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Messages - Pentium

Pages: [1]
Tulpa Diaries / Re: Not-so-daily cart-pushing-post by Pentium.
« on: November 01, 2013, 03:14:02 PM »
Hahaha, we broke up. I am single and so is Sven. I am excited to see who will stay single for the longest. I might hook up with someone. Anyhow, it's going nicely. The addition of ban to intel makes for a bigger playground. I can enjoy that.

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Not-so-daily cart-pushing-post by Pentium.
« on: October 18, 2013, 01:27:48 AM »
Eeeh, stuff is going fine. Did stuff and now were doing stuff. its nice.

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Not-so-daily cart-pushing-post by Pentium.
« on: October 13, 2013, 11:12:27 AM »
Today I was awake for a very long time. All the way up untill five AM, which is nice. Coffee helped, and the tounge is still burned.
Anyhow, I can talk a lot more when intel is tired, because he thinks less and I think, which means only one of us thinks at a time.
This is interesting. Anyhow, I talked about nice things in and had fun. Lots of fun.
That is it for today, I didnt think I would update this so fast already.

Tulpa Diaries / Not-so-daily cart-pushing-post by Pentium.
« on: October 10, 2013, 03:37:35 PM »
I will post here about progress, or just something in the same valley as progress. I do not know.

We have not seen much progress, and I am wondering(even so vaguely) if there is any progress to be made? Its like pushing a cart I guess. The cart arrived at the final destination(Intel's goal I guess?), but now we can also push it further, for more fun, but we dont want more fun, the cart is nice where it is! Anyhow, not-so-daily cartpushing progress report I guess?

Off-Topic / Re: MUSIC
« on: October 10, 2013, 03:09:31 PM »
I like classical, it makes me happy. Grieg(best), Mozart, and bach, anything goes. Slam me some of those old composers and maybe some new and im happy. Intel does not listen much to them, to my great dissapointment. But, I can compromise with him on some things, like what we are listening to now, Minus The Bear: Burying Luck, from the album Acoustics. It soothes me and suits my tastes. Indeed.

I'm rather fond of instrumentals of popular songs. Something like this or this are played quite often on my end. I like pretty much everything on ThePianoGuys's channel, though this is their newest one.

I find this to be good. I like it. I wish I could have some more, too bad intel has his own tastes in music. Not saying I dont like it, I'm just saying I wish we could both like the same music sometimes. Intel likes country, as do I, but grieg is better, its not all about getting drunk on a mississipi saturday night. I like that(the not getting drunk part).

Off-Topic / Re: Introductions
« on: October 10, 2013, 12:21:58 AM »
Hello, I am Pentium and I am a subaccount. Deal with it.

Off-Topic / Re: VIDEO GAMES
« on: October 10, 2013, 12:16:04 AM »
I like RISK, but intels head is too unfocused to let me play it. Just send me a message if anyone is interested in a game of risk on gee plus.

Off-Topic / Re: MUSIC
« on: October 10, 2013, 12:14:36 AM »
I like classical, it makes me happy. Grieg(best), Mozart, and bach, anything goes. Slam me some of those old composers and maybe some new and im happy. Intel does not listen much to them, to my great dissapointment. But, I can compromise with him on some things, like what we are listening to now, Minus The Bear: Burying Luck, from the album Acoustics. It soothes me and suits my tastes. Indeed.

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