Let's get this party started.
So, hosts and age. Tulpas are being made by some very young people these days and I feel like this is an interesting enough topic to talk about, so why not? Tell us, what do you think about young hosts or old hosts or do you maybe think there's some minimum age of tupperforcing?
My opinions, let me tell about them. We do put our ages into numbers, but in the end, it doesn't mean too much. You can run into someone who is 30 and is an annoying, immature little brat, and then you can run into someone who is 12 and is a super smart kid you want to hang around, because they just have this aura of maturity their peers don't have. When it comes to tuppers, I don't think age means anything.
On one hand, young people are most likely going to be immature. They don't quite understand how much time and effort this takes, or what exactly their responsibilities will be. A tulpa will be with you you entire life, as far as we know. A young person might make a tulpa for a stupid reason and grow bored of them, which is a terrible fate for anyone. They might not understand that they and the world will change and as such, what they thought was a good idea might not be a good idea in the future. One should always think about the future of them and their tulpa, which many young people living in the now don't even consider. Their teenage years especially will be very difficult and full of change, which is when a lot of problems might arise for young hosts.
And at the same time, a young adult might do the same or have their own stupid reasons to have tulpas. As a person grows older and starts getting more and more independent, their life changes. The school gets harder and now they have to worry about money and getting a job, having less and less time to spend with their tulpa. Stress creeps in and maybe they decide they wish to concentrate on themselves instead of some imaginary being in their head.
But a young child with a tulpa might also be a wonderful sight. The tulpa would be a special friend, the person closest to the kid. The one you can tell secrets to without having to fear they will tell those to others. They can help a child in a way the child understands, because the tulpa itself would be very young as well and able to put themselves in the kid's shoes. As they grow, a tulpa could easily help them over many shitty situations assuming the host is a smart and responsible kid and their relationship healthy. Same goes for the older ones, a tulpa could easily help with all the stress if you can look at the situation in the right way. A host and tupper relationship is something special when done right. You just learn something about yourself as you make a tulpa and you get everything you pour in and more back.
It's not for everyone, though. TL;DR: Immature hosts won't get far, while mature ones definitely will. That's what my short answer to this is. It's not about the age, it's about one's maturity and ability to deal with problems and responsibilities. It's almost like getting a pet. Some kids do it wonderfully, others leave their pets to starve. Adults are the same.