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Messages - waffles

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Deleted Posts / just testing that I can post
« on: July 17, 2014, 09:35:05 AM »

Deleted Posts / just testing that I can post
« on: July 17, 2014, 09:33:56 AM »
I'm sure I can but anyway

Deleted Posts / if this works then happy days
« on: July 17, 2014, 08:31:10 AM »
otherwise I will be sad

Off-Topic / Re: VIDEO GAMES
« on: July 10, 2014, 07:17:16 AM »
I'll be perfecting Flockstep never. I have no plans to revisit that. Unless there's a Flockstep 2 in which case fuck.

Off-Topic / Re: VIDEO GAMES
« on: July 10, 2014, 07:15:13 AM »
No. It was broken so I skipped it. Can't wait for Love Rap. I might stream this evening actually.

Announcements / Re: Technical Updates
« on: July 10, 2014, 06:42:29 AM »
Site was down for a few hours prior to right now because the database broke. I don't know why. I restored to the previous day's backup, and then restored the posts that were made in the meantime. I don't think there were any PMs sent or any polls made since yesterday at 9AM UTC but if there were then they're gone now.

Deleted Posts / Re: This makes two
« on: June 12, 2014, 06:40:49 AM »
Your listening but not responding thing doesn't make much sense to me. Yeah, I try and act like she can hear me, but she does already have a form..? So erm.. Yeah.

Yeah, I know. I was just commenting on how that's helpful.

And a big thing about reference images, is I just don't know what to use. If I'm thinking about a pone here, I don't want it to be so much in the show style, or some artist's renditions.. I mean, I have a particular look that I like, and I don't exactly have any images that share the style. Or texture, or any of that stuff. So I don't know what exactly I should be doing there.

Well it might be enough to find something fairly similar and make changes in your imagination. It might help you just remember where everything should be. Perhaps you could also try writing a description and using that as a substitute for a reference image.

Deleted Posts / Re: This makes two
« on: June 11, 2014, 08:25:35 AM »
Yeah Sands said exactly what I was going to say about feeling alive. Breathing, blinking, moving slightly, that's all a good idea. But I think it's as much a mentality thing as anything else; you're probably long past the point where you're expecting serious responses but it's a good idea to gt back into that habit - at least, treating your tulpa as if they were just 'alive' is a start. And I am certain you know to treat your tulpa as if they were listening but not responding, but having a form to work with that probably helps. You know, something physical to direct these sentiments to, or project them onto.

As for keeping a steady form, reference images have already been brought up in this thread but you know, they help.

Off-Topic / Re: Cats
« on: June 08, 2014, 05:00:14 PM »
Cats are the secret rulers of the world. Seriously. Our governments are influenced by banks and such, which are controlled on a multinational level by a conspiracy headed by reptilians. But that's no secret, anyone with their eyes open knows that. The shocking news is that the reptilians are actually puppets for our cat overlords who rule from aboard the International Space Station. You think that's purely science? Guess again, sheeple. You're being controlled by mind-control rays beamed down from the ISS and sister networks of satellites to your cat's tail-antennas, who then influence you via hypnotic suggestion in their cat noises. This is no joke; this is very real. Cats are evil.

Cats are cute.

Deleted Posts / Re: This makes two
« on: May 21, 2014, 11:29:03 AM »
At the risk of giving some pretty frustrating advice, "trying to be chill about it" isn't the same as being chill about it. If you're consciously shifting focus away from the vividness of the imagery, especially when you start to get some coming through, you're essentially giving yourself the same problem as before.

My advice is to try to lose your awareness of it entirely. You can try spacing out and just daydreaming at first; it might not be productive like you want it to be but you will hopefully find it easier to hold vivid images, even if you're not aware of it happening.

Deleted Posts / Re: This makes two
« on: May 21, 2014, 10:27:39 AM »
Three seconds is probably about the time it takes you to realise that you've got a nice image, think "Oh, that's a nice image", pay too much attention to it and ruin it thus. If you're starting out visualising, or otherwise aren't proficient, you'll notice that it's much harder to get vivid imagery when you're aware of it being vivid. Perhaps you've heard this advice before, perhaps even from me, but you should relax more during a session, focusing less on 'getting' and 'holding' good images, and more on just 'seeing' them more passively. Certainly it will help to space out a little bit and go with the flow, because, as demonstrated, if you become too aware of your visualisations they can be spoiled. Of course when (if) you improve you won't be bounded by that so much.

Off-Topic / Re: VIDEO GAMES
« on: May 19, 2014, 03:53:05 PM »
I've been playing Rhythm Heaven lately. I recorded a video of myself playing badly but not too badly here.

Those monkeys, crikey. Fuck those monkeys.
Seriously. He gives the cringe like, "I think you're a lower existence than me because you have no rhythm. And I'm a monkey."
And on the clock when they just look sad when I don't high-five them. It's like they're pitying me, but at the same time they're saying, "Man, this guy is ruining all our fun. Why can't he just fit in with the rhythm like everyone else?". Fuck the monkeys.

Sands made a picture that adequately captures my experience with Rhythm Heaven Fever.

Deleted Posts / Re: This makes two
« on: February 13, 2014, 12:08:57 PM »
An emotional response could be anything and feel like anything. Even the definition is a bit different with some, some meaning you know, nothing but actual emotions and some including headpressure and such in there as well.
An emotional response could be anything and feel like anything. The definition varies so wildly between different people that all bets are off whether yours are the same as mine.
Is there any point even trying then? An emotional response is when your tulpa tells you to burn things.

How to play tic tac toe? You make move, tulpa makes move, and so on until you draw. Then play again. Ad infinitum.
It's better to play ultimate tic tac toe, but I guess if your tulpa isn't a master strategist then you haven't a hope in hell of playing coherently. Oh well.

Deleted Posts / Re: This makes two
« on: February 07, 2014, 12:11:16 PM »
I guess if you're still allowed to read and listen to music then you could do that with your tulpa. You know, like how you might with another person, roughly speaking.

Talking about walk cycles, I guess you've preemptively vetoed my suggestion of getting some references up of that. Yes, you could definitely use more practice. It might take looking at some reference over and over again until you've really memorised it, but at least you get to stare at ponies for however long that takes.

Well, if you can't move around well then that's less than ideal. But I guess that you should practice that, then. Hell, set yourself a small target, just to be able to move smoothly, or to hold one particular reference image. It'd give you something close to head towards, at least.

Okay for a lot of people doubts are a big deal. I suppose you've heard everything there is to hear about a good mindset and so on. But my advice to you is that if something feels bad, don't do it. Okay, that response felt fake? Fine, it was. Then you can try to deal with it.

But at the same time, you shouldn't try to second-guess yourself. That means no 'subconscious suppression' or whatever. You should make a decision on something purely by its content and how it felt.

How people continue? I guess the people that do aren't afraid to admit that their tulpa can't do this and that. More than doubt, they may be certain that they get weak and fake-ish responses. And instead of that being a sticking point, they can take that in their stride as simply something that needs work.

How to actually do the improving is another matter, yes. But once you've got to that you only have that problem rather than that and a load of stuff about doubt. Which is easier to deal with.

Deleted Posts / Re: This makes two
« on: February 07, 2014, 02:17:45 AM »
I'm not really sure what you have against reference images. They are seriously helpful okay.

What I meant with moving is that it's easier to visualise something that's moving around than stationary. I guess it's not really related to feeling up your tupper - although if you find that fun then there's that too. It's more like you'd get your tupper to walk or run around while you're visualising them, rather than have them stand around.

What you're describing seems fairly typical to me, even at nine months in. So I guess it's not really something to worry or get bothered about, just acknowledge that it's something that'll improve later.

Well, the monopoly example was a bit of a joke. Playing real-life board games is a bit too crazy if you live with other people. You could play imaginary snakes and ladders - you'd probably tell me that you couldn't keep track of the pieces, but I'd reply that in that case playing the game gives you an opportunity to improve that.

It doesn't have to be a board game. That's just an unimaginative example. I don't know what you'd find fun so I can't really give you some good ideas here. But if you can't think of a single thing that night be fun to do with your tupper then man, I don't know.

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