Well, I'd say faith isn't the way to go about this seeing how I wrote that entire big thing about the dangers of blind belief and how absence of disbelief is a useful mindset when approaching this... So yeah, your disbelief can cause problems. But the other option isn't to blindly believe when you don't. That would hurt you even more in the end, I'd say.
I guess I shouldn't say my thoughts about starting new tuppers now in case this will actually motivate you and change your mindset into something better. You don't want to start using "starting over" as an excuse every time you feel things aren't going well and then making a new tupper because you got lazy with the last one, though. The last guy who did that never really got anywhere, you know.
You can upload pictures to forums without using the attachments by uploading it first to an image host, such as imgur and whatever. Then you get the direct link to the image, which I believe imgur removed from the side links and that's silly, but you can still get it of course. The image direct links, so you can just right click it and save the address or something. After that you use the img tags with the direct link, though don't post pictures that are too big as they are going to break the board. If your picture is too big then you could just use the direct link with url tags too. I guess there's fancy ways of doing thumbnails and everything too, but eh. Those two are good enough, I'd say.