im interested what Alice has to say even if Yulya cant hear it rngirl tried her best

Re: D&D Meta Thread [Ashley]
« Reply #212 on: Yesterday at 07:01:45 PM »
We didn't read it yet, we want everyone to post then assess the resulting mess Just waiting for Cat.

Re: D&D Meta Thread
« Reply #213 on: Yesterday at 07:12:47 PM »
that escalated quicklynow im interested what Alice has to say even if Yulya cant hear it rngirl tried her best
wtf is this garbled mess?
the forum software sometimes ignores all paragraph breaks when you hit enter.

Re: D&D Meta Thread [Ashley]
« Reply #214 on: Yesterday at 07:44:39 PM »
I hope you cleaned up your mess. I'm almost afraid to ask.
Acetic acid can be fully metabolized and will help me digest the scrap I ate for breakfast.

Yes, the software sucks because woflo hasn't updated it in over 10 years.  That word salad happened to me too. I think it's related to the WYSIWYG editor. be sure to post in BBcode mode with the code tags visible.

Re: D&D Meta Thread [Ashley]
« Reply #215 on: Yesterday at 07:51:14 PM »
We don't pay enough attention to know there are other modes besides BBCode mode. We don't see anything that will change that. the only problem we have is I can't take more than a minute to post or it'll say error and prevent me from doing anything.

Re: D&D Meta Thread
« Reply #216 on: Yesterday at 10:07:08 PM »
I get that message too but you just click reply again and it works.

Re: D&D Meta Thread
« Reply #217 on: Yesterday at 10:08:14 PM »
That only works wheb there's no linked images

Re: D&D Meta Thread
« Reply #218 on: Today at 12:55:57 PM »
I bet it's only because your using windows

So anyway - what's this turn of events?
>Fey wench opens portal to hell
>blames everything on the alien and covers it up
>muh 50gp for the cleaning wizard

Fine, fine...
I won't tell you anything then and report this world as a nest of demon worshippers when I get home. Enjoy getting your planet virus bombarded in a few hundred years.

And your money calculation is completely different from our inventory again but I'll take it because it's more than we have.
Btw, host made another Biden-tier gaffe when converting everything to sp. to compare your numbers with ours  and ended up with a larger sum after the payment than we had before. It's so embarrassing...

Re: D&D Meta Thread
« Reply #219 on: Today at 01:08:30 PM »
[Joy the DM] I don't know where the disconnect is with coins, I need to know the correct numbers but I want you (not Yakumo and through no fault of her own Alice) to control it. So I will have to defer to you all to correct me and ignore the errors if any.

[Ashley] Freya had an L take but she has the responsibility to be the parent who disciplines the children. I'd rather keep using the orb because otherwise it's silly to think we get huge powers arbitrarily when hitting a certain fuctional number just because. Joy's response was the orb, functional Gods and checks system. To me, D&D vanilla broke immersion in certain ways, look how much fun we've been having with orbs.

[Joy the DM] in my research, the alternative was level by milestone and it doesn't take experience into account at all. I have to decide who gets to level when and you wouldn't have any indication of progress. The compromise was leveling at base only which was done in games across genres for a long time.
« Last Edit: Today at 01:37:04 PM by Wofl »

Re: D&D Meta Thread [Joy the DM]
« Reply #220 on: Today at 01:22:58 PM »
Alice's take: 10/10

Re: D&D Meta Thread
« Reply #221 on: Today at 04:41:31 PM »
lmao Alice is tripping hard

our current funds after paying 65gp (oof)

Alice paid a lot of stuff mostly in cp recently to get rid of them. i triple-checked an that was indeed legit but still we have 16sp and 50cp less than you. did you subtract recent purchases from the refugees?

>cleaning wizard
lol imagine becoming a powerful magician and then earn your money cleaning toilets
Alice should do that too to get the 65gp back!
« Last Edit: Today at 04:48:59 PM by Kashtan »

Re: D&D Meta Thread [Joy the DM]
« Reply #222 on: Today at 04:58:30 PM »
Having someone cast spells for you is very pricey. Especially a Gold Plate wizard.