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Messages - Kirarin

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Tulpa Diaries / Re: Meromero Days
« on: August 18, 2015, 05:59:52 AM »
Another uneventful month, to finish up an uneventful year. Yeah, 4 days ago it was a year since I started. Instead of being celebratory, like a birthday (no, I didn't make cake, sorry), I've actually been dreading that date for a while, since it's hard to look at a whole year without vocality without kinda feeling like a failure. But life goes on, and I'll keep on doing this even though my expectations are honestly rock-bottom at this point.

I still wanna be a little hopeful that this year will be more successful, and I'm putting some more hope on meditation this time. I realized that when I fall off from daily forcing, it's not so much that I lose motivation, it's that I feel completely incapable of forcing. I seem to lose my ability to focus on things when I'm stressed out about things in my life, which it turns out I'm extremely prone to. In the hopes that it will be the miracle cure for my troubled mind, meditation is now my top priority in life. I even prioritize it over forcing itself, hoping that forcing less with a more focused mind will be more effective than forcing more with an unfocused mind. Let's just hope I don't achieve enlightenment first.

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Kyunkyun Days
« on: July 20, 2015, 05:16:23 AM »
I feel I should mention something about what happened to me a few days ago, which I think I could say is the strangest thing that has happened to me during this whole thing so far. I was just sitting down, happily listening to some cute music, kinda lazily visualizing her in the corner of my eye, sitting in the chair behind me. And I felt the urge to hug her. Nothing unusual so far. So I went to hug her, and along with the rush of happiness I usually feel from that, I felt this tightening in my chest. This was new and interesting, so I started focusing on it, and it grew stronger, quickly getting to the point where it was actually a little painful, but I still embraced it because I was pretty excited by something so weird happening. Eventually I had to let go, but it didn't seem to stop as long as thought of her. I wasn't even focusing that much on her at this point, I was trying to gain control of my breathing, repeatedly planting my face in my hands as if this position would help somehow, and got up to pace back and forth wondering if something is going right or if I'm just finally losing it. Only when I completely stopped thinking about her did it stop.

I've since felt the same slight sensation maybe once or twice while hugging her, but nothing as intense. Not that I've been trying, I don't think I could handle that stuff regularly.

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Mame Days
« on: July 09, 2015, 05:56:01 AM »
You expect whatever she'd say outside your "control" to be much better than what you could consciously devise for her character? Your expectations are too big, and you aim too high.
That's actually a really good point. My perfectiautism seems to have set a standard that I can't even properly define before I see it fulfilled. That doesn't sound good even from a narration perspective. I'm gonna have to rethink a few things.

It's a long story and my hand hurts. I don't really interact with my imagination anymore.
Fede had a tough imaginary life.

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Meme Days
« on: July 06, 2015, 04:50:40 AM »
You mentioned in an earlier post that you wanted to try a "simplified approximation" of belief implanting... but... what the hell would you remove? Belief implanting is very simplified and direct as it is.
You give a step-by-step guide to it, starting from where you'd try to bring out the positive emotions. I've been skipping that step, since it sounds hard to just make myself feel feel happy emotions. Instead I just jump into it whenever I happen to feel a burst of positive emotion, which has been often thanks to that slideshow and music association experiment.

At the time I wrote that post I was also thinking of just dropping the positive emotion thing completely, since I've heard about the affirmation thing before without it, but it turns out that doesn't feel potent enough to even bother trying. Without emotion behind it, they're just words no matter how many times you repeat them.

Now, having said that, you're a narrator. Narration and its typically implied mindset are very incompatible with my method. I don't know you, of course, but I'm willing to bet that most of the stuff I say in my guide isn't very useful in your case, aside from the little techniques here and there.
I might have read too much into it, then. I just like to look everywhere for techniques, guidelines, suggestions, viewpoints, and all that good stuff, instead of sticking to one guide or method. I've never considered myself an exclusive narrator who would never try parroting, it's just that when I've tried it previously, I quickly realized that it's really, really hard to make up lines for a qt animu grill when I can't form a sentence without sounding like a fucking nerd.

But regardless of method, surely it can't hurt to think about context, and just have a little story you tell yourself about how your tulpa werks?

Oh yeah, I knew there something I forgot to mention in the previous post, the music stuff. I thought it didn't work too well at first, but turns out I just needed to give myself some time to create the association. I've been listening almost exclusively to the same artist for the past days to weeks now, and at this point I'd say I can feel her personality from the music, if that makes any kind of sense.

I also said something about hoping to get a voice to associate with her, but that has been largely unsuccessful. There's a barrier here: This artist, along with any other voice I could try to draw inspiration from, is Japanese. I just can't imagine how it would sound like in English. Maybe it will come to me with more practice. I have another thing to test out later this week anyway.

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Meromero Days
« on: July 04, 2015, 07:28:48 PM »
It's not a problem for me now, though. It just means I have to give her plenty of attention to keep her satisfied, which I intend to do anyway.

Unless you mean to say that she'll start to hate me for not giving her anything to do when I'm just too busy to pay attention to her.

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Meromero Days
« on: July 04, 2015, 07:06:34 PM »
I actually never told her what she is. Felt too weird to me. Instead, I talked to her about how I wanted her to be. I figured anyway that a tulpa will generally want to meet it's host's expectation, because that's how they get attention (even a host who is completely open to deviation is more likely to notice responses that are in line with their expectations).

So I guess I could tell her some crap about how she doesn't have to meet my expectations, but do I really have to? Is it that important that I allow her to be the kind of tulpa who needs a private life? Will you call the Tulpa Protection Services on me if I don't give her to be the freedom to be whoever she wants to be without even expressing to me that she wants it?

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Meromero Days
« on: July 04, 2015, 06:40:58 PM »
I decided on a personality when I started out, and though I can't really confirm at this point that all of those traits are currently manifested in her, I don't see what else I can do except assume so as long as I don't notice any deviation.

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Meromero Days
« on: July 04, 2015, 06:29:13 PM »
a tulpa can't do anything on their own and that you need to do everything for them
That's not quite what I meant. I just can't imagine her completely fucking off to read a book in wonderland or something.

Wait a minute, maybe if it's....... Fuck. So what I meant about her personality is that she prefers company, so I think she'd rather hang around me than go off on adventures on her own. But a big part of it is that most wonderland activities seem like empty activities. Say your tulpa did fuck off to read a book from some cool giant library you set up in your wonderland, and you ask them after "what did you read?". How would that work? What DID they read?

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Meromero Days
« on: July 04, 2015, 05:21:38 PM »
There's one source of doubt that I find hard to get rid of: The feeling of doing it wrong. Lack of results can usually be explained by either not working hard enough, or using the wrong method. If you know it's the former, that's simple to amend, there's only one thing to do: Force more. But if you even suspect that it's the latter, that's a total motivation destroyer. Throw forcing more out the window, because even forcing at all is hard enough if you have the feeling that you might never get any results because you're doing everything wrong. This shit is why you should never put a pathological overthinker on a path that has a lot of time of overthinking things in between milestones.

I have removed one source of this doubt by upgrading my bullshit filter a little. There's this idea that goes around a lot, "if your tulpa isn't saying anything, it's just because you don't know how to listen to her". The part the implies you need practice to communicate with your tulpa seems perfectly reasonable. But it also implies that the only reason you can't hear your tulpa is because you're doing something wrong, not because you simply need to work more and give her more time to develop sentience. This kind of thinking has turned too many forcing sessions into "fuck, I didn't pull it off this time either", and it's about time I got rid of it.

Any advice for overcoming the rest of this doubt? And if one of you cheeky cunts say "force more" I'll smack you on the gabber i swear on me mum

Despite my need to air some of my doubts, things aren't going too shabby. I'm just balancing on the border between eagerness and impatience right now. In a couple of months, I'll be traveling abroad for a while, and I don't get to bring friends. The flight plan I'm filing only lists one of me, but I don't plan to be the only one who gets to stay on the aircraft. All those difficulties of going to a new scary place where you don't know anyone will become a lot less painful if you have someone who's always there for you. So the next step in my "masterplan" is to do everything I can to have a healthy and talkative tulpa before then. Conveniently, I don't have a lot of obligations in the meantime, so it's a perfect opportunity to step my game up. I just hope I can do it.

Oh yeah, back to actual progress report things. I've resumed meditation. I'm slowly getting into wonderland based forcing again, it seems I stopped doing this at some point because it required too much concentration, but I realized that's exactly why I should be doing it, things that require a lot of concentration are usually effective. I've made a subtle change to how I approach concentration challenges: If I can't focus entirely, I keep moving forward. Like, sometimes my visualizations don't feel as vivid as the previous day, because the mind is a moody bitch, and I'd get demotivated and stop after not getting to the same level, telling myself my concentration isn't good enough right now. That's stupid, so now I just go with what I have. Sometimes the concentration comes to me later, and even if it doesn't it's a hell of a lot better than waiting for perfect conditions to force.

I have some more faith in my ability to visualize using all senses after a particular experience where exploring an unexpected part of her body lead to an unexpected physical reaction from me. Wait, that sounds way worse than if I just put it straight. I fingered her bellybutton and got a boner, that's all.

Like I occasionally do, I've been going around rereading various guides in case there's still things I've missed previously. This time I found something interesting in Fede's guide, namely what he says about how a realistic personality needs some context outside of its interaction with you. At first this didn't quite click with me, because I never conceived of Melo as someone who would feel the need to withdraw from me, that would be downright contrary to her personality. But the part about treating your tulpa as a doll that you occasionally bring out to play with kinda struck me, because it really does feel like that sometimes. I thought about it for quite a while, whether I should give her some new hobbies or something that I can imagine her engaging in when I'm not there, but I couldn't find anything that fit. I'd have to completely rethink her personality if I wanted to imagine her willingly going off to do something alone. So what can I imagine her doing when I'm not paying attention to her? Hanging around me, hoping I'll pay attention to her. I'm completely satisfied with this conclusion, it gives her personality context and alleviates the feeling that I'm just bringing her out like a doll. It comes with the consequence of feeling bad about not paying enough attention to her, but that's my burden and I will carry it.

jesus christ how did this post get so long
there's probably even more but let's just stop

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Meromero Days
« on: June 25, 2015, 03:37:32 AM »
When striving for something, we sometimes fail a few times. We might have read our self-help books and know that we're supposed to treat failures as stepping stones towards success, but it's not always that easy. Too many failures and not enough success can get to you, unconsciously creating doubt, tearing at your confidence and lowering your expectations. And what does that set you up for? More failure. This goes twofold with tulpaforcing, since your expectations doesn't just affect your motivation, but also your results. The most obvious way to break the cycle is with success, but that won't be anywhere nearby if you're in deep. So where's plan B? This is where my thoughts have turned to autosuggestion, the only method I know of to make yourself believe something you want to believe. I recall Fede's guide has a section of belief implanting, and I've tried some simplified approximation of that method, but I can't help but wonder if there's anything else I could try. Right now I just love the feeling of allowing myself to believe, since for a while I've been feeling that I should hold it back, that I'll just cause her and myself disappointment if I think that things will be different this time. I really want to build the conviction that I could be seeing results any time, instead of mentally preparing for another month of achieving nothing.

For the past week, I've been really absorbed in video games and haven't been able to active force or meditate much at all. But despite that, I actually feel that things are moving forward. I knew that my attention would be scarce for a while, so I thought of a counter-measure. Instead of post-it notes or a string on my finger, which aren't nearly vivid enough to compete with a video game for my attention, I thought of one thing that could still get my attention: Pictures. So I went and got my hands on various pictures of cute animu girls who would remind me of Melo, and put them on a slideshow on another screen. It works great. Noticing it change every minute usually grabs my attention, and the association is instant. If the image stirs any emotions within me (a lot of the pictures are really cute and heartwarming), I direct more focus on Melo to try to associate it with her. If the character has any of her visual traits, I try to internalize it for later visualization. Now I can't help thinking of her all the time, and it feels like I'm constantly strengthening my idea of her by reinforcing associations and possibly creating some new ones. I'm working on figuring out how to do something similar with music, since that could give me a voice to associate with her, but I'm finding it a little harder. Maybe because I can't quite find the artist with the perfect voice (the best one I could find only has like 4-5 songs). Or maybe simply because I listen to music so often that it doesn't grab my attention anymore. In that case, finding some completely fresh music would probably help. I guess I'll do that now.

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Meromero Days
« on: June 12, 2015, 06:57:31 PM »
I'm not Fede (as far as you know) and I can't speak for belief implanting, but that calls to mind something else, which is habit/reward stuff. I only have this article to hand to show you what I mean - it kind of meanders between data collection and habit formation. But yeah, I dunno if you'll have seen some stuff like that before. But worth considering I guess.
I've actually read a whole book about that, called The Power of Habit. That article is like a condensed version of that book.
Oh right, that's the author of the book.

Conscious habit forming could be really useful, but I've found it hard to actually implement that habit cycle in anything. It says you need a cue and reward, but coming up with those are hard. I can't exactly give myself a cookie every time I successfully complete a task.

Id? Do we Freud now?
Freud literally predicted Fede. He must have been on to something.

I have a feeling that it's better to not assume that a part of yourself is not under your own control. You make those choices, not something else, as even your unconscious thoughts are a part of yourself. Just remember to stop and think rationally before continuing so you're not purely following whatever emotional conclusion you have come to.
It's more of a metaphor, I don't mean to imply that these things are out of my control and responsibility. I'm just arguing that sometimes we fuck up, and it's not necessarily because we didn't desire to not fuck up. You should all trust me on this, I'm an authority on fucking up.

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Meromero Days
« on: June 12, 2015, 11:41:34 AM »
Okay, bear with me while I try to figure this out, because your insistence that my failures are caused by apathy, or any synonym of it, has some pretty far reaching implications for me.

I could just conclude that you're telling me to give up because I don't care enough about this. But if you've been reading my posts, it should be pretty clear that my lack of dedication is not exclusive to tulpaforcing, it applies to everything I set out to achieve. Studying, exercising, clearing my backlog, keeping my apartment tidy, sorting my porn folder, and so on. For some of these, it might be true that I don't really want it enough to ever achieve it, the porn folder being an example where I've just rationally concluded "my desire to achieve this is outweighed by my desire to not spend time on it". But for most goals, it's impossible for me to conclude that I don't really want to achieve them. I know that exercising regularly makes me happy, it's proven by science and I've experienced it myself many, many times. I also know that I want to be happy, I don't see how I can not want that. But despite all rational thought saying that I should do it, sometimes I end up not doing it. Because there's a non-rational part of my brain that doesn't understand the concept of long-term happiness, and instead always tries to seek instant gratification, and sometimes this part of my brain somehow ends up calling the shots. I guess I could just call it the id. My id is being a cunt and won't shut up.

Assuming this all makes sense, there's a few different things I could do to resolve the disagreement.
a) Just conclude that what id wants is what I want and let it have its way, giving up on tulpaforcing, cancelling my gym membership, dropping out of college, and spend the rest of my life fapping, drinking beer and eating pizza. And in case this sounds like a good outcome, keep in mind that id is too stupid to figure out how to obtain the money to buy beer and pizza with.
b) Get better control of my id so I can stop it from making decisions for me. This is essentially what I'm already trying to do by stepping up my meditation game.
c) Brainwash id into thinking that it actually wants the same things I do. I was actually thinking about something like this earlier today, isn't this kinda what you aim to do with your belief implanting?

Would any of these satisfy you?

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Meromero Days
« on: June 11, 2015, 12:24:39 PM »
Woah, Fede bringing on the heat.

I'm not apathetic, I'm just worthless at anything that requires consistent effort.

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Meromero Days
« on: June 10, 2015, 06:40:17 AM »
Jesus Christ, it's been over a month? I really need to find a way to deal with exam stress without sacrificing on other important things.

With the little forcing I've done since last time, I'd expect to regress a little, but I actually realized something the other day, a very subtle but notable feeling. I'm not alone. No, there's not a constant feeling of presence yet, and I can easily go a long time without remembering I have company if I'm occupied with something. But when I stop and think about it, it's really hard to convince myself I'm alone. When I talk to myself in my head like I've been doing my whole life, I suddenly feel silly for talking to myself when others are around. This might just be belief made into habit after reaffirming it over a long period of time, but even that is an important step, right?

The past few days I've been taking walks for no reason other than to enjoy the sunlight or the fresh night air, and with no immediate distractions around, it's easy to see it as just spending time with her. It's mostly been a spontaneous thing, but I might make it into a habit, since it's enjoyable and I like sharing enjoyable moments with her.

I've also decided to take meditation more seriously. I've known for a long time that I get distracted by little things so easily that I can hardly even live my life properly. Last month I concluded that I could just accept that and live more capriciously, constantly switching between tasks and doing what interests me most at the time. Which seemed pretty reasonable at the time due to that whole interleaved learning principle. But after thinking more about it, there's something seriously wrong when I can get distracted after 2 minutes while doing something I honestly find fun and rewarding, but I can spend hours being lost in some mindless timesink game that I don't even know why I'm playing. And I think meditation is the key to solving this paradox, for reasons that should be obvious enough that I don't need to go into it. With all the potential benefits meditation has for tulpaforcing, I don't think anyone can afford not to do it.

Oh, and I put up post-it notes. All over my apartment. Passive forcing reminders. Not sure how much it helps, since they quickly fade into the background when I start getting used to them, but they certainly can't hurt.

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Meromero Days
« on: May 08, 2015, 05:18:13 AM »
Oh, that makes sense. I might have been approaching this with a too future-oriented mindset.

Generally I enjoy stuff like anime, video games, eroge, and music. Things that I've found it hard to incorporate into tulpaforcing without taking away too much focus from it.

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