Author Topic: Wonderland Video Tutorial  (Read 85528 times)

Wonderland Video Tutorial
« on: March 25, 2014, 03:59:43 PM »
Pretty old, but. All you people having trouble, enjoy.


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Re: Wonderland Video Tutorial
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2014, 04:55:02 AM »
This is actually pretty trippy..

Not the video, or the song, cause I adore both, but because my art teacher literally showed this to us last Friday... First time I'd ever seen it, and now it's popping up again. I actually have it downloaded, and when that tab opened up, I figured I'd just had it loaded already, and the actual video was loading..

Crazy how the universe works like that, right?

Course, not really a help in visuals. And kinda depressing overall. Makes me feel like PBS will always be better at making music than I will ;-;

Re: Wonderland Video Tutorial
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2014, 06:22:55 AM »
Well, seeing how people would ask Bob Ross why he always painted that certain kind of snowy mountains many people living in the US weren't really familiar with, his answer was along the lines of having lived in Alaska where they did have mountains like that. Making yourself familiar with things will allow you to picture them perfectly in your mind. Is it a human you wish to create? Look at humans, study their anatomy inside and out. Buildings? Start Google searching with the terms you want, if you find something that looks nice then try to find out the building's name so you can try to find more pictures of it from different angles or showing different rooms. Landscapes? Same thing, the internet makes it pretty easy to see amazing things we never would otherwise. When your mind is familiar with things, it will be able to fill in the blanks in a way that seems natural and we won't question. And by knowing the building blocks of what makes something work for you in the first place, you can remove them and use them to build something entirely new.

Same goes for music, really. Those master composers would be able to hear what they write in the paper in their mind, because they're so familiar with the sounds. Rather than being jealous, it's better to spend your time admiring their work and learning.


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Re: Wonderland Video Tutorial
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2014, 05:34:03 PM »
Ive thought about using references though, and in some cases have, but they're not a big help. I can't even visualize my house any better than some place I'm making up. Writing the scene out is a lot better for me personally.

Listening is definitely not equal to learning in music, at least not for me. It's just aural pleasure. Seems that way for all music I like, soidunno. Might be that I can't even plan music in my head either. Not sounds, melodies, or anything. Same goes for my brother, who's a phenomenal guitarist. As soon as he picks up the instrument though, he can start working up the scales, and make some pretty badass music.

So yeah, since there's nothing I can learn from my favorite musicians, jealousy ensues :l


Re: Wonderland Video Tutorial
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2014, 09:27:56 PM »
You could do more if you didn't have a shitty defeatist attitude.

Re: Wonderland Video Tutorial
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2014, 05:38:13 AM »
I agree with that.


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Re: Wonderland Video Tutorial
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2014, 05:06:43 PM »
Erm, okay.

But really, with electronic, there's genuinely next to nothing you can learn. You can't see how they're compressing, or how they're doing all of the technical jargon and mixing that goes into every goddamn sound, so it's just not something you improve by listening to.

And yeah, I'm pretty jealous of some of my favorite artists. If anyone says they've never been jealous of an artist they love, they're a fucking liar. It's not like when someone is better than I am, I think, "Well fuck, never gonna make it there, giving up." Ya feckin gobshite.

I think "Definitely not this good, time to go learn more."

Seriously, I've read like, fifteen guides on certain aspects of production, watched like, twenty eight fucking tutorials on how to do certain things, all during this spring break

So yeah, jealous as fuck of the people who are currently better than me. Should I not be? It gives you a lot to work for.

An in regards to being a bit negative with Tuppers, if I can't do something, from experience, I'm not gonna say I'm able to, soo.. I'll say I'll keep trying and practice, and I do. It's not been much help, ever, but that might fix itself up at some point, fuck if I know. Nothing good about being majorly optimistic in any situation ever, in my opinion, so I'm not.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2014, 09:15:23 PM by Enny »

Re: Wonderland Video Tutorial
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2014, 05:36:26 AM »
Well, the one who said "learn something by just listening" was you in the first place, seeing how I went for " it's better to spend your time admiring their work and learning", which has a pretty definite lack of the word "listen"... But by listening, you can hear how something you like should hear. When you hear a thing and you go all "wow, that part I like, I want to have something like it in my thing" would make you look for a way to replicate it in the way you wanted without just copying it outright - which could be useful for practice of course, but copying someone's work and publishing it as your own isn't a really good idea...

And I'm sure that you know hypnosists and such don't really use words like "x might probably maybe happen" instead of "x will happen" for a reason...


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Re: Wonderland Video Tutorial
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2014, 04:08:08 PM »
Never met a hypnotist, so I wouldn't know. I've read up on hypnotism before, but it's not, as I've found, something I care much for.

And I'm not sure how you can appreciate music without listening to it, so stop being all literal.

I can maybe, appreciate the... Song.. Title... I guess. But unless you were using "appreciate" in some context that wouldn't help the most musically talented man in the world, I'm assuming listening would be thrown in there. Pardon that.

You can appreciate maybe actual drawn art without rubbing your hands all over it I guess, but even so, you're doing the one thing there is to do with it that makes sense.. Looking at it. Loving the colors, and shapes, and all of the work put into it. Only way to truly appreciate writing is by reading it, and the only way to truly appreciate music is by listening to it, whatever those fags who say collecting vinyls is the only actual way to be a connoisseur of music may say, but those guys need to get kicked in the shin. No, it's listening.

Sooooo that.

Idunno m8. I hate absolutes. Especially when I say "This will happen", and it doesn't. Makes ya sour. Waaay better to be a pessimist, or at least neutral about everything. That way, when the worst comes to pass, it's not as bad, and your hopes and dreams, not to mention expectations, aren't crushed. And the awesomeness that surfaces in your life is just as awesome! Win/win in my opinion.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2014, 04:12:41 PM by Enny »

Re: Wonderland Video Tutorial
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2014, 08:01:46 PM »
I think you're taking everything a bit out of context here. Listening, yes. You would listen to music. But you brought in learning by just listening as if it was claimed by one of us here...

Listening is definitely not equal to learning in music, at least not for me.

Which is something we never said and I felt it was pretty important to clear that up right away, as it seems like you thought that's what was said. It wasn't.

You might hate absolutes, but the brain apparently loves them and those are what work, which is why they're used by hypnotists. While the maybes and perhapses don't really work. Or so they say.

Being a pessimist isn't a good idea. Being realistic, now that is. But there's a fine line and I think you keep crossing that pretty often. Would make it a lot easier for everyone, you as well. Might want to give it a try, it means not applying your filter of dread and fear of failure on everything.


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Re: Wonderland Video Tutorial
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2014, 08:03:31 AM »
There's no tangible proof that I can examine or experience firsthand that would help me not be majorly weary of absolutes, at least that I know of.

And for fuck's sake, Sands. I'm somewhere between 100%, and 100% aware that you didn't use the word "Listen". There are these little things called implications though, and unless by Appreciating, or "Admiring their work and learning", you mean being struck with Cosmic energies that grant insight to the work in question, I would have to listen to it. So I used the word.

Just for added clarity here, I am aware that you did not say 'Listen'. I am aware I did, not you. What I did, was take what you said, assume something that makes a good amount of sense to assume, and use a word that seemed as though I could use it safely, and there would be no confusion.

I'll explain everything I might have to say in the future with really blatant clarity now, okay?

That means no more confusion, alright Sandy?

(Partially sarcastic Diary entry inbound)

Re: Wonderland Video Tutorial
« Reply #11 on: March 31, 2014, 06:16:02 PM »
It's less about the word listen and more about...

Listening is definitely not equal to learning in music, at least not for me.

Which to me heavily implies as if you claim this is what was claimed, what with the "definitely" and such. And that was never claimed, so I don't know if that's what you thought we said. So, this should mean there's no more confusion if you know this. No one said listening is equal to learning so I don't get why you brought it up in the first place unless you thought that's what was said. Or was there some other reason?


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Re: Wonderland Video Tutorial
« Reply #12 on: March 31, 2014, 07:27:20 PM »
You said admiring and learning. Since Admiring is to listen, I assumed learn was to learn. Idunno

Anyway, kindof important post in a sec on my PR, maybe.

Re: Wonderland Video Tutorial
« Reply #13 on: April 01, 2014, 05:35:38 AM »
Well no, admiring is admiring. You might have to listen to admire, but you could also listen and not admire. So it's not really a synonym with admire, here. Even if I did say listening and learning, I did say listening and learning, not learning by just listening... How this learning would happen wasn't ever outlined by me, as learning is something you do yourself, using your own methods.

Re: Wonderland Video Tutorial
« Reply #14 on: September 06, 2014, 04:49:14 AM »
Everyday's a good day when you paint.