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Messages - Sands

Pages: 1 ... 77 78 [79] 80 81 ... 89
General Discussion / Re: Best advice for newcomers?
« on: October 15, 2013, 02:59:39 PM »
Not sure if I'm reading you right, but you're saying that in the end, no matter what, the tulpa will do their own thing and become what they want? That's kinda what that one sentence implied to me.

It was hard to say if you were planning on having the image be your go-to reaction to many things, so I felt like I'd like to at least squeeze out a meaning for it. Even then, it would still be nice if you could explain it to the rest of the people somewhere, for the sake of curiosity and stuff.

Announcements / Change in how linking works & registration question
« on: October 15, 2013, 02:53:56 PM »
Hey people, we made a little change you should know about.

We've had a ton of spam during the last few days and while we could sort it all out, it doesn't look very good to leave it there while we're gone. To battle the spam, we changed how users are allowed to link. Every external link now requires you to have at least 1 post before it lets your post with a link through. Seeing how the spambots we've gotten this far acted, they start linking right away and not allowing their first post through would make it impossible for them to get the required one post to be allowed to post links.

Unfortunately this is going to hurt our users a bit, as some might want to post an external link as their first post. Not much we can do about that using this system, but luckily there are easy ways to get that one post you are required to have. You could introduce yourself in the introductions thread, post a little something in the chat thread or maybe even write what you think about this forum's themes.

This affects both parent and subaccounts. Even if the parent account has the required posts, the subaccount can't link to an external site. They too would have to make a post before that, but hopefully it won't be too annoying. I am hoping that the solution we're offering is less annoying than the actual spam.

Image tags work, so your first post could have an image in it.

To battle spambots being able to register accounts, we have added security questions instead of captcha. It is simple, you just need to write the plural of various words, including "tulpa". If you don't know the answer for that particular one, I suggest checking Wiktionary.

Hopefully this will stop the post graveyard and moderation reports getting multiple entries from spambots every day. If there are some bugs in the changes, please contact waffles as soon as you can so it can be fixed. Telling him what theme you're using and any possible error reports will help a lot, along with other detailed explanations.

For a cleaner, better, Tulpa Network, right? Thanks for sticking with us through the spamstorm.

Announcements / Re: Moderator Reports
« on: October 15, 2013, 02:16:37 PM »
User mobPappoemi banned due to being a spambot. This post broke our rules.

General Discussion / Re: Best advice for newcomers?
« on: October 15, 2013, 02:14:37 PM »
I can't say I agree with forcing a tulpa to be what you want. That isn't really what this is about, is it? If you wanted the perfect waifu companion, just have a normal imaginary friend without a hint of sapience. Or at least, pretend sapience if nothing else, in case tulpas aren't sapient despite feeling that way. Easier for everyone, less effort and no problems with clashing interests.

General Discussion / Re: Best advice for newcomers?
« on: October 15, 2013, 12:24:02 PM »
I mean the ethical rules; the code of conduct many people seem to comform to.

Which is also what they hide behind whenever they have no reasoning to their school of thought. "Why wouldn't I do this?" "Because it's just wrong man!!"

Nothing is "just wrong" and everything social depends on the situation. This includes the relationship between a tulpa and a host. Even if a host makes a tulpa only for sex, if they are really sapient and dislike their existence, the sheer attention the host would give them while living out their fantasies would eventually leave them parallel enough to be able to resist whatever the host wants to do. And tulpas that aren't very independent seem to agree with their host often, so in the early stages of sentience, it probably wouldn't hurt them too much.

Either way; your head, your decisions. Being selective about the advice you give is fine, but once someone has already done something, the best you can do is tell them you disagree. Telling someone exactly what to do is always wrong in this practice.

The way I see it, it can easily lead to trouble that can be prevented. Sure, if the tupper isn't even sapient yet, I can't really argue about how you treat them. It's hard to say if the tulpa is sapient or not in some cases, though, so you (not talking about you personally) could do some nasty things to a sapient tupper thinking it's not sapient. But overall, doing what you want to non-sapient wannabe-tuppers doesn't matter.

However, let's talk about the actually sapient tuppers. Let's say they can and will resist. But first of all, the tulpa might feel bad that they're not what the host wanted. That can be very difficult for some and isn't going to get better unless the host accepts the tulpa or the tulpa becomes what the host wants, but that probably won't make the tupper feel too good.

But let's now assume the tulpa we're talking about is a STRONG, INDEPENDENT TUPPER WHO NEEDS NO HOST, who is happy with who they grew up to be and doesn't want to change, and doesn't really care what the host thinks or resists and doesn't let the host have his or her way with them. Crisis averted, host can't do anything to tulpa. Except the host is the only link to the real, physical world the tulpa has. What if they want to talk with someone outside the body, what if they want to use the body, what if they want to do something that requires it? It would be pretty difficult to do if the host and tulpa weren't in a good relationship. Impossible, even, if they dislike each other and aren't going to accept the other until they do what they want. Seeing that I have a tulpa who is really interested in the physical world, it would be very difficult to him if he wasn't allowed to have that option due to our shaky relationship. And well, as a host, I wouldn't want to force my tulpa to live a life like that. Nor would I want to live a life like that if I were a tulpa. So I guess I'll go the moralfag route of "treat others how you'd want yourself to be treated" or someshit.

Could the host learn that they can't treat their tulpa like shit and should accept them even if they didn't turn out exactly how they wanted? Sure, they could. But I think it would be easier and safer for everyone if they learned it before they started forcing a tulpa. The simple question of "can I allow the tulpa to be who they want to be?" would already go far. This is something I definitely think many starting tulpamancers should ask themselves. After all, if you don't want a being that is shaped by many things and often ends up quite different from what you thought, maybe you shouldn't make a tulpa.

Also, Fede, just posting that image doesn't really do anything. You don't explain what you mean with it to others, so it's pretty useless and brings nothing to the conversation. I suggest you explain yourself or else it ends up being something pretty spammy.

Announcements / Re: Moderator Reports
« on: October 15, 2013, 10:17:21 AM »
User Brillkizkax banned due to being a spambot suspect. Its IP could be found in online spammer lists.

Announcements / Re: Moderator Reports
« on: October 15, 2013, 09:31:05 AM »
User EtediaDriet banned due to advertising. This post broke our rules.

Announcements / Re: Moderator Reports
« on: October 15, 2013, 08:07:10 AM »
User setbaxams had a ton of fun and gave us 18 spam posts to take care of, so he was banned. The spam posts have been all put in one thread here.

Liscougecoste was banned for being a spambot. His spam ad can be seen here.

Report Solved by 'Sands'

General Discussion / Re: Tulpa Awareness
« on: October 14, 2013, 03:54:13 PM »
Is that some frontloading?

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Imposing fuzzballs
« on: October 14, 2013, 03:38:25 PM »
To chip in on that last question, there was that one time where something knocking on Mentos' door caused his bag, which hung on the door handle, to fall down. He thought it was his dog banging on the door that made this happen, but when he opened up, it was Raina. Maybe there really was no bag. Another one of the days around that time, she also flicked on and off the light in his room to get his attention. There was also the time where he tried one of the pony-hypnosis tracks and entered a state for a couple of minutes where he perceived himself as being a filly, during the time of which he, according to Raina, playfully grabbed things in his room with his mouth. In complete darkness.

Hallucinations can really blind you from the truth, eh?

We all know that pony tulpas are magic.

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Imposing fuzzballs
« on: October 14, 2013, 03:30:21 PM »
Don't mind me forcing myself in someone else's progress report.

For your last question Kevv, I can give my two cents/ask if this happens to others. I'm not big on imposition and I definitely haven't really imposed anything, but I got a pretty tall tulpa. So, often he has to brush off some branches so they don't hit him if we go in a park or something. It happens often enough and it's not like I actually see the branch being moved as he pushes it or anything and I know it really won't move, but I still sort of see it move. There exists two states for the branch, one where the physical tree doesn't react in any way and one where the imaginary tree's branch is pushed aside by an imaginary form, just like it should be. Of course because I haven't really managed to hallucinate well enough, the image isn't completely solid or anything and I do wonder what would happen if I saw two states of the tree the same way I see the real one. Sounds funky.

Anything like this happen to the person who actually was asked this question?

Announcements / Re: Moderator Reports
« on: October 14, 2013, 03:20:21 PM »
User appangeCittee banned for being a spambot. This post was against our rules.

Announcements / Re: Moderator Reports
« on: October 14, 2013, 11:40:05 AM »
User Mypeornarne has been banned for being a spambot. This post broke our rules.

Announcements / Re: Moderator Reports
« on: October 14, 2013, 08:00:26 AM »
I'm taking anti-spam action and banned zA5fR4gG5f for being an obvious spambot and also having its IP listed on spammer IP lists.

User somoCotte's IP matches LineOpino's and thus was automatically banned.

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