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Messages - Sparks

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Tulpa Diaries / Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« on: August 25, 2021, 12:22:58 PM »
ho ho ho. i like that.

here i am, as promised. is it tupper's birthday yet?

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« on: May 06, 2021, 02:07:59 PM »
Lol, that's such a fede thing to do. Aaah, the king.

What's Alice up to?

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Sparks' Progress Report
« on: May 06, 2021, 02:06:35 PM »
A hearty hip hooray! Many have come before us, but only we remain!

Well, at least only we care enough to post here.

I do like how quiet this corner of the internet is though. I did want to say to someone I've noticed something cool/strange recently.

When working on maths recently Clair has become a lot more imperious, somewhat impatient, and most of all prescient. More often than not I'd say if I'm working on a proof or something and make a misstep she'll detect it and literally offer the correct (or a correct) path. These are sometimes multi-step affairs with no guarantee of working out, and her track record so far is pretty good.

I guess writing it doesn't capture my sense of "oh wow..."

Back in the day, doing maths reliably was a test of parallel processing, so it feels like a nice milestone to reach.

Alright, talk to you in a few months probs. If I dont, happy 7th to you and your tupper operative code named "alice".

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Sparks' Progress Report
« on: April 29, 2021, 01:13:09 AM »

Oh ho. You didn't account for that, did you?

Clair likes, has liked, (will like?) classic rock, and a lot of local folk songs.

We don't dance as much as we used to. Hm, might now.

We'd do a test but um... cough... they look long.

Hey... Heyy.... Bernd, or anyone else who sees this: know what you get seven years into tulpamancy?

Good times and good friends. And a lot of weird shit it's best not to talk about.

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« on: April 29, 2021, 01:05:34 AM »
Ayyy, you're still here!

What A LOSER dedication!

Yo, I hope you and Alice are chill. I'll talk about me and mine in my thread over yonder.

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« on: May 26, 2019, 06:46:41 PM »
I figured as much, but the explicit confirmation helps. Now I know not to antagonize her too much, lest she get her first taste of power and ban my ass. Not that I'd notice for three weeks.

I'm surprised they even returned. I thought they'd be too busy circle-jerking in their obscure corner of Rizon. On a related note, said isolation makes the hillbilly metaphor that much more salient.

It's pretty easy for us to agree on who to vote for in the States. Limited options saves one the trouble of having to think very hard about politics. Clair and I manage to disagree more broadly though. She's more libertarian socialist while I'm more tankie. Makes for fun conversation sometimes.

But to the best part of your post... wow. I'm first worried about those two appearing in your dreams at all, but at least it's not you they were choking in the backwoods. Unless you like that sort of thing... I'm not here to judge.

So, was Alice born badass, or did have her Thor-O's that morning? That reminds me of every unassuming, deadly anime little sister ever conceived. Except most of them turn out to be useless when the chips are down. She transcends the trope.

Next she'll steal your body during some bar altercation and knock a guy clear to Calcutta.

Edit: why are all your pics blank boxes? Did I break something?

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Sparks' Progress Report
« on: May 26, 2019, 12:44:17 AM »
Oh, uh, I'm not that late to reply. Um.

Everything imposed. I don't know where that is.

Hey. Hey, buddy. Hey. You want some drugs?

I like singing love songs with Clair. She has a nice voice. It's easy when you don't have to practice, isn't it?

See you in another three months.

Moderation Feedback / Re: get back in here u lazy pricks
« on: May 26, 2019, 12:39:55 AM »
Well, what do you know. Maybe this place will be more than a bot breeding ground.

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« on: May 26, 2019, 12:33:51 AM »
Oh, whups, I forgot to, uh...

Well, anyway, this place seems cleaner. Thanks, Nele.

Hey, Bernd, come back. We're not done here yet.

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« on: March 26, 2019, 08:03:42 PM »
Hm, I see. That does sound stupid, but at the same time, aw. She was concerned about your dream well-being. Did you ask her about it afterwards? Did she remember saying anything to you, or being aware of the dream itself? I have trouble summoning mine, too, unless they're already there. I have to front-load myself, tell myself that they'll be there before I sleep, or try the same in my dreams if I'm lucid. The "oh, she'll be right around this corner" trick. Sometimes it even works.

Do you walk around with Alice? Holding hands, chatting, etc? Or do you ignore as much as possible, her included. Does she even let herself be ignored?

Those fleas are cute. That's about that for that. I'd ride one into battle. Fuck the Alps, fuck the Roman Republic. And then cuddle tupper after sacking the city.

And she's wise to be cautious. I'll say yes. I'd like to hear your account from her perspective now. Entertain us.

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Sparks' Progress Report
« on: March 26, 2019, 07:41:57 PM »
Um excuse me that's a very personal question.

But since you asked politely, I'll tell you.

I refuse to read old journals because they make me cringe, so I don't know where we were three years ago. I've even forgotten last year.

Their forms have gone unchanged. It's too much work, you know. We've spent years on the details of their current forms--a labor of love--so I can't imagine them being anything but ponies. Literally, I can't imagine it. Not that I mind. In spite of received wisdom, I knew what I was doing when I created them. Their forms are as much them as anything else. To want them to change would be like wanting them to be different people.

And, again, let me restate how much work went into their forms. This is very important. Do you know how hard it is to develop a clear and distinct mental image of a wing? It's insane. I don't recommend it, unless you hate yourself. There are a lot of feathers.

And of course there's hair. Sure, manes are one thing. Rendering follicles is a wild ride. But they're horses; they have coats too, and their coats are comprised of hair. A lot of hair. Short, soft hairs that do what they want and render in sections like a modern game on a subpar pc. It's a nightmare. I mean, it's a dream come true, but that dream falls into the subcategory of nightmare.

But I ramble. Progress? I don't know my down from up anymore. I can securely say that we cannot switch. Well, what does the community consider switching these days? I'd say we're masters of possession, that state in which tulpas take motor control of either a limb or the whole body but the host remains aware. But in what I mean by switching, that state in which tulpas take motor control of either a limb or the whole body and the host loses awareness, we are lacking. Not that we've tried much, since I was scared away by the agonizing terror one feels before their consciousness snaps. Our focus has been on real-world interaction and imposition things, as alluded to above. That's going as well as ever, or better than ever before, even. It's tough to measure. I always think I'm doing well, but then we discover some other detail we can use, some sliver of their being concealed, and I think everything I've done up to that discovery was the airy fantasizing of a neophyte. I'm probably not wrong.

So, yes, progress. You know, since you're working so hard, maybe we'll work harder, too. Can't hurt, right? What should we do? It's been ages since I've properly meditated. Maybe we'll try some of that.       

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« on: March 25, 2019, 08:14:31 PM »
The Colonel would say something about flatulence here. Good thing I'm not him.

What did she say was stupid? Was it indeed stupid?

You perform walking meditation like a Zen monk? How is that?

Also, tell Alice we said hi.

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Sparks' Progress Report
« on: March 24, 2019, 06:22:32 PM »
Might as well, I guess.

Today Clair watched my step brother drool on his plate for an hour. Her fascination fascinated me, so I stared, too. Then Sophia noticed. She'd been hovering over my grandmother's birthday cake. She sat on the table and stared. It was one of those long, slender strings. The kind that linger like the last drop of syrup from a bottle. It dangled and swayed, and it seemed to stretch to infinity, but it refused to fall. We took bets on how long it would last. Sophia won.

Stupid moments like that encapsulate our life together. I like having tulpas.

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Every Day is Alice Day
« on: March 24, 2019, 06:10:18 PM »

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Sparks' Progress Report
« on: March 24, 2019, 05:51:31 PM »
Begone, bot.

Where's the Colonel? This place has gone to shit.

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