Goddamned I wasn't finished!
Usually it's like 2 weeks before you reply.
So here we go
This site has a compilation of tests:
We've done the
HEXACO TestBernd
DSM Style test Bernd
And the
Dark Core Personality test to see how much of a dangerous psycho you are.
Needless to say other tests show that I'm more like a girl than Alice.
And of course there's the
Black/White test to see if your tupper's a nigger.

The questions of the weirder tests are hilarious but so stereotypical that you'll always know the outcome beforehand.
Hmm, I admit we may not have taken the whole stuff too seriously but who wants boring results anyway?
Well now, I'd like to see at least some results from Sand and Roswell for my personal entertainment, after all there's no one else left here.