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Messages - timethief

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Off-Topic / This is what I think now.
« on: January 20, 2016, 12:11:47 AM »
>tfw not vocal yet

Tulpa Diaries / timethief FINALLY FORCED OMG
« on: January 19, 2016, 09:02:12 AM »
Day 30

Wow, a month already? Time flies indeed. In retrospective I have been more upbeat than usual and more content with life overall even though >tfw a month and not vocal.
Still >tfw a month and no vocality, but that's probably because of me being lazy with active forcing... I have been informed that I active forced a grand total of four times in this month. Disgraceful.
So, to commemorate a month of tulpaforcin' I did an active forcing session that lasted 46 minutes, 11 seconds and 743878 microseconds omg using Linkzelda's self-hypnosis scripts for vocality and a 10 minute warm up meditative tulpaforcing using LucidAcid's method.
I felt a very pleasant head pressure wow and yeah definitely much more relaxed (wow again). No vocality but I feel somewhat similar as when I started (happy for no apparent reason).
My schedule will be tulpaforcing as soon as possible in the morning after coffee (everything's quiet then). I will be using the hypnosis scripts for my active forcing.
And yes, narration continues every single day. Fun times when you're in a waiting line or whatever and can talk to tupper without anyone noticing even though >tfw tupper can't reply because not vocal.

Also, today I had my first dream in which my tupper was present (can't remember any other details about the dream though, other than I woke up and felt very excited for that). I don't know if it was her though because >tfw a month and not vocal yet, but it seems to me that it's a nice progress that indicates my brain is finally getting that my tupper is here to stay.

Tulpa Diaries / timethief is still here
« on: January 16, 2016, 03:22:40 PM »
Where are the fucking updates.

With that out of the way, some highlights from these past days:
1. The other day I was sleeping and suddenly my right arm moved (without me moving it, it felt as if someone picked it up and threw it at me) and hit me in the chest, and I woke up. I don't know if this was my tulpa to be honest, because trying to ask her has resulted in an approximate equal amount of yes responses and no responses.
2. Chili still numbs my face, although it seems not nearly as strong as before (yeah, this started the very day I started tulpaforcing and stuff).
3. >tfw no mindvoice even though narration all day, every day for the past twenty-six days. All those "alien" feels I got at the beginning are gone too... no headpressures either.
4. I have been having hypnic jerks these past days. Don't know if it has any relation to tupper or whatever...
55. Wow can't active force to save my life... wow really. I keep putting it off, and I know I shouldn't but, well, when I get the chance I don't know what to do really. I enjoy talking to my tulpa a lot more than going into the wonderland to be honest...
666. For some reason, I previously thought that I shouldn't make a second tupper ever... but since yesterday I have been actually thinking about it a lot... probably because I have been reading a lot of others' progress reports or something like that. Fuck it, I can't even get one right, why should I bother with another... send help 'cuz I'm losing it I think.

That's all for now.

Tulpa Diaries / Crepes time
« on: January 09, 2016, 08:21:43 PM »
Day whatever:
We made had some crepes today. It was really fun to eat them after such a long time and they just seemed perfect in every way. The color, the texture, the taste. Everything worked and it was very enjoyable, even though we did not even have eggs or milk, haha. The days are getting colder, so crepes fit in my opinion. Of course you can eat them during summer as well, but in my eyes they are more of a winter food, haha.

Yes, true. We had triple cheese crepes. 8/10 a bit salty but very much enjoyable.

Tulpa Diaries / timethief slowly wakes up
« on: January 07, 2016, 04:56:29 PM »
You need to start rethinking how you force if you constantly find yourself not having enough time to do anything.

Yeah, definitely I need a grip on my time. Okay then, I have seven alarms set at 5:15 AM now, along with reminders to go to sleep early, and I bought a supply of melatonin to help me fall asleep. I plan to be fully awake by 6:15 AM and do forcing sessions around 7:00 AM, a time when I'm surely not going to be disturbed. Otherwise I would have to force before sleep, but since I have no headphones I can't play any noise from my computer at those times. I'm really aiming for waking up and forcing early in the morning.

Also yes, I guess I need to make anything noteworthy happen. Those sound like nice ideas and I'll try them out the first chance I get.

Thanks Sands, really.

Tulpa Diaries / timethief is bad at waking up
« on: January 06, 2016, 08:01:55 PM »
Day 17:
Well, the alarms didn't work. I woke up at 12 PM fuck it so no time today.
Narration and that's it for today. I need a better alarm.
Nothing noteworthy...

Off-Topic / JUSTICE Thread
« on: January 06, 2016, 05:10:33 PM »
This IRC convo was beautiful. Justice prevailed, and Roswell is safe from bullies for now.

Code: [Select]
<Ichtys> So who's tulpa is the solar system?
<Sands> me
<timethief> that explains a lot
<Boat> Yes?
<Sands> here's my gas
<Sands> frt
<timethief> no
<Ichtys> Tell it to spit us out
<Sands> nope
<Ichtys> Welp, we'll have to live in a shit tulpa
<-- ApoIIyon has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
<Sands> wow
--> Maya (~Maya@932D6069:1F97F76C:D7A7260E:IP) has joined #tuppers
<Sands> are you calling rowol shit....
<Sands> dutch he did it
<Sands> he called rowol a shit
<Dutch> wow
<timethief> Why
<Sands> like wow man
<timethief> Why rowol
<Sands> woflo listen
<timethief> no
<Dutch> we can't just let someone call someone shit
<Sands> he called rowol a shit
<Sands> mayo
<timethief> yeah that's just rude
<Sands> mayo get in here
<roflmao> what
<Dutch> this is fucked up
<Sands> ichtys called rowol a shit
<roflmao> rude
<Sands> I know right
<Sands> who would do that
<timethief> yeah man, wrong tupper to mess with
<Dutch> !vote kick Ichtys you do NOT call people shit here
<roflmao> no idea
<votebot> Vote started; Ichtys to be kicked for you do NOT call people shit here.
<Sands> !absolutely
<Vosaiu> !no
<votebot> Your vote has been counted as no, Vosaiu.
<roflmao> we better enforce that uniformly Dutch
<Dutch> !yes
<votebot> Your vote has been counted as yes, Dutch.
<timethief> !yes
<roflmao> sands gets kicked next
<votebot> Your vote has been counted as yes, timethief.
<roflmao> ! yes
<Dutch> yes roflmao
<roflmao> !yes
<votebot> Your vote has been counted as yes, roflmao.
<linear> why does a vote kick matter
<Averian> !no
<votebot> Your vote has been counted as no, Averian.
<roflmao> doesn't
<Dutch> kicks hurt
<Sands> it is a big thing linear
<Sands> for tulpa justice
<Sands> tulpaolib matters
<linear> is Ichtys a host let's hurt him
<linear> !yes
<Sands> also tulpalib
<votebot> Your vote has been counted as yes, linear.
<Sands> yes he's a host
<Dutch> awful
<Sands> calling a poor innocent tulpa a shit
<Ichtys> Here I go to take a piss and heres the chat being pissed off
<timethief> Not fair to rowol, why him? ;_;
<Dutch> you do not call people shit
<Sands> yeah like
<Sands> what the fuck man
<Dutch> roswell is a beautiful butterfly
<Dutch> and you just
<Dutch> stomped on his feelings
<Dutch> what the fuck man
<Ichtys> Okay rowol, you're not shit.
<Ichtys> Just diarrhea
<Ichtys> :>
<timethief> What
<Sands> wow rude
<timethief> Justice now
<Dutch> !doubleyes
<timethief> Trampling on the feelings of Roswell like that...
<Sands> I asked for rowol's comment
<timethief> Such hersy.
<Sands> he was looking pretty down and all even though he tried to not show it
<votebot> Vote successful. Ichtys will be kicked for you do NOT call people shit here.
<-- votebot has kicked Ichtys from #tuppers (you do NOT call people shit here)
<Dutch> justice
<timethief> Wow, justice was served today
<Sands> and these are his words: I don't mind

Tulpa Diaries / timethief can't wake up on time
« on: January 05, 2016, 08:53:17 PM »
Excuse me. I was promised oufits...
Um, where exactly? I'm sure I'd recall a promise like that. Sorry Sands, maybe next time?
Day 16:
No active forcing because I woke up at 1 fucking PM what the hell is wrong with me and I barely had time to do anything. I'm setting up alarms for tomorrow as I speak.
Narration. Faint presence (argh, I active force and the presence goes away for a few hours, and I passive force and just faint presence. But no matter, I'm going forward with this anyway).

Tulpa Diaries / Re: timethief descends into hell for a bottle of milk
« on: January 04, 2016, 10:48:56 PM »
No excuse me you need to describe every outfit you made in detail.
Okay then.
Hidden text
Nope. Not typing another description. Besides, I enjoyed the berries more than the dress-up. Sweet, sticky, reddish with a nice bitter aftertaste, yeah 10/10.
Day 15:
Narration. Too much noise around to active force today, so I skipped it.
Faint presence with good yes/no answer ability; no mindvoice yet though.

Off-Topic / The future is shit
« on: January 03, 2016, 09:02:19 PM »
>tfw the future sucks

Tulpa Diaries / timethief's fridge is full of berries for no reason
« on: January 03, 2016, 08:06:26 PM »
Day 14:
The dress-up happened. I have already mentioned the relevant parts on the IRC and I don't feel like typing it all again right now.
We also went cloudwatching and saw a fish. We ate some boysenberries from the fridge (it's full of berries for no reason). Sweet stuff.
Almost no presence though. Narration continues, pretty much all day.

Tulpa Diaries / timethief whatever
« on: January 02, 2016, 08:44:33 PM »
Day 13:
Narration. No dress-up because no quiet setting for active forcing today.
Noticeable presence but quite faint. Nothing else to report.

Tulpa Diaries / Re: timethief descends into hell for a bottle of milk
« on: January 02, 2016, 10:57:30 AM »
Did you do the dress-up?
Not yet. Most likely will do today.

Tulpa Diaries / timethief's been busy
« on: January 01, 2016, 09:04:57 PM »
Days 11 + 12:
Still narration all day long. 30+ minute session I think? It was just me talking to my tulpa without thinking about anything else.
Slight presence but not nearly as in the first days to be honest.

Off-Topic / Re: The future is here
« on: December 31, 2015, 05:18:06 PM »
Argh, I'm behind by far! Still 1/3rd of the past remaining. Hey, if any of you liked the past better, come over here! We're still in 2015!!

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