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Messages - Sands

Pages: 1 ... 75 76 [77] 78 79 ... 89
Tulpa Diaries / Re: Soldier's Log
« on: October 23, 2013, 07:45:06 AM »
Yeah, has to be real cake made with your real human hands. Get to baking.

General Discussion / Re: Tulpa Awareness
« on: October 23, 2013, 07:44:28 AM »
Though the idea of "spread everywhere forever, everyone must know!!" doesn't really seem like a too good idea right now when most of the communities haven't gotten their shit together. There was a time when I would've been happy to link people to some tulpa-related stuff. Not anymore.

And unfortunately the vocal minority tends to be the one people like to pay most attention to.

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Lea and her no-longer-that-noobish host
« on: October 22, 2013, 03:29:31 PM »
Fodde ain't a Swede.

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Soldier's Log
« on: October 22, 2013, 03:29:08 PM »
Is there any cake? There better be some cake. I was forced to bake a cake for a birthday.

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Lea and her no-longer-that-noobish host
« on: October 22, 2013, 10:54:43 AM »
He can't speak it fluently. Also English forum ohno.

Deleted Posts / Re: This makes two
« on: October 21, 2013, 05:04:27 PM »

Deleted Posts / Re: This makes two
« on: October 21, 2013, 03:22:53 PM »
You don't find the thought of cuddling with an old wrinkly man with a lot of chest hair motivating? Pleb.

Deleted Posts / Re: This makes two
« on: October 21, 2013, 10:54:28 AM »
9 more days isn't really any time at all.

Deleted Posts / Re: This makes two
« on: October 21, 2013, 09:52:25 AM »
Well, seeing that I only did 30 minute sessions... Though multiple ones per day, I guess. You could easily have very short sessions and then just have more of that stuff, maybe that's even better than sitting down for two hours every day. Easier to find time to do it, at least. And well, some people just start getting distracted or tired if they force for too long and basically get nothing done after some point.

And well yeah Fede, but it's hard to get exact measurements he was after without actually measuring them. Measuring tapes don't cost that much, though, just buy one. It's a useful tool to have in life anyways, so no need to not get one.

I use myself to help with the scale too, but seeing that tupper is a lot taller than me, having him stand next to something only allows me to create even more reference points for his exact height. And well, once you know tall a tulpa is compared to like say, a door, you can then easily measure that to know the exact height without any perspective fuck-uppery. That's kind of an issue for me, at least. Pretty hard to try to measure someone taller than you when you don't know where exactly their head ends and there's nothing physical to check by touch when my eyes don't reach.

Though I guess a mirror might help there but I have no full-body mirrors so.

Off-Topic / Re: Chat Thread
« on: October 21, 2013, 08:39:03 AM »
If by hot you mean the climate...

Deleted Posts / Re: This makes two
« on: October 21, 2013, 08:37:36 AM »
Well yeah, feeling of something that isn't actually there is a hallucination. Imposition, woot.

What do you even mean by measuring? If you know how high the tulpa is compared to something, just get a measuring tape. Is there someone who doesn't own one?

Anyways, as a sort of artist, I know a lot about motivation. And the most important thing I know about it is that you can't wait for it or it never comes. You just need to start it and keep at it. Motivation either comes or doesn't, but you're not getting anything done unless you just start doing it. In fact, you're probably going to get motivation and inspiration as you work instead of just waiting and hoping for it to come.

Off-Topic / Re: Chat Thread
« on: October 20, 2013, 03:42:37 PM »
Fuck winter. Love, me.

Ps. It's fucking October, why is there snow.

Deleted Posts / Re: This makes two
« on: October 18, 2013, 07:49:34 AM »
Hey, I see you actually joined here. Hah, wasn't really expecting it but hey, if you find useful stuff here then that's great. We already talked about things before so I don't think if there's anything new to add right now. I'll leave Fede to talk with you about his Eye-Bo thing.

Also Fede, I can say from experience that it's possible to be pretty good at daydreaming and then have everything go fuzzy when you work on tuppers, but that of course got better as I did it more. Dunno why, but somehow it happened.

Hey, stubborn people go far when they direct their stubborness in the right place. Everyone has their own beliefs about this, so it's pretty impossible to say your own are the right ones. Just ones that worked for you if they worked, I guess.

The difference between not giving a damn and blindly believing is that in the former, you never really believed in the first place so you're not fooling yourself and can't suddenly realize that it all was a lie. Because there was no lie, just something you saw/felt/heard and didn't know enough about to draw a conclusion. Doesn't mean it has to be dismissed, you just study it until it makes sense in a way you understand.

General Discussion / Re: Tulpa Awareness
« on: October 18, 2013, 07:37:47 AM »
You're free to make a thread about this in case you want to. I could of course move some of the posts in this thread over there if people really think that's how it should go, but right now I think we haven't quite gone over the thread derail limit.

But this thread was about tulpa awareness and if you wanted more or less people to know about tulpas and why. Let's continue that topic when someone has something new to say.

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