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Topics - Kirarin

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Tulpa Diaries / Meromero Days
« on: March 23, 2015, 04:49:17 AM »
I'm kinda new here, I guess. Visited the IRC yesterday, had some cool discussions, and it was suggested to me that I could make a tulpa diary here. Sure, why not.

Some background first, then. I started on this during August last year, but I did many things wrong and wasn't diligent enough about forcing, so here I am over half a year later with a tulpa that's not even vocal yet. It's time to set things right. Over the past two weeks I've been shaking up a lot of things in order to make myself a more productive host again, which is kinda what led me here. Unless I'm lying on my deathbed, I'll be forcing a lot every single day, but updating every day might get old, so we'll see how that goes.

I've taken to call my poor neglected tulpa Melo. She's based off some of my 2D fantasies, created in the image of a cute and fun companion to brighten up my life. Man, I loved her before I even started forcing her.

Gonna hit the submit button now while I still have a chokehold on my urge to elaborate every sentence in this post into each own paragraph. Don't even try me, I'll do it.

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