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Messages - Alexius Aurelius

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Tulpa Diaries / Re: Adventures in Psyche Schisms
« on: June 16, 2015, 08:54:12 AM »
One presumes those things will take a while; or can sense sharing and such be done from the beginning?

Edit: I suppose something that'd really set my mind at ease is just knowing what I'm even capable of doing with a tupper whose creation process only began half a week ago.

Tulpa Diaries / Re: Adventures in Psyche Schisms
« on: June 16, 2015, 06:56:03 AM »
Noted, I'll cease capitalization of them then.

Primarily what confused me was reading from some sources that it was /imperative/ to spend much time with personality forcing, visualizing, et cetera, while others said, golly, you can just passive force amd narrate forever and it'll work! Also, whether of not parroting/puppeting is helpful. What I've read on it ranges from 'you'll speak over your tulpa that way' to 'do it all the time until it becomes second nature.' I like to think that at least I managed to set good expectations for myself regarding the whole process.

Been doing a bit to talk to her when I can, about whatever, but I get nervous that it doesn't do anything. Should I parrot a response for her, or perhaps just keep what I've been doing- visualizing her and then just talking to her without regards to responses?

Spent yesterday visualizing in my session with her. A short recap of personality traits, then trying to clearly bring her up in my mind's eye. Five minutes of that proved difficult, so I brought the room's image up in my mind's eye and puppeted her around in that, visualized how she'd move, walking around, hopping onto things, laying down....

Spoke with her and parroted responses the whole time, and unexpectedly had a minor argument with her over a little snippy disobedience. I suspect since it's so eaely in the process that it was just my very well-developed ability to imagine characters and what they would think/say in a situation, though, which makes me nervous. Between that and some problems with intrusive thoughts, I don't know if I SHOULD do the parroting thing.

That said, felt productive, ended the session feeling happy and relaxed and pretty attached to the babby tupper.

Edit: What do you mean, a way that would allow her to be active and outgoing? What could I do to ensure that?

Tulpa Diaries / Adventures in Psyche Schisms
« on: June 15, 2015, 09:13:33 PM »
Can't actually recall how I got into the Tulpa thing, but somehow I got to reading about it and it struck a chord with me. Reminded me of some odd experiences I've had, way back in my old RPing days back in high school. I couldn't resist trying my hand at it for a few reasons, though by now I just feel an odd- and pleasant- sense of attachment to this little concept floating in my brain.

There's a stunning amount of- depressingly contradictory- information out there about how this process is supposed to work. Thus far I've done two serious 15 minute sessions of personality forcing regarding my nascent tulpa, and I am going to be trying some visualization instead tonight. Figure that spare amounts of personality forcing here and there ought to keep her core/backbone intact, whilst she grows and develops.

Name: Lunesta (like the sleeping pill)
Sex: F
Personality Traits: Introverted, sensing, feeling, perceiving; hates emnity between friends, can be a closed book, competitive, curious, learns through doing, cheerful, supportive, mercurial, determined, spontaneous, has faith.
Likes: Animals, tyrian purple, produce, jazz music.
Dislikes: Scorpions, orange, pop, overcooked or highly processed food.

I envision and have seeded her with an active, outgoing personality, and thus wonder if making a Wonderland more fun than my plain and stable life might not help her grow and develop. Thoughts or advice would be welcomed.

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