Alright, those of you who are interested in weight training, I have a few pointers for you that will get you to the next level. The internet exists for two important reasons, information about weight training and porn, in that order; everything else is fluff or for entertainment. We don't have time for all that, in fact we don't even have time for half of the important stuff on the internet so we will be discussing only weight lifting here.
Types of workouts:
This is up to you and your schedule.
The basic workout is a 2-3 day a week, 1-2 hour a day commitment, if you can't do that then stop reading, keep sipping that Café Latte and go entertain yourself. The basic workout can only get you so far, but if you're a novice, then this is where you will start at least for a cycle. A cycle is 8-12 weeks with one week off at the end.
The moderate workout is a 3-4 day a week 1.5-3 hour a day commitment. It won't get you where you ultimately want to be but it can get some definition and fitness. If all you want is fitness, this is more than enough. If you're working full time or have other commitments, you can do well to get to this level, the dad bod with nice arms is possible here.
The ultimate workout runs a 3 days on 2 days off cycle for 12 cycles with one cycle off at the end. This is not for beginners, and this is generally difficult with a full time job unless you're single, but it's the only way to get what you want. The good news is, if you manage this for a year or so, even if you fall back to the other less committed workout, then you will not lose what you've gained here, you won't gain more and you'll never see your peak again, but if you look good after this, presuming you don't gain a bunch of weight, you'll look good pretty much forever with just maintenance, even 10 years or more.
Don't lose your balls, never juice. If you don't mind prostate cancer later, you don't need to perform in the bedroom and you're already pretty much bald, Creatine is probably ok, it helps endurance, you don't need that. Otherwise a high quality multivitamin, glucosamine for joint heath, calcium for bone density (it will increase with working out) and vitamin C because why not. Nothing else is necessary. Wasn't it nice back in the day with sustainable farming when you could just eat food to get nutrients, well those days are long gone, even fresh foods are completely lacking in nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Sad but true, deal with it by taking vitamins.
Types of exercise:
Typically you have two-three separate workouts: Arms, and Legs, or Push, Pull and legs. Leg day can also be back day, or alternatively any other light day. Having more than three separate workouts is less optimum. The reasoning for having different workouts for different days is because the objective of any session is to make you sore for the next few days in the targeted areas. You know you're making gains if you're stiff or a little sore the day after the workout. If you experience sharp pains, then you did something wrong, the information here will help you avoid that. As for what exercises, remember what I said about the internet, it's there for a good reason, so build a workout with 10-15 exercises in a session that will be fun for you to try in two or three groups. Typically you'll have curls, pull ups or pull downs, etc for pull day, pushups, bench, triceps for push day, and lunges, leg press, and core on leg day.
NEVER SKIP LEG DAY! It's not there as a filler, it's important, no excuses. If you miss a day, then continue the next available session where you left off; only you and your heathen god of choice will know you missed a day, but everyone will know when you skip leg day. The karmic load will lead to many lifetimes of suffering, don't do it.
Now, you will make note cards, laminated with clear packing tape, with any notes and hints you need for good form, you will bring these with you. Best if all three days are on one card so you don't need to shuffle in your bag, but otherwise, this is more of a preference thing. You will know good form because you will use that important internet and watch others with good form do the exercises you want to try.
You will bring a liter or liter and a half bottle, this can be a thermos. If you need more, just refill at the fountain. Mine is almost 1.5 liters and I drink it all. By God if I see you in the gym with a half frozen gallon, I will stare at you in an intimidating manor that will make you uncomfortable, you will leave ashamed. Cold water is okay, I have a lot of half liter bottles in my fridge and I pour them in before I leave. Warm water at the gym is kinda lame, cold is good, ice is stupid, no.
Don't forget your towel. A hand towel.
If at any point in any exercise you feel pain, especially sharp pain, stop, do not pass go and do not collect $200 and either do something else, do the same group a different way, or use lighter weight until your tendons can handle your mega bulk strength. This usually isn't a problem if you stop immediately. Next time, if it repeats, with slightly less weight, then you're doing something that your specific body doesn't like, so don't do it, do something else.
If a specific exercise is kinda meh, swap it out for something better.
30-90 seconds rest between sets, at least a full 30, not more than 90.
Carb loading: 500 calories per session is usually enough to keep you from getting hungry in your workout, eat it about 15-30 minutes before, the goal isn't to load up your cells, it's to keep the gym time concentrated on working out, not to be constantly reminded that you haven't eaten in a while or that you just ate a big meal. This can be in addition to the calories you already are eating on that day, you will easily burn 500 calories.
Sets and Reps.
The idea is to complete 24-50 reps at each exercise and you don't come back to an exercise typically. I recommend 3 sets of 10, but you can do 3 sets of 8 or 3 sets of 12. Typically the first set is easier so you may get 10-12 out of that one and the third might only get 8, that's perfect. If you can easily do 10 each time, then it's too light. If you struggle to get 8 in the first, that's too much for beginners.
After you've been at it a while and you understand what it's like to have tendonitis and how it's easier to get if you do lower reps and how to avoid it with good form and listening to your body, then you can go for the next level: 70-85 percent of your one-rep max, or, a light enough weight to be able to barely do 4 sets of 6, then as you progress 5 sets of 6, and the goal is 6 sets of 6. Progressing from 4 sets of 6 to 6 sets of 6 over many workouts is a good progression and at that point, you keep upping weight until you can't do 6 sets, then repeat. There may be days where you just can't do that last set, it doesn't count if you can't do all 6 of a set but if you got 4 sets in, then don't beat yourself up, bad days do happen, rather than lowering weight, one less set is ok.
Pyramids (optional)
Pyramid: Modifying above, you start with the heaviest weights first, and lessen the load each set to achieve 6 reps each set, it will take a few cycles to feel this out, this will build raw strength over endurance.
Reverse Pyramid: Starting with an easy weight and the last set with the heaviest weight. This will build endurance over raw strength and is the healthiest for your joints but will not maximize raw strength.
The goal is 2g/kg protein per day (1g per lb) it's not much, a 200lb person eating an 8 ounce steak (uncooked) is only 450 calories. Eggs are a good source, also whey protein. You should count your calories and have one meal that fills you up each day, for me that's dinner. I have next to nothing for breakfast 200 calories, usually nuts, a protein rich lunch of about 500 calories, I have stew with lots of meat or steak or chicken, and a dinner of 1000-1300 calories. Don't talk to me about whether this is right or wrong or it'll do this or that, I'm 200lbs and 6'4 with good definition, when you can beat that and do all the goals listed herein then I'll listen. 100 calories per lb is a sustainable diet, if you are losing weight eat more, if you are gaining weight eat less. Adjust as necessary. You CAN gain muscle while losing weight, absolutely, and I do by measured proof. If you work out, you will gain muscle, if you eat too much you will gain fat. it's that simple. Last point, high fat diets are best, low fat diets are setting yourself up for failure. A diet rich in cholesterol is also good. Don't eat hydrogenated oils, this will kill you. Don't eat ultra-processed foods, this is empty calories bereft of nutrition.
Here are some goals that will keep you busy:
30 pull ups without assistance
Benching your body weight at least 4 sets of 6
100 pushups in 1 minute (this is for exhibition only, I don't recommend this be one of your exercises, push ups don't build size. This is a measure of fitness.)
3 sets of 20 walking lunges (I know this doesn't follow the format we have but not everything is perfect, be a little flexible.)
30 dips (a measure of triceps)
30 slow full roman bench back extensions, the full kind (if you can do this, you probably will never have back issues.)
Plank for 300 seconds. (this is a measure of your core.)
I have done all these of course.
They don't hurt, if you need them, do them. Technically if you're doing perfect form the stretch is in the exercise so you don't need it. Some things can't be stretched or it doesn't make sense to, so again, this is a preference thing. Yes do stretch if you're going to do something high endurance/high impact like running.
At least 20 minutes per session of heart pounding, sweaty cardio of your choice, don't skip this, it's good for your heart and that's the leading cause of death.
Final Thoughts:
Find a Gym that's close by, buy a membership, best if they have good hours, best if you can get in on off-peek hours.
Of course have fun, get out there, and do it, no more excuses, this isn't to get to a certain point, this is for life, never go less than the basic workout!
(Optional) You may take up to 3 months in a year, say for the summer, and get back to it in fall, this will guarantee your joints all fully recover.
Lastly: This isn't to make you look like Dwayne Johnson, he weighs like 280lbs ffs lol, it's to make you look more like Ryan Gosling with his shirt off, and you will in about 6 months with a moderate workout and proper diet, you got my guarantee.