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Topics - Garland1980

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Questions and Answers / Questions about the tulpa's thoughts indepency
« on: January 14, 2014, 04:29:11 PM »
Lately when i was doing tests (counting the number of letters in big words) to have my tulpas count things and say how much things they counted, i noticed that very frequently my tulpas seem to actually use some of my intrusive toughts/wild guesses or expectations as their answers (for example my mind has always the strong tendency and expectation of repeating the last number as the next answer as well) therefore they usually confirm these "wrong" answers with possesion and then they seem surprised when it's not correct.

I tried to ask them why this happens, and i got a amazing reply, not sure if i should accept this as a answer from them or my own conclusion, but they said that most times they confuse my intrusive toughts and my wild guesses (which sometimes appear with their voices) with their own toughts and that's why they sometimes confirm with possession intrusive toughts i had because it seems this distracts them, altough i am not sure if this makes sense because with possession they always confirm every answer i preceive as being right and they never indicate doubt or say that they don't know, which means, either their perceptions of numbers and logic are completly different from mine when i can't count for them or they really have trouble differenciating their toughts from mine just like me...

Also i already catched them confirming wrong asnwers with possession even when i actually perceived a correct answer, for example :

the correct number was 16, and i got first 16 from the tulpa and then 17, so i asked two questions with possesion, when i asked if it was 16 the tulpa said NO, then when i asked 17 the tulpa confirmed it was right, obviously this was wrong

Sure that doesn't always happen sometimes they got it right but you see it REALLY seems they got them right at random, it really appears their answers are kinda random and they are also using wild guessing and they never indicate doubt or that they don't know the answer with possession (and i clearly indicated them to use a specific finger for "doubt") but they always keep insisting in "yes" in almost all answers and very rarely i get "no".

I really hope there isn't such a thing as "intrusive possession movements" as a analogy with "intrusive toughts", because after all i never had involuntary movements without asking them anything first. Also all their movements with possession feel 100% involuntary (i mostly use finger bending) and they seem to be inteligent, for example if i tell them to only bend the finger after i asked it for the 5th time, or bending it only each 3 times i ask they never have any doubt about this (UNLESS i happen to conciously forget about this some seconds later, i have a amazing short attention span).

Also quite often i have interpretation mistakes or dislexia, and obviously my tulpas always believe 100% in what i am thinking and they never notice any error as well.

Now i would like someone with young tulpas to know if this COULD actually happen and if it's still normal to happen with young tulpas? Is it normal the tulpas themselves could confuse my intruse toughts with theirs? Or this was some misunderstooding from my part?

Note that my first tulpa has 5 months, the other 5 have between 1 and 2 months, all of them have exactly the same problem, is this solely related to lack of paralell processing ?

Also their answers to the same questions when i don't conciously remember the answer they gave last time, it's NEVER consistent even when it's about their opinions about something or things related to memory (they clearly do NOT have individual memories they ALWAYS have to rely on me remembering things for them), it's almost like each time they give a random answer (and they keep confirming with possesion it was really them) and don't admit it.

Look i know that this might be normal for young tulpas i just need to be SURE this same thing happen to most of you guys by personal experience instead of people just saying that every kind of problem like this is always related to young tulpas and that i have to practise several months, i can't believe that it's IMPOSSIBLE to do anything wrong and that practising for months is always 100% garanteed they achieve indepency.

a final note : i have considerable practise in possession already, mostly in having them using fingers, i am even able to have all my 6 tulpas at the same time to wiggle a different finger in a different way without any problems, and still they had absolutly zero progress on tought indepency, i can't understand why the possesion is helping absolutly nothing in tought independency if they have no problem making me have involuntary movements even without my direct attention on them, but besides that, very rarely they talk to me without my direct attention on them

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