I don't mix in a live environment, as in at shows, if that's what you meant. I do track guitar though, and have to be able to tweak and shit on the fly, which takes up some processing power. My brother's running a higher-end amd chip, about twice as good as the one I've got, and running one instance of Bias Fx, which is the guitar plugin we use when we don't have any amps or whatever around, takes up about 35% of his processor's attention. That's just being active, not even being used. Switching off between multiple instances though, thankfully doesn't increase that number. Just starts getting messy once you're running Bias, then Superior Drummer, then a couple misc instruments, and then a suite of effects. My processor would most-definitely not be able to do everything I genuinely need it for. If I solely fucked around with synth vst's and samples, yeah, I'd be more than fine. Can't really freeze and flatten a live-audio track though.
I think the excuses are moostly justified in-regards to tracking. I wasn't thinking about guitar and shit when I wrote that, for some reason. In-regards to electronic and stuff though? Eh, I don't know. You'd probably be better than I am, if you actually mess with it much. I'll open up something every few weeks and fiddle around, but I don't really have sound-design down. I get it just a bit more than I used to, and I continually get it more and more, but it's not really enough to do much with. And I refuse to venture forth blindly and make anything just for the heck of it, not understanding what I'm doing. Maybe it works for some people, but I've been graced with knowing.. I don't know, four people to do literally that, and be awful, embarrassing themselves. God, this one guy I know has his Fl-template set to open with the generic 4/4 kick/clap on the step-sequencer, and bases literally everything he does around that, and it makes me cringe. He's the same guy that's always getting onto me for not putting myself out there, "Oh, you've gotta put it up even if it sucks so you can get feedback!"
And yet he sure as fuck doesn't get any attention any time he posts something. Not sure why I'd do it then, opposed to just asking somebody I know. Rambling, but yeah, Just not the kinda person to go for it. I need to get myself a midi keyboard or something just so I can have a more physical outlet for learning shit. Theory, as well as sound-design. Just, a very hands-on person. Shit's expensive, though.
In regards to the working out, I wouldn't say there are many parallels between it, and my tuppering. I stopped working out initially because, despite it becoming easier for a little while, eventually it just stopped, becoming much more difficult than it should have been, bordering painful. I'm not sure why, but it was pretty awful. I've been at it for longer than I was that first time now, though, and it doesn't seem to be quite as bad, though I do need to look into more efficient ways of improving myself. Dieting is the obvious first way yeah, but it's not really so easy. Despite my attempts at convincing the powers that be, and it's definitely been discussed before, in this very thread, healthier, more balanced food will not be entering this house any time soon. Bad food is cheaper, and easier to cook, so that's majorly what we get. Any time something healthy does come under our roof though, I'll try and eat it, yeah.
I think the major issue right now, as well as just, unbalanced diet, is not quite eating enough? I have a couple meals a day, usually, and they border on meh to kind of maybe healthy-ish. Don't reeeaally have enough to just, eat when I'm hungry, or even just eat three, full (And by full, I mean fitting in all of the necessary food-groups and portions) meals a day. When I'm getting stomach pains because I need to eat, it's usually just something cheap and easy, like ramen. Which I loathe.
Still, yeah, whatever. Still exercising, don't see myself stopping any time soon. I fucking re-fuse to become overweight, or even remotely fat, so that's where it is. Hell, at 165, 6 feet, I already feel fat enough.
I've got pretty bad experience with mental stimulants, especially caffeine. I think I might be allergic to it, or at the very least sensitive to anything above low-doses. I've taken caffeine pills in the past, and it makes my skin so sensitive that light touches hurt, so that's no good. Even energy drinks in general will cause mild irritation. Soda and tea don't seem to do anything to me though, so it must just be past a certain point, that is does it. I don't drink coffee much, but it gives me a similar effect when I do. And also it makes me sleep. Caffeine in any form makes me drowsy, but it's ironic that coffee and energy-drinks would put me to sleep, I think.
Fuck Melatonin, too, just in general. Never am I so groggy upon waking up as I am after taking Melatonin.
The lack of anxiety and intrusive sounds nice, though. If you could take half a pill or something, and still get that effect, that would be nice. I always used to feel like I had a lot of intrusive thoughts, but after examining my thought process in recent times, I've found that It's fairly clear. Like, something maybe going on in the background that I'm not paying any attention to at most. Usually though, I'll just be staring at something, and it's a pretty direct feed, and focusing is easy as all-get. My problems probably stem from somewhere else, or something. Not sure where.