« on: June 30, 2020, 03:55:40 PM »
I'm Josie and my tulpas are Kelsey, Maria, Daniel, Kido, Sakura, Teagan, Alicia, Yui, Makoto, and Akira. That ten tulpas. Yes, it's a lot, no, I'm not stopping yet. Before you tell me not to, we love tulpas, and we all want more. I've been doing this for over a year and a half and we love having 11 of us and can handle a few more. I started on tulpa.info but found it toxic once our system started to get large. Apparently they think it's morally wrong and also unhealthy to have this many tulpas. I got into an argument about my system size. It upset me so much I left and stopped forcing for a while. That was a month ago. I'm ready to force again, but I'm not going back to .info. I still want to be part of a tulpa community again though, but not that one. So now I'm here. I hope this forum won't be toxic. I hope you guys will be accepting of my preferred system size.